View Full Version : Virtue Banned from PBN!

01-04-2006, 07:26 AM

I'm glad to see PBN chose integrity over money. There's still some kind of good in the paintball community.

01-04-2006, 07:51 AM
I think tihis was brought up back in August, but yeah, it was good to see.

01-04-2006, 08:16 AM
lol, I been there since 2001 and I've never heard of him :clap: What did he make/sell?

01-04-2006, 08:17 AM
I like PBNation.. i dont like some of the people on it.

01-04-2006, 11:15 AM
I think tihis was brought up back in August, but yeah, it was good to see.

Old news as previously stated.

Vitutue makes knock off (Tadao/TAG) cheater boards. Marketed as such well before the ramping modes were allowed. So now its just an enhanced tournament board.

Anyways they we conducting illegal corporate SPAM on message boards with fake usernames bashing other products and praising Virtue. They were also paying for banner advertisements on PbN, PbN decided to do the 'right thing' and pull the ads (lose the $$$) and ban Virtue and its fake accounts.

01-04-2006, 11:59 AM
this is really really old news, and it was stickied on the top of every forum for like a month as well.

01-04-2006, 12:07 PM
this is really really old news, and it was stickied on the top of every forum for like a month as well.
Yeah very old. I always knew virtue was a big scam/rip off..

01-04-2006, 02:39 PM
I always knew virtue was a big scam/rip off..

your kidding right? When advantage first made its stuff (the boards which only purpose was cheating) i wasnt a big fan, but, its not a scam or ripoff at all if thats what you wanted.

And the virtue boards they are putting out now are great, have all the firing modes you need, and work super. Id say they work as well as tadao, but with more firing modes to mess with if you feel the urge.

I do play for an advantagepb sponsored team but, ive been using tadao for a good while (no virtue for vikings yet), but, now getting virtue in our new angels, and, ive got no problem with that, the virtue boards are good products, otherwise i just wouldnt use them.

01-04-2006, 03:07 PM
advantage is just a crappy company, and i would never shoot their products, especually after they tried to dupe the nation.

Also, why would any one trust a company who charged users over 200 dollars for a 35 dollar cheater chip?

01-04-2006, 03:14 PM
Why would anyone trust a company who made products whose purpose was to cheat - considering they hid modes of fire and had modes meant to help you cheat and not get caught. And you trust this company based on there practiced ethics?

01-04-2006, 03:48 PM
lol, I been there since 2001 and I've never heard of him :clap: What did he make/sell?
Advantage PB, makers of the Virtue boards.

01-04-2006, 04:01 PM
Advantage PB, makers of the Virtue boards.
Didnt they have ads on pbn too? :confused:

01-04-2006, 05:37 PM
Didnt they have ads on pbn too? :confused:
Yes, they sponsored PBN, they put PBN in thier magazine ads. Allegedly, the Advatage PB people lied about thier products or some such, so PBN banned them. There was a small group of employees and testers, most got banned. I don't know the details and such, just an overview.

01-04-2006, 05:40 PM
for the full overview, go to pbn, type in virtue, and let the filter get it. it will leave you with a link explaining everything. Baisically Manike found it odd that 20+ users were comming from the same IP talking about how great their virtue was, bashing other products, and never once mentioning that they were employees of adv, pb. this is illegal, false advertising.

01-04-2006, 06:48 PM
LOL.....dude made chips that people were willing to pay for. He filled a niche in the market. He did this to make money, not an example in ethics.

01-04-2006, 06:54 PM
LOL.....dude made chips that people were willing to pay for. He filled a niche in the market. He did this to make money, not an example in ethics.
Yeah, but his methods are what's in question. False advertising is still false advertising no matter if the end product is wanted or not.

01-04-2006, 06:57 PM
your kidding right? When advantage first made its stuff (the boards which only purpose was cheating) i wasnt a big fan, but, its not a scam or ripoff at all if thats what you wanted.

And the virtue boards they are putting out now are great, have all the firing modes you need, and work super. Id say they work as well as tadao, but with more firing modes to mess with if you feel the urge.

I do play for an advantagepb sponsored team but, ive been using tadao for a good while (no virtue for vikings yet), but, now getting virtue in our new angels, and, ive got no problem with that, the virtue boards are good products, otherwise i just wouldnt use them.

You obviosly did not read what happened. They got banned for having multiple accounts and creating "fake feedback" with them. It was a scam! They are cheats! :) Get your info right before hand.

01-04-2006, 06:59 PM
I was really replying more in response to this
Why would anyone trust a company who made products whose purpose was to cheat - considering they hid modes of fire and had modes meant to help you cheat and not get caught. And you trust this company based on there practiced ethics? than to the thread in general. I should have done so before.

His breaking the rules of the board he spammed resulted in the logical response. I have no problem with that.

01-05-2006, 09:32 AM
It wasn't just the false feedback, the same person under 5-6 different names would have a conversation with himself and make up problems with competing products and create a whole thread on how bad a competing product was. They particualarly targeted TAG (Predator boards) and Tadao, both of whome I know personally and regard as good people.

They didn't just lie and fake feedback so people though their products were better than they were, they also went out of their way to attack other companies and make their products out to be bad.

That's nasty, underhand, and illegal. Not to mention most of their boards and functionality are copies of what Predator and Tadao are doing.

The thing is, it should have been over ages ago. But they are STILL even until last week taking actions to try and get their products back onto PBN and around the filter even after we told them they are not welcome, and to create false accounts to hype them.

That is why even the word Virtue is currently in the filter and anyone attempting to get around it or talk about their products is not welcome, and gets a temp ban or worse.

You simply can't trust any of the new accounts that post about Virtue and Advantage PB products. which is a shame.

01-05-2006, 01:07 PM
You know, to be honest... I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.

/hell, I thought of it as a marketing idea

01-05-2006, 01:11 PM
I was really replying more in response to this than to the thread in general. I should have done so before.

His breaking the rules of the board he spammed resulted in the logical response. I have no problem with that.

I'm not necessarily saying the two are related. However, anyone who makes a product whose purpose is to cheat (and there is a difference when your product has ways intended to hide its function from the world) can't be considered exactly a stand up person to begin with can they?

Its like hiring a thief to steal something for you and then being surprised when they had a fake id....

01-05-2006, 10:24 PM
I'm not necessarily saying the two are related. However, anyone who makes a product whose purpose is to cheat (and there is a difference when your product has ways intended to hide its function from the world) can't be considered exactly a stand up person to begin with can they?

Its like hiring a thief to steal something for you and then being surprised when they had a fake id....

Well in retrospect, given what we know now its easy to say that.

However to assume that anyone with the buisiness savy to produce a (desired) product thats intention is to cheat is of a questionable character is in my opinion kinda going out on a limb. Are all manufacturers and users of radar detectors sketchy people?

01-06-2006, 07:07 AM
However to assume that anyone with the buisiness savy to produce a (desired) product thats intention is to cheat is of a questionable character is in my opinion kinda going out on a limb. Are all manufacturers and users of radar detectors sketchy people?

The people who originally came up with the idea, and the original designers were. Now its a built up industry and I think there is a difference. Like it or not, morally there is, at least to me, a difference in being first.