View Full Version : UPS help (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

01-12-2006, 06:33 PM
I'm looking to get a UPS. I want it for when I go back to school this weekend, since the room's power supply seems to be sketchy and inconsistant (my laptop, stereo, and TV all died due to power problems first semester). However, I don't know anything at all about them.

It seems that the features I want are surge protection, black out protection, and brown out protection. Since I use a laptop, the amount of battery time on the UPS during blackout isn't a big concern. I mainly want it to filter/regulate the power in to my computer and stereo receiver.

My original budget was around $100, but that was a pretty arbitrary number and I'm sure I could be swayed fairly easily for something that would better protect my stuff. I need to buy it in a store as opposed to ordering one, but I've got a whole slew of stores around me I've got to choose from (Best Buy, Circuit City, Staples, CompUSA, Micro Center).

In summation, I guess I need a basic idea of what to look for in a UPS, and possibly model reccomendations. Thanks!

edit for more/clearer info: I'll be running a laptop off the UPS, as well as a stereo receiver, so I need a beefy enough UPS to protect both simultaneously.

01-12-2006, 07:15 PM
My dad's business deals with companies that make UPS, more specifically the company Powerware. I would suggest checking out their site to see what would best fit your situation.

Here's the link:


If you have any questions, shoot me a PM or catch me on AIM.

Good luck!

01-12-2006, 07:33 PM
Not an expert, but most UPS for $100 are probably only going to give you a few minutes (20-30) of juice at a level equal to run a desktop computer.

01-14-2006, 12:10 AM
Well a UPS for the home really isnt designed to run things for a extended time its mainly to give you enough time to save your work and shut down the computer normally. That being said I've had pretty good luck with APC products 500VA should probably do for what your wanting to use it for or you might consider getting two smaller ones one for the computer and one for the stereo/tv . Since you have a laptop you could probably save some money and just get two surge suppressor and save some cash.