View Full Version : borrowed paintball logos

Cow hunter
01-08-2006, 02:06 PM
are the logos on most paintball companies copyrigthed?
yesterday while skiing i saw one person with a cyborg logo on his goggle strap, i thought maybe he made them or somehting, but then i saw them everywhere! i asked and the person said they were called "electrcics"....... i should wonder if they didnt know antother company already had the same logo.....
earlier this morning i also noticed that in halo 2 the BR sight is an SP logo.....
probably many others i havent noticed, but are they copyrighted?(i know thw SP one is because on an SP box it said "logo is trademark of SP")

01-08-2006, 02:30 PM
There are certain things that are very hard to Copyright. The SmartParts logo is a good example. They may have it copy righted, but it was already used in many many things, and is simply a standard gemoetric shape. Imagine a company copyrighting a square.

01-08-2006, 03:03 PM
There are certain things that are very hard to Copyright. The SmartParts logo is a good example. They may have it copy righted, but it was already used in many many things, and is simply a standard gemoetric shape. Imagine a company copyrighting a square.

Technically you now owe smart parts $.15 simply for mentioning their name...

01-08-2006, 03:06 PM
I thought they were up to $0.25 per use of their name now.

01-08-2006, 03:37 PM
yeah all those legal fees add up...

Cow hunter
01-08-2006, 03:46 PM
well technically, anything could be copyrighted if it has an associtation to you or your company, but for several uses anything is usable, as an example if someone WERE to copyright a square, it could still be used for all purposes ecept that of antoher company

01-08-2006, 05:27 PM
are the logos on most paintball companies copyrigthed?
yesterday while skiing i saw one person with a cyborg logo on his goggle strap, i thought maybe he made them or somehting, but then i saw them everywhere! i asked and the person said they were called "electrcics"....... i should wonder if they didnt know antother company already had the same logo.....
earlier this morning i also noticed that in halo 2 the BR sight is an SP logo.....
probably many others i havent noticed, but are they copyrighted?(i know thw SP one is because on an SP box it said "logo is trademark of SP")

you really cant copywright a site reticle, and even if you could, a minute change would surpass the copywright.

but if you do it like dye used to, the old stylized reticle, then yes you can. also mac dev's lightening bolt, is so generic, that it isnt hard to use and not have to pay royalties. its like paris hilton trademarking the saying thats hot.

01-08-2006, 05:51 PM
Technically you now owe smart parts $.15 simply for mentioning their name...

smart pars is now known as "they who must not be named"


Cow hunter
01-08-2006, 07:07 PM
. its like paris hilton trademarking the saying thats hot.
im pretty sure someone did copyright a slogan or somthing........ or at least tried to

01-08-2006, 07:14 PM
smart pars is now known as "they who must not be named"


that saying is copywrited by JK Rollings

01-08-2006, 07:48 PM
are the logos on most paintball companies copyrigthed?
yesterday while skiing i saw one person with a cyborg logo on his goggle strap, i thought maybe he made them or somehting, but then i saw them everywhere! i asked and the person said they were called "electrcics"....... i should wonder if they didnt know antother company already had the same logo.....
earlier this morning i also noticed that in halo 2 the BR sight is an SP logo.....
probably many others i havent noticed, but are they copyrighted?(i know thw SP one is because on an SP box it said "logo is trademark of SP")

If you look at the electric visual logo and the MacDev logo they are slightly different,on the MacDev emblem the apprentices (sp?) like things around the lighting bolt are angled out more and arent as tall. But they are very similar,id be surprised if the guys at macdev have never seen the electric visuals emblem seeing that they are out of Australia and surfing is big there and electric is pretty big in the surf scene.

01-08-2006, 07:56 PM
I know Dye's current logo is nearly a flip of a communications company logo.

Stuff like this happens all the time. Will MacDev care if some small snowboarding company took their logo, probably not. If someone used my logo for another industry, I'd like it actually.

01-08-2006, 08:09 PM


omg omg omg omg omg

Cow hunter
01-08-2006, 08:14 PM


omg omg omg omg omg
Dye=paintball, but not a mag so its bad ;)
lexus=mmmm luxury car

/but really thats a pretty good find
//its also upside down

I know Dye's current logo is nearly a flip of a communications company logo.

Stuff like this happens all the time. Will MacDev care if some small snowboarding company took their logo, probably not. If someone used my logo for another industry, I'd like it actually.

but when you can make money suing them over copyrighting, it doesnt really matter because companies like to make money

01-08-2006, 08:22 PM
im pretty sure someone did copyright a slogan or somthing........ or at least tried to
Donald Trump tried to copyright "you're fired"

01-08-2006, 08:56 PM
the dye logo is supposed to be a stylized D for the record. The dye logo and the lexus logo are slightly similar, but not really enough if you look at them for a second more. not to mention the fact that its upsode down, and the curve of the D des not meet the circle as the lexus emblem does.

Actually upon closer examination, the logos really are not that similar.

01-08-2006, 09:42 PM

Similar but not the same.


01-08-2006, 09:44 PM
the dye logo is supposed to be a stylized D for the record. The dye logo and the lexus logo are slightly similar, but not really enough if you look at them for a second more. not to mention the fact that its upsode down, and the curve of the D des not meet the circle as the lexus emblem does.

Actually upon closer examination, the logos really are not that similar.

Really the only similarity is that there is a circle and a line that bends contained within it.

01-08-2006, 09:46 PM




01-08-2006, 09:55 PM
Also there is a company called RASE that has the same logo as "They who must not be named"
Rase sells some packs on pbgear

01-08-2006, 09:57 PM
Also there is a company called RASE that has the same logo as "They who must not be named"
Rase sells some packs on pbgear
Thats because smart parts owns rase.

01-08-2006, 10:04 PM
As soon as I posted that I figured there is no way they would still be in bussness if they weren't owned by Smart Parts.
Sorry, oh and damn now I owe them money,now im in debt!!
Curse you "They who shall not be named"

01-09-2006, 04:03 AM
Donald Trump tried to copyright "you're fired"
There's a woman who owns a pottery store, in Florida I think, named "You're Fired" and she fought the Donald on the copyright issue and won.

01-09-2006, 04:22 AM
An image is effectively copywritten when it's first put into media, be that paper/pencil/pen/etc. to pixels.

Company logos, as well as character names and likenesses are owned by whomever created them first (and generally can prove it). Also anything YOU make, from doodles on your notebooks in school to actual finished artwork is immediately copywritten material and if you find someone using your art/property w/o your permission you can issue a cease and dissist or follow with other legal actions.

Talk to Hybrid, they know ALL about this.

01-09-2006, 08:04 AM
An image is effectively copywritten when it's first put into media, be that paper/pencil/pen/etc. to pixels.

Company logos, as well as character names and likenesses are owned by whomever created them first (and generally can prove it). Also anything YOU make, from doodles on your notebooks in school to actual finished artwork is immediately copywritten material and if you find someone using your art/property w/o your permission you can issue a cease and dissist or follow with other legal actions.

Talk to Hybrid, they know ALL about this.
This is very true. But I will add that if pushed to go to court, if your copyright was not filed for it can be pretty hard to “prove” your case. This does not mean folks HAVE to file to be protected though, and quite often a D&D letter is all it takes to protect your rights…. even if you have filed your copyright.

As for logos and conflicting ownership/similar design….. if they are not in the same market similarities are generally ignored. Also as long as there is no confusion as to who the company is (example: Dye and Centennial Wireless) similarities can be darn close and be acceptable. I for one would never confuse Centennial with Dye, nor Lexus with Dye. And in all honesty it would only be an issue with companies if they lost money due to confusion or if customers thought another company WAS them because of their logo. This does not mean they can’t take another company to court for using a similar logo just for the heck of it, but that the cost/reward is usually just not there to make it worth it.

People need to not confuse however what is legal and what is DONE. I see “but you see it all the time” used as “proof” that an action is legal, when in fact quite often it is not, it is just not enforced (by either the Law or individuals/companies). And then folks get all surprised when someone DOES protect their rights and act like those who do are somehow in the wrong……

01-09-2006, 10:25 AM
I seem to recall a company named NXE.... and it looked like the paintball company had directly ripped off their logo.

01-09-2006, 04:36 PM
Well, Electric is a sunglass company that has been around for quite some time now (http://www.electricvisual.com/). They do make snowboard/ski goggles and the like. They have been around longer than the Cyborg has and hence longer than the cyborg logo (not longer than Mac Developments though, which is around 37 years old).

Anyway, the lightning bolt is pretty generic, as said before.

Plus, the 06 Borg has a new logo:

Compare it to the Electric Logo: