View Full Version : Magic Box Mod

01-09-2006, 01:36 PM
What exactly is a magic box mod. All I know is that it makes your mag low-pressure and it increases the gun's affective distance.

If anyone has the mod please tell me how it works, and where I would get it.

Pictures are good.


01-09-2006, 01:40 PM
It's an old Smart Parts mod that you can no longer get. It did nothing, so don't worry about it. If you do a quick search on here you will find how it works.

01-09-2006, 01:58 PM
It's an old Smart Parts mod that you can no longer get. It did nothing, so don't worry about it. If you do a quick search on here you will find how it works.

Are you sure, because the owner of my local field has the mod and he says its awesome.

01-09-2006, 02:51 PM

01-09-2006, 02:53 PM
Are you sure, because the owner of my local field has the mod and he says its awesome.

It really doesnt do a thing. If anything, I think Tom Kaye himself said it could potentially slow down the cycle rate of the gun. Even PCRI (paintball consumer reports international), gave it a very unfavorable review, and they werent exactly the most impartial or scientific.

Back when Smart Parts came up with the abortion that is the "Magic Box", the big myth was that mags had major shoot down issues and decreased range because of it. This was also the time before players learned to properly match the bore of their barrels to the paint size.For some reason on classic mags, if a barrel is big enough where the balls will just roll straight through... you probably have a perceived drop off problem. The balls would seem to die at the end of their flight path

I clearly remember switching to a tighter bore and instantly having shots that stayed straghter longer. I also remember lending barrels to guys with mags who were complaining about drop off and their problems "magically" went away without spending $250 for a peice of hollow metal tapped unto the side of their guns.

Also keep this in mind... the guys here for the most part know their mag stuff. Muzicman had more mags in his house right now than AGD does in their warehouse and more info and AGD trivia in his head than any sane person should. This is a very well informed and well educated (for paintball anyhow) group. If the Smart Parts Magic box did anything other than magically make $250 of your money disapear, you could bet that every single old schooler who has/had a classic mag would have this mod, and there would be 20 other people copying it.



01-10-2006, 10:05 PM
I will state that it does not magically improve your gun. The ROF is just a hair slower, but if you stick with a singletrigger and make sure the top of the on/off is in the correct way then you won't notice it too much. As described earlier, it is simply a metal tube that is side tapped into air chamber so it will increase the volume of air that is in the chamber. SP also modded the charger so it would be a 8-hole charger and put in a different on/off top to allow air to flow through it better. I will have to agree that it is a rediculous upgrade and I only have one because it was a good deal. I ended up making a pump mag out of it and I have never noticed an issue with it whether good or bad. I like it because of being a different item, but you are just as well off buying a classic mag. Also, stick with the bore to paint matching. This will greatly increase your accuracy.


One more big one (http://www.mcarterbrown.com/images/memberpics/Walrus/minis3.JPG)

01-11-2006, 08:51 PM
In all honesty i found them to be about as helpful as a sticker. :tard: