View Full Version : lvlX tuning help

01-12-2006, 10:38 AM
Alright guys I have a brand new mag and I have had to put the smallest carier in so it would not leak down the barrel. The funny thing is that I just oiled her up and noticed when I shoot and hold the trigger down if I put my ear up to the feedneck I can barely hear a little air seeping out when I let go of the trigger it gets louder for a sec. or two and then I can barely hear the leak and then it goes away until I pull the trigger again. Also I put a squeege in the breach and sometimes I have to manually push the bolt back in order for it to reset. My set up is lvlX (with 2 shims and smallest carrier), ULT (I believe all shims but one. Cause only one is left in my bag of extra parts.). Please help guys I am new to mags and can not seem to find my answer to fix this on the lvlx tuning guide or the lvlX thread. :(

01-12-2006, 02:20 PM
Do one thing at a time. Level 10 first. THEN ULT.

And Remove all the shims in the level 10 and start with a new oring. It'll be a better baseline. And Go for the largest carrier that won't leak.