View Full Version : Playoffs

01-09-2006, 09:12 AM
Holy crap did the Giants look bad. Did Carolina get their playbook or something? I could swear that it was the jets on the field wearing giant uniforms....

Next week
Denver vs N.E.

Pitts Vs. Indy

Interesting games....

01-09-2006, 11:38 AM
WHATUP REDSKINS!! Yeah, we can win with the worst offense in a playoff game EVER. Hopefully by next week, the offense will be as hot as the defense has been. If that can happen... the 'Skins are unstoppable.

You're going DOWN, Seattle!!

01-09-2006, 02:01 PM
Bring it Bob, Your skins don't have a snowballs chance in hell to take the hawks. And I will be personally attending the game so just watch the false start penalties fly against you.

01-09-2006, 04:00 PM
AFC is pretty stacked this year

Wash won and cadillac did well, both things I wanted to happen, but that game offensively was pathetic

Didn't get a chance to watch Pats but I'm glad they won.

Glad pitts won and the bus did well, he is my fav rb even if he is old and not so fast.