View Full Version : What is your Team name?

12-11-2001, 08:55 PM
Well, as of now, our team name is 'Broken Paint'.

My call sign is 'Knecht Ruprecht' Manuel FZR knows why...;)

Ni cD
12-11-2001, 09:34 PM
Mission Bravo

12-11-2001, 09:41 PM
We have two,Team Tuckered(4 has the last name of tucker), and Last Place(for fun)!

12-11-2001, 10:12 PM
We created a team name 15 years ago while in High School, but never played tournaments. It was called the Unknown Assassins!!! We still play and I still wear the patch.

I still remember the first team I met, and who talked me into buying a nelspot. It was the Ace of Spades, they use to play at a field called Wolfslair.

12-11-2001, 11:19 PM
My team name is.. Team "soon to be", well no i dont have a team YET, because i dont play at a local field, i play CHURCH PAINTBALL for dirt cheap but hey, i save money, but i have to listen to him talk god at lunch and it bores the poo out of me...i plan on playing at an actual local field once i get a job..

12-11-2001, 11:22 PM
team Eat My paintBalls, with one first place local tourny under our belts were ready for the nppl :)

12-12-2001, 12:42 AM

whoo hoo

akaender and vtec are also on my team, actually akaender is our fearless leader:rolleyes:

let hope we can lay the smack down in our first tourny this year, Jan 12.
wish us luck:D

i would also like to say that i own both vtech and akaender

12-12-2001, 12:47 AM
Bonus Ball Bonanza.

No... not really. :)

12-12-2001, 12:31 PM
Me and my friends came up with Dirty Boyz. We've only played in one tourney and came in fith over all. Not to bad for only getting one practice in as a team.

12-12-2001, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Arman/XPM
My call sign is 'Knecht Ruprecht' Manuel FZR knows why...;)

*lol* ... good call sign ... :D are you a coverman?

our teamname ... see sig ;)

12-12-2001, 04:38 PM
well i dont have a team yet but we plan on playing in some tournies this spring. i though that Team Aftermath sounded cool. anyone thing it sounds too much like team aftershock?

12-12-2001, 05:28 PM
Houghton Snow-Cowboys


12-12-2001, 07:03 PM
Team Oblivion

12-12-2001, 07:08 PM
Team Ultima

12-12-2001, 07:34 PM
I am the all around guy...:)

I just happen to whip the other teams A$$!:D

12-18-2001, 12:29 PM
Team LoveMuscle

12-18-2001, 07:49 PM
Team Frostburn

12-18-2001, 08:45 PM
MissionBravo, like the Matchbox toys :D:D!


12-18-2001, 09:01 PM
My team name is Lockout. Maybe you have heard of us? I also play for Dynasty and AfterShock. J/K :)

I don't actually have a team yet but we are trying to get one together. Some of the name I would like to try are : Little Boys, Suicidal Kittens, Crap!, Dogs Love Trucks, or some funny name like that. We are gonna try to avoid the clishe (is that how you spell it?) tough names like "The Ultra Bad Death Killers or something dumb like that. Anyone know of some tourneys we can hit in Utah or the 4 corners area? That will be our biggest challenge: find tourneys to play.

12-18-2001, 09:20 PM

St. Louis Missouri

12-18-2001, 10:21 PM
Team Turmoil

12-19-2001, 03:57 AM
LOL, I'm so proud, my old powerfeed body has been put into your sig beachboy016 lol :D. ITS SIG WORTHY!


Temo Vryce
12-20-2001, 08:14 AM
Thunder Chickens, But I'm managing the Rabid Butterflies this year. They are going to Skyball but I'm not sure if I'm going to be there or not.

12-20-2001, 07:39 PM

12-20-2001, 09:14 PM
Well, this is what ours used to be, i dunno if it is anymore cause it seems like everyone is sellin their stuff to pay for college so i don't even know if we're still a "team" anymore as such(even though we still play every now and then, or get together for the odd tourny). But it was I.R.A - Insane Retarded A-holes. :D Fits us "llllike a glove", well except for that last part, we're perfect gentlemen ;)

12-20-2001, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Temo Vryce
Thunder Chickens, But I'm managing the Rabid Butterflies this year. They are going to Skyball but I'm not sure if I'm going to be there or not.

Rabid Butterflies...I like that name.

12-20-2001, 11:50 PM
Ours is Paper Cut.

12-21-2001, 09:46 AM
Team Triple Threat

12-21-2001, 01:03 PM
Team Know Skillz. Gotta love that wordplay.

12-21-2001, 01:13 PM
We are still debating... Team Nutz, or Team Paintstorm.

I like Nutz ;), and I'm the captain, so I should get like 5 votes, right?

12-21-2001, 10:41 PM
We came up with our name after watching the movie"SPAWN" We are "Team Violators":p Scarry?

12-21-2001, 11:11 PM

12-22-2001, 12:55 AM
Team AO Nightmare along with: TheTramp, magsrule3, 2000Sabre, and Flip540.

12-22-2001, 07:18 AM
TEAM OBLIVION yes Ariestsheft is on our team.

12-22-2001, 09:29 AM
Hello all,
After some disagreements on our ******ish* team name, we decided to change it.
Behold - Team Confused! -

Check out our jerseys(not finished)

12-22-2001, 09:30 AM
Check me out. ;)

12-22-2001, 11:40 AM
The Old People Alliance
Too bad, we're all under 20. :P

12-22-2001, 07:48 PM
Back Yard Militia (BYM), we have a kick *** webpage, but I haven't put it up becuase the team is still forming. But the best name I've heard was the Jedi Peguins from Planet Alcohol.

12-22-2001, 11:49 PM
I am part of TEAM STILT , and its just me and my friends... nothing particularly big. we have yet to practice, but we are all pretty good, i single-handedly took on a 5-man team that was a walkon at the field...the game ended with that team, because it started out as 8...i took out 3 and defended my flag...that was one of my high points because i am a walkon, and i hardly get to play...maybe once every 2-3 months. I NEED A JOB. i got 2 friends with autocockers, and me with my mag... Damn Elves.

does anybody know where i can get a 5-pack of elves?

12-23-2001, 12:52 AM
we might change to the MAGitts, considering we mainly shoot mags

12-23-2001, 02:04 AM
why MAGGitts and not MAGGotts?

12-23-2001, 02:58 AM
itts sounds cooler :rolleyes:

12-23-2001, 07:42 PM
Team "Dysfunction"

12-23-2001, 11:27 PM
Kentucky Magic

12-24-2001, 04:59 PM
I am the proud filler (middle, if a tape gets taken out i fill their spot, otherwise designated flagrunner) man of "Tantrum"

04-02-2002, 08:14 PM
My choices were as captain rough riders,Kingpen,and the Ironfish.We chose Rough Riders.:)

04-02-2002, 08:20 PM
im the self-appointed captain of the tentatively titled "Team Berserker"

04-02-2002, 08:24 PM
Twisted Chromies.... :D but i havent playe with them since may last year and thay havent played bnuy onece since then lol

04-02-2002, 10:01 PM
Wow, Old thread, but anyways my team name is Bunker Blitz, check the sig for the site...

04-03-2002, 04:35 AM
back in 97 our firs team was
Youngblood (three man team)

we played knocksville national indoors in 98 as
Team Internet Project

Then we formed in 99
Butterscotch YO

When we play down a level and plan on chewin on newbies its
Nikki's Stitching Club

this year were playin for tommy as
AGD factory team

And i also play on the Michigan Tech Club team

04-03-2002, 06:24 AM
I've played on quite a few teams... :D

Starting from the beginning (nearly 11 years ago!).

SGP (Survival Game Predators - best patch ever!)

Mayhem Tigers (You may have heard of them?)

Fake I.D. (many of the same guys from SGP)

Vortex. (a split and reform of Fake ID)

I have also guested for a lot of teams including but not limited to... Pepe All Stars, Campaign Power, Bouja, Escaramouche, Diablo All Stars, The Fallen Angels, Team Pigchat and the Warpig Factory Team :)


04-03-2002, 06:52 PM
Im proud to be the captian of team theory. We are nothing specail, we play local tournements and have lots of fun.

04-03-2002, 07:58 PM
Oh no is this new, man I thought he left. If this new hopefully he will leave again soon.

04-03-2002, 08:03 PM
I'm on team Backdraft

Just look in my sig... there are other members that are on team backdraft as well, -son-, XspyX, and Boltsmack

04-04-2002, 12:41 AM
My team name is Chaos Theory

go Air America!!!!

04-04-2002, 08:43 PM
Team Hip Hop Assassins. Why you ask? I have no clue.

04-04-2002, 11:42 PM
my team name is inferno

04-06-2002, 01:14 PM
Me and my friends are making a team, we are gonna call it Freek Show.

04-06-2002, 03:12 PM

04-06-2002, 03:31 PM
well my team was the Wounded ducks made that up after listening to kid rock while attacking castle aaaaargh the when i moved we were the Criminal Intent for about ten minutes then cape cod avalanche for a week or two just long enough to get a nelson sponsorship btu were kinda defunct and looking for a new name my favorite was always NOTATEAM and Inebrieated Haze

04-06-2002, 09:55 PM
we're thinking of renaming our team "Night Stalkers" (after the nickname i gave my friend/teammate after sneaking up on people at monuments in DC on a school trip). which one do you think is better? Team Berserker, or NIght Stalkers? maybe i should start a poll in a new thread

04-18-2002, 12:30 AM
The fuzzy bunnies

04-18-2002, 10:44 PM
The Suits Of Connecticut. Got our first 3man coming up in May, another team of friends just trying to have fun on an airball field!

04-18-2002, 11:14 PM
Disco Llamas...best name ever

04-19-2002, 07:06 AM
Team Stormfront...

www.teamstormfront.com (we had the site up with most of the features but took it down until it's completely finished)

04-19-2002, 03:29 PM
Team Tremor.

04-21-2002, 10:49 AM
Internal Contamination

04-21-2002, 04:46 PM
ours is "the fiend club"


04-21-2002, 05:23 PM

We're all on AO

04-22-2002, 03:15 PM
Im Forming a new team name, The Chilly willies....