View Full Version : Hey Army, have you ever touched one of these?

12-12-2001, 07:54 AM


If so, I'm curious as to your impressions... It sounds pretty interesting, and we all know you've gotten your hands on the OICW.

12-12-2001, 11:59 AM
I have been following the development of that rifle for some time. I held a prototype at a Gun Show in philly a few years back. The NRA held its convention in philly and H&K had a huge booth set up. Its felt a lot like a Bullpup (which I have fired once) and a Steyer Aug (which I have also fired). They are excellent rifles, all of them. I would LOVE to fire the G11 though. H&K makes the best there is in my opinion. The caseless ammo is a great idea.

12-12-2001, 12:47 PM
**edit** oops im a retard I thought that was an ociw I guess it would pay to read the text sometimes***edit***

I was reading some reserch on it and I was astounded by it. It is an over under 5.56 / 20mm. Yes I said 20mm; but not your ordinary run of the mill 20mm but a special 4 inch long "air burst" round that has a time/range delay on it.


Bad guy is hiding behind a bunker and your 5.56 cant touch him though it and he wont come out to play. So you set your range finder to the distance to the wall and useing a mouse pad on it and the intelligent sight they have on it; you extend that range by a foot or two. This range sets the fuse in the 20mm round using a spiffy logorithim. Then you shoot just to the side of the wall and as the round passes the plane of the wall BLAMMO! A lethal shockwave of doom disables your unsuspecting foe and you do your I just killed charlie dance.

I also hear that they are testing an armor peircing round during its recent trials at the aberdine proving grounds(forgive the spelling).

12-12-2001, 02:20 PM
so...nice... those things can spew out a 3rnd burst before the recoil really hits you. the cyclic rate is apparently very high as it can eliminate the whole casing ejection. id love to fire one of those.

12-12-2001, 02:39 PM
if you think about it, makes perfect sense...theres no point in being able to spew out a thousand rounds if your gonna be pointing the thing skyward after a couple. but with the burst mode, the problem has always been accuracy. the first shot is where you want it...but the other two always spray a little in whatever direction the rifle is climbing, not much if your decent, but your still not going to get the best group at more than a couple hundred yards. if you can toss off 3+ before that recoil is even felt...damn. make a nice 1-2in grouping eh? :)

i wonder what the recoil is actually like on that, anyone know??? this could go for any caseless rifle i guess, as it eliminates a lot of bolt movement, i would imagine it to be less.

p.s. if you have fired it, what does the trigger feel like?

(im hoping someone from germany can answer the above...dont think the U.S. has too many of those kickin around)

12-12-2001, 05:33 PM
Hate to burst anyones bubbles, but the G-11 AND the OICW are both POS. The G-11 is a big clunky box that does not allow the shooter to gain a proper hold, and it goes through ammo like you wouldn't believe. At 2500rpm, the ammo doesn't last very long.

The OICW project has been shelved for a while. They had a 20mm explode in the gun. The 20mm is computer timed; you set the distance you want it to blow at, and fire. It does nothing a well trained M203 gunner can't do.

I fired the G-11 at Aberdeen PG while I was there in '88-'89 and I wasn't overly impressed. The caseless ammo is a good concept, but soldiers will find a way to mess them up enough to cause misfires. The AUG is also a silly gun. Bullpups do not contribute to good accuracy while in burst or full auto. The AUGs are also not very reliable. Australia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, and the Netherlands dumped theirs after too many guns quit working too often. Cool looks only go so far.

12-12-2001, 05:35 PM
Have you shot a FAMAS?

12-12-2001, 06:26 PM
Wow I dident know that army! A friend of our family is a dealer and has an FFL, and he owns both a bullpup (P90) and an Aug, and let me and my dad fire a couple clips through them at our shooting range. They shot nice to me, but we barely put them through thier paces.

12-13-2001, 06:17 PM
In semi, the AUGs are fine, since the dynamics of full auto fire are not involved. Yes fine, but not great.

Foo Temps, the FAMAS (known as "Le Trumpet" by the French troops) Is one of the worlds greatest piles of junk ever pushed upon an army! The Legionaires only use them for parades and official functions, they prefer to go to the field with M16s. The FAMAS is not accurate, marginally functional in full auto (most have had blocks installed to prevent FA), and terribly clumsy to use.

In case you're going to ask, I prefer the M16 family of combat weapons if forced to use only 5.56mm. I will gleefully go afield carrying the FN-FAL in 7.62 NATO. Although it is long by battle rifle standards, it has proven itself to be reliable, robust, accurate as all get out, and still fires a .30 caliber. It is also, argueably, the most comfortable rifle I have ever shot in semi and FA. My personal FAL is accurate enough to consistantly clang the 726yd gong at our local range with the issue open sights.

12-13-2001, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps
Have you shot a FAMAS?

what is this metal gear?


12-13-2001, 06:32 PM
YEP! METAL GEAR! I was just playing mgs2 and I can use an m4 in the game...