View Full Version : AO Patch samples are in

12-12-2001, 12:43 PM
Just got the first two AO sample patches back from the stiching company! They are looking good. Hopefully I'll have the pic's up later on today..

12-12-2001, 01:00 PM
woo !! sounds good.

Where in Ontario are you?

12-12-2001, 01:17 PM
Hmm...alright...I get one of them right?:)

12-12-2001, 01:27 PM
Muzikman, I gave you a PM, I asked some questions about the MaxFlo :)

12-12-2001, 01:53 PM
I'm about 1 hour East of Toronto .. in Belleville.

Muzikman ~ you be getting two free and clear .. as soon as we get the first run made.

Once the company get's the OK from Xzion and I, it will be about 2-3 weeks to get the first run of 50 and 50 done.

12-12-2001, 02:47 PM
Just callin' mine before the rush ;)

12-12-2001, 02:51 PM
When they finally come out, I'll take either one, doesn't matter! :) This is really cool, thanks for doing this for us.


12-12-2001, 03:11 PM
is it first come first serve for the patches? sorry if i missed a post explaining the ordering process. I saw something about how to pay and the cost, but im not clear on the taking orders part....

12-12-2001, 03:32 PM
He'll let you know where to send money once the patches are in his hands I am sure...

Slushee: I was just jaggin' ya, I am in no hurry.

Omni: I got your PM, I will respond once I can figure out what you are talking about the piece with the ring and such. Just to give you a quick answer here. Yes you can mount it on a drop forward (the Smart parts being the nicest I found for it) and yes it comes off the grip frame, but you must take the reg apart. It's not as hard as it sounds but also not as simple as say a MIDI rail system.

12-12-2001, 04:33 PM
well .. we aren't quite sure exactly how we are going to take orders yet :D

I'm sure that we posted something awhile back if you'd care to search, but it'll probably be mostly Money Orders. I mean, with such a small run, we are expecting them to sell out within hours of being posted. What we probably will do is set up an email address and as the emails come in, we will contact the sender, have him send us the money and then we will ship out the patches. When the patches are gone, they are gone. We are a bit unsure how the Europeans will get their money to us, but we'll worry about that later ..

anyhow, order taking hasn't been set in stone and Xzion said he might have a good/easy idea for this..

12-12-2001, 04:50 PM
For the North American orders, Slushee's way would probaby be best, as for the european AOers, if we can figure it out, we -MAY- have paypal set up to save them the cost of getting an international money order and cost and such, the paypal will probably ONLY be available to european aoers at first, were figuring theres not going to be enough demand/customers to take paypal from everyone. we still need to discuss it in more detail later.

12-12-2001, 06:40 PM
Xzion, if I would have known, I would have given you the cash at the tour to get one of the first. I'll pick one up after the holidays, when will they be out.Sound good, Ehh...? ;)

12-12-2001, 06:43 PM
HEY!!!! I WANT ONE!!! :) :) :) Make that TWO!! We need pics!! :)