View Full Version : Clerks 2

01-13-2006, 02:08 AM
Is anyone else somewhat looking forward to this movie?

I wonder if it will be able to stand up to the original... We'll see.

Clerks 2 Teaser (http://www.clerks2.com/teaser/)

01-13-2006, 03:25 AM
Its isnt in black and white! BAH!!

Im still waiting for my Boondock Saints sequel " All Saints Day "

01-13-2006, 04:16 AM
Its isnt in black and white! BAH!!
The only reason the first one is was because of the budget.

01-13-2006, 06:25 AM
Its isnt in black and white! BAH!!

Im still waiting for my Boondock Saints sequel " All Saints Day "

01-13-2006, 10:53 AM
The only reason the first one is was because of the budget.

That is true, but the rawness is one of the things I have always loved about Clerks. Have you seen the original release that Kevin was showing at film fests?

01-13-2006, 11:01 AM
OMFG :clap:

01-13-2006, 12:29 PM
I love independant films.. and black and white just makes me swoon.

Clerks worked in black and white to hell with what ever the budget was , it just worked. To see the new one in color BAH! Blastphemy!

01-13-2006, 12:33 PM
i saw the teaser a few days ago and meh, i guess i am semi looking forward to it.

Im still waiting for my Boondock Saints sequel " All Saints Day "

hellz yeah!!!

01-13-2006, 03:32 PM
meh. i'm sure the first one will still be better.

01-13-2006, 03:39 PM
meh. i'm sure the first one will still be better.

Considering the quality of his last films.....
You're probably right.

01-13-2006, 03:53 PM
Jersey Girl was the only truely lame movie he has done.

01-13-2006, 04:11 PM
Jersey Girl was the only truely lame movie he has done.

Don't remember hearing about that one.

I have enjoyed all of the "Jay and Silent Bob" flicks and associated films. I especially liked Dogma. Mallrats was pretty funny as well.

01-13-2006, 04:22 PM
Jay's Hardcore dance in the drive through = awesome.

Cow hunter
01-13-2006, 04:28 PM
I love independant films.. and black and white just makes me swoon.

Clerks worked in black and white to hell with what ever the budget was , it just worked. To see the new one in color BAH! Blastphemy!
so turn the knobs on the tv down and theres no color, or if you can afford a newer TV its in menu, color option

01-15-2006, 03:06 PM
The only reason the first one is was because of the budget.

Yeah, but Clerks is synonomous with black and white, and low budget, and being a cult film, and stuff.

01-17-2006, 01:40 AM
Yeah, but Clerks is synonomous with black and white, and low budget, and being a cult film, and stuff.
I realize that. I'm just glad that Randal will be in this movie. He was definitely what made "Clerks" work. Jay and Silent Bob were great support though.

01-17-2006, 12:10 PM
Im still waiting for my Boondock Saints sequel " All Saints Day "
you and me both
Whatever happened to the production diary on their website????

01-19-2006, 01:00 AM
Im still waiting for my Boondock Saints sequel " All Saints Day "
I thought this thread was about "Clerks 2"...?


07-02-2006, 04:24 AM
Jersey Girl was the only truely lame movie he has done.

I don't think you can blame Kevin entirely for that one... I've seen the original cut of the movie and it's actually much better than the butchered version that was eventually released. He had the misfortune of casting Jennifer Lopez alongside Ben Affleck just as their relationship was starting and the whole "Bennifer" thing had truly kicked off... by the time the movie was ready to come out everyone and their dog hated the amount of press coverage "Bennifer" was getting and Gigli has pretty sealed the fate of any movie that starred the two! Unfortunately it was decided to cut Jersey Girl and promote it as a "Jennifer Lopez dies in the first ten minutes" movie... which in the original was not true she was in for a good hour and she had a real character, dare I say it - a likeable character. And the original intention was to keep her death a secret so it came as a shock - and not, as it turned out, a marketing point! Still I don't think the movie was that bad - even the theatrical cut tells a good story and the more I watch it the more I like it.

Anyway onto...

http://www.clerks2.com/myspace/july21myspace.jpg (http://www.clerks2.com)

... I think all the people who are against a sequel to Clerks being made will be pleasantly surprised come July 21st. The trailers don't really go into the actual plot of the film (well there is one trailer that has a line of dialogue that almost gives it away) and there is a really nice heartfelt story in the movie (it's not all Donkey shows and Rosario Dawson jiggling... not that they hurt the movie)! :D

07-03-2006, 06:35 PM
I know it won't be able to touch the original, but I still can't wait to see it.

07-03-2006, 08:06 PM
I know it won't be able to touch the original, but I still can't wait to see it.

no doubt. i'd camp out in front of the theatre to see the first showing.

07-04-2006, 11:53 PM
I will be seeing this film on opening night like the good fanboy I am...

Personally I don't think Black and White or color make much of a difference in his films. I "watch" his films for the dialogue more than anything else, I can put on one of his movies and just listen to it and be amused. Like he always says, "My movies look like crap".

Just my thoughts.

And if you ever get a chance, go to one of his Q&A sessions. It's absolutely hilarious, he went on for an extra 4 hours after the scheduled end time. It was so late all the busses had stopped running and I had to call a cab to pick me up.

07-05-2006, 12:14 PM
I don't think you can blame Kevin entirely for that one... I've seen the original cut of the movie and it's actually much better than the butchered version that was eventually released. He had the misfortune of casting Jennifer Lopez alongside Ben Affleck just as their relationship was starting and the whole "Bennifer" thing had truly kicked off... by the time the movie was ready to come out everyone and their dog hated the amount of press coverage "Bennifer" was getting and Gigli has pretty sealed the fate of any movie that starred the two! Unfortunately it was decided to cut Jersey Girl and promote it as a "Jennifer Lopez dies in the first ten minutes" movie... which in the original was not true she was in for a good hour and she had a real character, dare I say it - a likeable character. And the original intention was to keep her death a secret so it came as a shock - and not, as it turned out, a marketing point! Still I don't think the movie was that bad - even the theatrical cut tells a good story and the more I watch it the more I like it.

i actually liked jersey girl. not for being a Kevin Smith movie (because for the most part it doesnt feel like one of his, likely due to the absence of J&SB). I'm not a single father, but i do have a young daughter and i dont know, i just really appreciate it and find it enjoyable. I'd love to see the original cut...didnt know there was a diff version.

As for clerks 2, well i love all the J&SB movies, especially strike back!! :clap: But i hope this one doesnt turn into another J&SB movies. I hope it sticks more to the original of having them in minor supporting roles and nothing more. otherwise it doesnt deserve the title of clerks.