View Full Version : Lighten bolts for angels?

12-11-2001, 07:52 PM
I know the Angel bolts are pretty light already, being made of mostly delrin, but if I took off the excess material off the bolts, keeping the original seals between the bolt and body, do you think it would reduce my recoil, as it does in the e-mag?

I realize I'm not gonna have any mag superbolt type difference in felt recoil, since it's already so light, but hey whatever helps- helps, right?

Any problems you can think of arising from this? Any comments, suggestions, etc,.? I'm a bored college student on vacation, so yeah.. I have time to screw with this kinda stuff.

12-11-2001, 07:58 PM
that recoil is from the hammer inside the gun not the bolt...

12-11-2001, 09:01 PM
yes, that's pretty true.. so does anyone know why WDP or some aftermarket company hasn't come out with a lighter hammer?
they have the stock brass one, and the stainless steel one, i know, which supposedly cuts down on brass shavings.. so does the stainless steel one actually increase recoil since it's probably heavier?

12-11-2001, 09:22 PM
just gotta see which one weighs more. Or is more dense.

The answer is in the density of the 2 metals... see which one is more dense.

12-11-2001, 09:59 PM
hm, i'm pretty sure stainless is heavier than brass, but i have another question now.

does the rear face on angel bolts have to be flat? cause there is a lot of material on the rear of the bolt i can take off, though i'm not sure if it will negatively affect the functioning of the marker. As far as I can tell, it won't cause any problems.. anyone know?

12-11-2001, 10:49 PM
if it aint broke dont fix it.

I doubt it would do much other than voiding any existing warantee you might have on it.

Brain Donor
12-12-2001, 12:49 PM
I know they make Titanium Hammers for Angels. Thing is, there's a reason those hammers are so heavy - momentum.

Heavier hammers (hopefully my reasoning is close to correct) will have more monentum where they are being used. Heavier hammer, lighter springs, lower pressures.

If it was a light hammer, the spring would have to be heavier & the pressure higher to give it the same momentum.

The hammer on my Free Flow A/C is relatively heavy. The spring - light (hammer & valve springs) Running 300 psi into the gun, cycling @ about 35psi. Angels, stock, I believe cycle around 70 psi, roughly the same w/ "stock" cockers with the stock sledgehammer reg.

As stated, if it ain't broke, don't fix it :)

Stick with the Brass or SS hammers for the Angel. Compared to some 'guns, there's next to nothing for recoil (one reason why I bought my Angel SE)

Center Feed E-Mag
Free Flow Autococker
Angel SE
and 5 other guns ...

12-12-2001, 01:02 PM
Impulse momentum therory:

Pulse = Momentum= Mass x Velocity...

what does that mean...

2 times 3 equals 3 times 2.

energy does not get lost in the process...

less mass just means the titanium hammer will move faster than the steel or brass one. Striking the valve with the same force.

In this case approximately 2 times faster because titanium is half as dense as steel.

Food for thought... why does a 53 grain NATO spec 5.53mm (.223 caliber) have more power than a .45 caliber 230 grain bullet?