View Full Version : Is this like, ungrateful?

01-05-2006, 08:10 PM
Ok, well my father bought me a Viewloader Triad kit from walmart for $80. Now, I did go out and play with it, and i did shoot it in my basement (with my father's permission, he put tarps on the wall), and, i dont really, like it. Like, the tank unscrews itself a little bit, and its not the tank, i tried it on my friends E99 Avant and it was fine (it didnt happen) also,i understand C02 contributed to this, but it was freezing up more than any other gun on the field, also, i tried my tank on my friends E99, and it shot (my triad wouldnt) anyway, i would like to replace it with a mag at my next birthday in june of this year, I am earning the money for the mag by myself. Do you think its ungrateful

01-05-2006, 08:13 PM
not really ungreatful.

just explain to him that you have changed your stule of play... you would like to get this mag. just dont use the statement "this isint good enough"

if its the gun im talking about you can do some triggerwork and speed it up...

01-05-2006, 08:23 PM
I wouldn't recommend moving to mags. You will need HPA, and you prob want an electronic marker.

My recomendation is a PMI Piranha with eyes and a decent trigger.

01-05-2006, 08:38 PM
meh, i really LOVE MAgs..and, 190 for a new proclassic isnt bad

01-05-2006, 09:07 PM
190 + 50 (decent barrel) + 120 (decent HPA) = $360

01-05-2006, 09:10 PM
yes, but if you buy used it will be about 125-150 for about the same gun as a proclassic, plus 70-150 depending on what size tank you want, plus 50ish for a new barrel. not to bad.

Although if you want an electro i would go with the piranha EVO

01-05-2006, 09:11 PM
im not allowed to buy used; sorry

Cow hunter
01-05-2006, 09:19 PM
3 great places to get mags at good prices

01-05-2006, 09:26 PM
im not allowed to buy used; sorry
is it that fact that you can't busy used because they are just that, used?
Or is it the risk of being scammed?
If it is the first, I would advice you do your research, You should realize, especially cuz you LOVE mags, that mags are just as good used as they are new. A simple oring kit and some oil will change that used 5 year old mag into a gun just from the factory. You will be saving a bundle of cash because the resale market is saturated now and mags are not the flavor of the month. I would strongley advice you do your research and explain to your parents buying used is the wise thing to do as far as getting the best bang for your buck.

If the second reason, try using 3rd party services, they may cost a bit more, but they do ensure you will get what you paid for and not be scammed.

01-05-2006, 10:08 PM
Yes, the paintball market is the same as the automotive scene. Buying used is quite wise right now, but you have to be careful and intelligent about your purchase. There are a lot good deals to be had if you do your research.

If you want to move up to a proclassic mag, you won't need HPA. However, if you are going to use co2, you will at least need to have an anti-siphon line installed into your tank and also use an x-chamber. Here's what you might want to look into purchasing:

ProClassic Mag = $225
ACI 6 Stage X-Chamber = $25
Anti-Siphon Line (installed by your local pro shop, not yourself) = $15
Total = $265

That should be just fine for recballing.

11 Bravo
01-05-2006, 10:39 PM
I wouldn't recommend moving to mags. You will need HPA, and you prob want an electronic marker.

My recomendation is a PMI Piranha with eyes and a decent trigger.

My Piranha wouldnt work with co2 the box said it would but the gun said no.
Classic valves use co2.

01-06-2006, 02:15 AM
Put a sideline stab on a classic, and let him run co2.

Cheaper than HPA.

---- OR ----

If his feild offers all day air (like most around here do...)
Just get a 47/3k steelie for like 70 bucks (and refil every 400 shots :p )

01-06-2006, 04:00 AM
Never tell your parents that what they got you "isn't good enough". Try to explain the problems you are having and if he decides to let you have another marker tell him that he got you "hooked" in the sport and you would like a marker that has proven to be reliable(insert the idea of buying a mag in here). If you do get another marker, play with the Triad every now and then. I still have mine(I admit I've been playing less than a year) and I take it out when friends need a marker or if I feel like a challenge. Remember the Stock Class rule #1: Being outgunned doesn't mean you have to be outplayed.

You said something about the CO2 tank coming unscrewed, you could get the old style spyder offset ASA's. I think they work. Also you said it froze up, Does that mean the gun stopped working. If so then put a little oil in the ASA to see if the orings needed lube.

The Action Figure
01-06-2006, 07:30 AM
my evo works amazingly on co2

01-06-2006, 08:15 AM
Just buy an HPA tank if you can, if you are going to get serious about the sport you are going to need one at some point anyway. I would not recommend moving into mags cause they require a lot of tuning if something ever goes wrong or if you ever buy a new part for it. They are also pretty expensive... valves are 200+, frames are 120ish and so on. I would just get a cheaper electro and an HPA tank, which may cost you more in the long run but you will have your HPA for if you get a more expensive gun in the future. Also, HPA wont freeze up on you.

01-06-2006, 08:23 AM
yes I think he would see that as ungrateful

stick it out for a couple months, and then upgrade

any of the above mentioned markers are fine, does your dad play?

get a second gun so your dad can play with you, then when he has used the triad a couple times he'll be ready to buy better guns without a hitch.

01-06-2006, 12:41 PM
my evo works amazingly on co2

Yes, just as well as on HPA. No difference. :rolleyes:

The Action Figure
01-06-2006, 01:42 PM
not as well, but still pretty good :)

01-06-2006, 03:46 PM
my dad has played (circa 1996) he said hes shot automags, and, in June, thats 6 months, and my birthday is in june, and i didnt say it wasnt good enough, i said "i would rather have something else" and he said it was alright. he said "you wont have money to play thouhg" but, i will, so, in June, ill be a mag owner or a cocker, havent decided yet, prolly mag