View Full Version : Playing with glasses?

01-08-2006, 01:15 PM
A couple of months ago I was diagnosed as being slightly near-sighted (things that are more than ~10 feet away are a little blurry to me). As a result I was given a pair of glasses to wear, which I really only need for reading the board at school and driving. But, I was thinking, they would probably be neccesary for paintball too. So whats the deal with playing paintball while wearing glasses? If I put them on under my mask will they fog up or fall off? What do the other 4-eyed AO members do? :p

01-08-2006, 01:25 PM
I'm a 4-eyed AO'er. It works. Mine don't fog up or fall off. In fact, my mask helps keep them on. I still have some anti-fog solution or w/e it is from when I first got glasses. If you're still worried, just squirt some of that on before each game. What kind of glasses did you get? I have the flexi ones, very usefull when engaging in rough and tumble activities lol. I remember when I used to bend the crap out of my normal ones...

01-08-2006, 01:54 PM
I got a set of RecSport goggle and wear them under my Proteus with a fan.on very humid days my Recsports will fog and the fan sometimes helps.To stop it i mixed a lil baby shampoo with water in a lil 3oz spray bottle.I get no fog for about 2 games then I have to reclean.There is cream at the Military surplus stores Im gona try next summer,cant remember the name of it but its suppposed to be real good for keeping the fog away.Go for Plastic frames that are flexable and stay away from wide frames.They will scratch the inside of your mask lens.

01-08-2006, 02:12 PM
Yeah , I had an issue with my goggles and glasses not getting along for awhile.
I later got new frames for the glasses and the fogging issue stopped.
Seems my old style frames were to close to my face, thus fogging.
With My Profiler goggles (no visor , no forhead guard) I have no issue with foggage.
I still carry the anti fog spray just in case.
I play indoor and that seems to be a test of how well your goggles vent.
You may want to look into a goggle system that has a fan system for them as wel.
Fans DEFINATLY help with fogging.

Archangel Kid
01-08-2006, 07:05 PM
I wear glasses, and when I used to play with my Flex-7 they would fog all the time. I moved on to a V-Force Morph and I've never had a fogging problem with either my glasses or my mask. I'd suggest a mask that is a little bigger, such as the Morph, so there is a little more room for your glasses.

Recon by Fire
01-09-2006, 01:25 AM
I wear glasses normally but switch to contacts when playing paintball.

01-09-2006, 12:27 PM
I wear glasses normally but switch to contacts when playing paintball.

yup me too. contacts help a whole lot when playing sports.

01-09-2006, 01:02 PM
The only time I have issues with my glasses fogging under my profiler is when the foam on the profiler gets very wet, then my glasses fog.

Lasik evaluation today... might not be a problem this year :clap:

01-09-2006, 03:01 PM
I wear glasses normally but switch to contacts when playing paintball. same here