View Full Version : Tippmann forum...

12-12-2001, 04:36 PM
Has anyone ever noticed how much the "kids" on the tippmann forum brag about their guns, and howmuch attention they try to get?? it just makes me think about AO... we dont nearly have all that bragging and hype... (im just bored, can ya tell??)

12-12-2001, 04:45 PM
maybe its just me, but the maggers seem to be more, performance players, not all hype and talk. we just get things done.

12-12-2001, 06:01 PM
Yea, we just brag about being more profesional and ignoring the hype. :)

12-12-2001, 06:09 PM
where is this tippmann forum you speak of?

also i would agree with bluntman on this one
i hear lots about how Good AO is, arrogant arent we:)

12-13-2001, 01:40 PM
The Tippmann Forum is located at...


12-13-2001, 02:10 PM
im just curious are the mags the best high pressured guns available out on the market?

12-13-2001, 02:15 PM
Who said they're high pressure? They run at the same operating pressure as Angels, so does that mean Angels are high pressure too?

12-13-2001, 02:22 PM
I'm too lazy to brag! I just show that my gun and I are good on the field.

12-13-2001, 03:18 PM
angels input pressure is 350 psi mags are 850 but gets converted to 375 in the chamber, besides they are high pressure because they are loud and there is a little bit of recoil

12-13-2001, 05:45 PM
Umm... okay. The front reg. does the regulating the same way the AIR valve in the Automag does. There's no reg. in the Angel except the LPR, so it's converted to 350 at the front reg. In the Mag it's converted to 375 in the valve. There's other factors involved that make the Mag louder and the recoil is from the bolt, it has nothing to do with operating pressure.

12-13-2001, 06:03 PM
They get carried away in their pictures forum.. some guy be like:
"MY AWESOME GUN!" in topic.. turns out to be a m98 with a car stock and a 8$ dot sight. wooo - hooo. I dunno.. and people are always posting topics like "Show me those awesome 98's!" where, 5 posts down, says the same thing.

12-13-2001, 06:07 PM
yea, thats what i was trying to say, but i had a blank mind... but anyway.. it just seems that the age gap shows much more maturity (haha i cant spell mature) in our posts, and other stuff

12-13-2001, 06:39 PM
the autococker doesnt have a regulator in the front and it is low pressure and your saying that theres no point in getting a regulator for a mag cause it already comes with one built in the valve?

12-13-2001, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by MINIMAGMAN
the autococker doesnt have a regulator in the front and it is low pressure and your saying that theres no point in getting a regulator for a mag cause it already comes with one built in the valve?

Yes the cocker does have a reg in front, every stock cocker since 97 or 98 has come from the factory with a vertical mounted regulator in the ASA.


12-13-2001, 07:03 PM
To get things straight. Angels autocockers and automags have a completely diffrent system of operation. But they both fire the ball at the same pressure stock making them medium pressure guns. (375-400 psi)

Angels have 2 regulators a Low Pressure Regulator (LPR) and a High Pressure Regulator (HPR). Input from the tank to the angel is fed into the HPR and is regulated down to 375 psi this is the pressure used to fire the paintball. The LPR is used to regulate the air down further to drive the hammer. You feed an angel from the tank at high pressures from 600-800 psi the regulator that is the foregrip steps it down to 375.

Modern autocockers also have 2 regulators a HPR and a LPR. Stock autocockers fire the ball at tround 375-400 psi. The HPR regulates the air used to fire the ball and the LPR is used to cock the pnumatics. Autocockers can be run at lower pressure by changing the internals to higher flow components. Normally, this gun gets fed from the tank at 600-800 psi. The regulator that is the foregrip steps it down to 375.

Automags dont have any additional hammer to move or pnumatics to cock so it has no need to have a LPR the HPR is intergrated in the back of the valve and steps tank pressure (600-800 psi) down to about 375.

So what makes it low pressure or high pressure the pressure DUH! In this case if we look at stock angels autocockers and automags the pressure used to fire the ball is 375psi.
Thus they are all medium pressure guns unless it has been modified otherwise.

As a sidenote... This isnt aimed towards you minimagman. This is just my rant. NOT AIMED TOWARD YOU.

The paintball community seems to belive everything they hear when they dont know what they are talking about.

This seems to be an on going trend in paintball... Unfortunately.

Look at Bin Laden and Afganastan... Just by the mere power of suggestion and word of mouth he managed to coax hundreds upon thousands of people into beliving that they will go to heaven if they kill americans... kinda like smart parts coaxed and continues to coax people into beliving that they have antigravity parts.

People, make sure you know what you are doing first, stop the rumors before they start, and before you spread information PLEASE AT LEAST make sure it makes logical sense.

And remember things arent the way they are for the sheer reason that they "just are."

Thank You


12-13-2001, 07:49 PM
i only brag around the people i have beaten and not the people who i have yet to beat because if you brag to the people you're about to play then the entire other team will aim for you off the start and i dont care how good you are if 3-5 people a pinning you down on a bunker you're not staying in the game long