View Full Version : Ran into George Bush today

01-07-2006, 11:07 PM
Well Bush senior. Anyways got up early with a couple of buds to head to the houston boat show. got there around 11. I am walking around and there is this small crowd I walk right through. I thought there might be a nice piece of trim trying to sell a 500k boat. I notice an older guy about 6 and change taking pictures with a few folks there. I also spot two secret service guys. The older guy turns his head and lo and behold its Bush senior. He was there shopping and screwing around like everyone else. Pretty cool.

The SS guys were letting everyone take pics with him. I guess the threat is minimal considering this is Texas and it was at the boat show. I was going to jump right in for a pic, but thought it kind rude. This guy is here to look at boats and not meet with the peeps. Sometimes I actually like to live in Houston.

01-08-2006, 12:11 AM
I was at the wedding thingy today, it was at the GRB, thought about sneakin away and goin to the boat show ;)

01-08-2006, 09:48 PM
I was at the wedding thingy today, it was at the GRB, thought about sneakin away and goin to the boat show ;)

was this one of those wedding shows. I told the wife durring out engagement that there was no way in hell I was ever going to one of those.

Recon by Fire
01-09-2006, 01:36 AM
My wife accompanied one of the classes at her ISD on a trip to one of the museums in town a while back. Unplanned they ran into the POTUS (GWB-51) and instead of the kids having their tour redirected or anything, W went out of his way to meet the kids. :cheers: