View Full Version : Hi, im new to mags

01-06-2006, 09:57 AM
I think this is were i can post this. My friend never shuts up about mags. So im looking into getting one. But im not sure. My ion is my second marker and i feel i need to move on. Im looking at a mag, DM6, Karnivor Cocker. SInce i graduate this May its kinda a gift for myself. Im paying for it so $$$ dont matter. I just wanna know what mag could i get that i can use in speedball that can contend with the timmys and angels. :dance:

11 Bravo
01-06-2006, 10:18 AM
Emag, Xmag, Hyperframed mag (with 20 bps board or morlock/predator board).

01-06-2006, 10:22 AM
Mags are an acquired taste. I would recommed borrowing your friend's and using it for a while to try it out before buying. There are only a few mags that actually perform better then Ions. Cosmetics are one thing actual performance is another.

Stay away from the Karni simple because of resale :( and teching/timing. If you have the money then go with a DM6.

01-06-2006, 10:52 AM
Well I love my emag, but phalanx is right, it is somthing that you should try before you spend the money on. I feel this way with every marker though. The diffrence between the emag and xmag performance wise is that the xmag has eyes, the xmags are more expensive, have a higher resale value, are rare, and look better though. I would recomend getting a ule emag or checking into logic paintballs UMF (Ultimate Mag Frame). It is an electro pneumatic trigger frame with eyes. For $975 he sells a complet marker with his frame and eyes setup and ready to shoot. :) http://logicpaintball.com/

01-06-2006, 12:26 PM
well, i dont really understand the major diffrences in ULE and that stuff. Like i said im new to it. I have shot 2 mags, uh......... a 68 and i think its a ULE thingy, both belong to my friend. o and i shot a mag that had a responce trigger while at a paintball store. so i have shot them and i do like them. but i just dont know which of those three is better or if i should even be looking at a mag for speedball. i will be playing as a back player.

01-06-2006, 02:04 PM
in reality, mags are really nice markers, but they really dont fit in with the super guns that you were also considering. Sure a mag with a hyperframe and eyes, and all ULE components is nice, but i feel you would be more comfortable with the karnivor or the dm6, first off, they will have better resale, the mag will never recoup any of its value, where as the karnivor or dm6 will hold their value at a reasonable levelfor atleast 2 years. (reasonable meaning staying above 500 dollars)

Also, the dm6 is an awesome marker, and dye has out done them selves(and i was happier than a pig in feeces when the dm5 was released) It would be my reccomendation if money is no object.

01-06-2006, 02:24 PM
if a Mag is what you want and you want it to kepp up with your newer guns out there A Pred hyperframe ULE mag, Xmag and ULE emags are the way to go. I know my mag has never let me down after alomst 3years now. Look for the new software in the workshop or Deepblue.

11 Bravo
01-06-2006, 02:43 PM
Get one of these: http://airgun.com/xmag/html/halobarn.mpa

Goes to show there are mags out there that belong up there with the superguns.

01-06-2006, 02:52 PM
If I had a chance to do it all over again? I'd buy a 98c until I got decent. Then I'd get a MQ cocker or a devilmag.

soo my suggestions:

MQ Cocker
Devil Mag

Cow hunter
01-06-2006, 06:39 PM
you are all WRONG about the resale
mags arent new anymore and therefore wont depreciate nearly as much as when a new DM or w/e comes out. think of it this way, mags slwoly lose over time or the others dont really drop but when a new one comes out go way down.
other than that, mags are reliable, almost never need anything, and if they do its super easy to fix! also theres supposed to be a new predator drop in borad or something, i havent really been following that..

11 Bravo
01-06-2006, 06:57 PM
^^^yeh the resale value of electro mags is better than that of other electros.

01-06-2006, 07:00 PM
crimsons been trying to sell the sfl for a while...check out his thread

01-06-2006, 08:25 PM
crimsons been trying to sell the sfl for a while...check out his thread

:wow: Sickest mag I have ever seen. :hail:

01-06-2006, 11:51 PM

you have shot my RT Pro ULE w/ ULT. My 68 classic and that RT Classic that was shimmed out - I can do that to my mag.

and I think compared to the DM# and Karni's, a Logic UMF mag will be so much easier to work on compaired to those. and like someone said about the timeing and stuff with the Karni.

they'll compete. it dosn't matter how fast you shoot, but how you shoot.

01-06-2006, 11:55 PM
i started playing with a used e-spyder, sucked. moved on to the ion, which is ok, but i need a better one. it tends to be a lil tempermental. i like the e-mag, but im not sure how it works and its performance spects, can any one help me there?

01-07-2006, 02:05 PM
Go to this site if you want one of the sickest Mags ever. Mag by Logic (http://www.logicpaintball.com/cgi-bin/mivavm?Merchant2/merchant.mvc+Screen=PROD&Store_Code=LP&Product_Code=UEMFV10) It cost around 1000 but its insane. :shooting:

11 Bravo
01-07-2006, 03:19 PM
Get an Emag or Xmag and have the board flashed with the Xmod software (by lornecash). It will do anything you want then.

01-07-2006, 10:16 PM
Go to this site if you want one of the sickest Mags ever. Mag by Logic (http://www.logicpaintball.com/cgi-bin/mivavm?Merchant2/merchant.mvc+Screen=PROD&Store_Code=LP&Product_Code=UEMFV10) It cost around 1000 but its insane. :shooting:

wow, i really like this one. it says $450. why would it jump to $1000?

01-07-2006, 10:57 PM
wow, i really like this one. it says $450. why would it jump to $1000?

$450 is for the trigger frame, vertical adapter, and lpr regulator only. $1000 is for a complete gun with eyes installed. :)

01-07-2006, 11:56 PM
ooooooooo, i see. well i guess its all gunna come down to the mag or DM6. its a thinker, but i just dont wanna fork ovr all that cash and it be obsolete by nxt year. :rolleyes:

11 Bravo
01-08-2006, 12:01 AM
If it will do 15 - 20 bps or more, its not ever going to be obsolete.

01-08-2006, 01:04 AM
If it will do 15 - 20 bps or more, its not ever going to be obsolete.

Agreed, but I say 15 bps. Any electronic marker that is known to last for years will not be obsolete next year. Emags have a predator board in the works and a guy that is writing some new code that will make them just as good as any other ramping electro out there. Your best bet is to feel both in your hands first. You need to find a marker that is comfortable to you and not a marker that shoots 20+ bps.

01-08-2006, 01:12 AM
ive held a mag, dm5, angel, and alot ove other markers. the only marker that doent feel good in my hands are spyders, lol :dance:

01-08-2006, 06:31 PM
i personally like the PM6 over the dm6 but thats maybe just me...