View Full Version : Just got my ultra chip working in my dragun-mag

01-07-2006, 09:32 PM
I am going to try and make a video tomorrow. I just tried full auto and ramping at 20 bps and let me tell you its pretty amazing hearing a mag shoot that fast. I was having problems when I first tried the chip in the frame, come to find out I had a bad solenoid. Now that I put another solenoid in it, it works like a champ. For the time being I have taken the classic valve out of my dragun-mag and put it in my emag, and put the emag valve in my dragun-mag. Let me tell you the classic works great in the emag with the RoF limited to 15 and of course the emag allows me to show off more with my dragun frame.

Ramping and full auto are nice for show, but I wont be using them in an actual game. I only got the chip so I could show how nice spyder-mag can be. :)

01-07-2006, 11:40 PM
Interesting. I would be interested in knowing the cps limit the ult has on a mag.

11 Bravo
01-07-2006, 11:57 PM
^^^^^^^Its way up there.

01-08-2006, 12:57 AM
It is between 20 and 25 when dry firing with air. In my black dragun though, when I set the RoF to 30 it has no problems, im not sure if its actualy clicking that fast though. I will have to goldwave it one of these days. Of course it is my pancake solenoid that is limiting my gun, the ult is capable of plenty of more. ;)