View Full Version : Socal ballers mark jan 29th on your calenders..

01-10-2006, 12:28 AM
On January 29th my team mates and I are gonna throw a paintball ho-down at Mr. paintball USA in Escondido(north san diego) california. Its not a tourny but we are just gonna take over their tourny field for the day and have some real good food catered. We are gonna try and just run as many 5 on 5 or at most 7 on 7 games as we can. Im gonna hopefully bring my PA system and my DJ gear and have music playing all day too, so bring you CD's, LP's, and iPods. It looks like the local paintball shop, Gogged, might hook us up with some nice paint prices as well. Entry to the firld, food, and all day air is gonna be $22 and then your on your own for paint. like i said hopefully we will get a paint hookup, but otherwise, the field prices arnt too bad either. Anyone is welcome to come out and join us for some ill ballin' action. theres also a few 'cool' sanario fields for anyone whos into that type of thing as well. For more info on any thing, PM me here or e-mail me at khanel151@yahoo.com

The fields website is www.mrpaintballusa.com. they have a forum and theres a thread in there about it as well. hopefully some of yall can make it out.

01-18-2006, 07:37 PM
I'm in, but would you consider playing elsewhere? like velocity ($10)? I wasn't too fond of mr. paintball's $$$. I can get good paint for $29/box. I would bring a crew too. maybe 6 others.

01-20-2006, 03:19 AM
na...mr. paintball is my local field and were just gonna try and have as much fun as possible. I think were are getting big ball for $35 a case. Its gonna be a real good time and the food is gonna be good, were gonna have music and all the players will be top quality in attitude as well as performance. You and your friends should definatly consider comming.

01-20-2006, 03:50 AM
I'll ask the group this week. Do we have to shoot field paint?

01-20-2006, 09:11 PM
no...but rick from gogged is bringing a supply of paint for sell at cheap prices...like $30 a case fore big ball. I have been shooting it throught my timmy for about 6-9 cases and its performed quite nice. You guys should definatly come. just let me knoe if yall do so we can account for food. peace

01-27-2006, 02:21 PM
Just a reminder to any socallers to come out to mr. paintball this sunday for a good day of very competative but very relaxed day of 5 on 5 action. good food being catered too. check us out if your in the area.