View Full Version : Mini Air Compressor

01-09-2006, 05:18 PM
Looking for a way to fill my tank using an air compressor, or any other way. What compressors are good and what should I look for?


01-09-2006, 05:27 PM
To fill an HPA system you need a compressor that can output 3000+ psi. Your typical home compressor can do about 150psi.

You can buy high pressure compressors, even portable ones, but they are not cheap. you are looking at about $2000+.

The cheapest way is to get a scuba tank and a scuba fill station. Take the tank to a dive shop, have it filled and you can fill your HPA tanks from it.

01-09-2006, 07:07 PM
Provided you can find a dive shop in your area that doesn't get all up tight about filling a tank when you don't have a dive ticket.

My local shop will fill my 48cu bottle, but not my scuba tank, because I don't have a dive ticket.

Cow hunter
01-09-2006, 07:35 PM
for a weekend home game home depot will rent those enormus trailer size 4500+ psi pressure blower things (buyng them cost like $10,000-$20,000

01-09-2006, 09:20 PM
I use a 3300 psi 100 cu. ft. scuba tank.

01-10-2006, 05:27 PM
Provided you can find a dive shop in your area that doesn't get all up tight about filling a tank when you don't have a dive ticket.

My local shop will fill my 48cu bottle, but not my scuba tank, because I don't have a dive ticket.

That is a good point you should be certified to get dive tanks filled. This prevents someone who doesn't know how to use the great from just going out, filling some tanks and just jumping in the water.

Evil Bob
01-11-2006, 03:11 AM
All the shops I've been to usually had some form of waiver for paintball players who are not dive certified to fill their scuba tanks.

$120-150 for the tank
$3-5 to fill it (sometimes they fill it for free if you are certified, depends on the store)

This will get you a couple 3k fills, several 2.5k fills, and 15+ around 2k psi.

If you need to have your 4.5k or 5k hpa filled to capacity, take a serious look at picking up on of the boosters that are made for filling pb hpa systems. The typically run $1k-2k and allow you to fill over 3k with standard 3.3k scuba tanks. They take longer time to fill each hpa system, but they're quite portable compared to the big tanks, just need 2x 3.3k scuba tanks and a booster and you can have max capacity fills all day long.

-Evil Bob