View Full Version : Power Tube Spacer Kit - WOW

12-12-2001, 06:37 PM
I was having trigger problems ( 68 Automag ) and adjusted the trigger rod length, but still wasn't overly happy.

I read about the power tube spacer kit and thought I'd give it a go, because even though it is aftermarket it is made by AGD.

My marker ( ebay purchase ) had a .220 power tube spacer in it - not a spring, and perhaps that was right for it for the last guy ( who an ANS Phase II valve and "venturi" bolt which I replaced with stock ) but it wasn't right for the way the gun is setup now. I dropped in the .225 spacer and WOW.. NICE!!!!!

The trigger pull is just SO sweet and crisp, it feels like a whole new marker.. I also can tell by the sound that the whole thing is much more tight, and I bet I've solved my shot consistency problem.


Am I the only person to find this piece of brass a wonder-fix?


12-12-2001, 07:26 PM
In my ReTro Valve, I have a .115 spacer, which is in my main marker, and I have a .225 spacer in my stock MinimaG.

12-12-2001, 10:25 PM
I also got my mag off Ebay and it leaked a little out the front. I swapped out the power tube tip and o-ring and put in a .225 and it works great. The one that was in it was also a .225 that looked filed down under .215 as I measured. Who knows what they were thinking. Good idea on getting rid of the ANS stuff though. Good luck.

12-13-2001, 04:36 PM
I know that I am an ignorant techie. But I have owned 3 different mag assemblies and had them all apart, and never seen where the power tube spacer goes. Will someone enlighten me? Maybe even pictures!

12-13-2001, 04:41 PM
No pictures, but...

1) Remove the entire valve assembly from the marker
2) Slip off the bolt from the front
3) What the bolt was on is called the "Power Tube". Use a coin in the groove on the top of that to unscrew this cap.
4) Inside you will probably find a spring about 1/4 inch or so long and the diameter of a pencil.

The power tube spacer replaces this spring. I guess the theory is that this spring is designed to take up any slack. Instead of using the spring you use a spacer of the perfect length to match your marker. The spacer kit comes with 5 different lengths and instructions on how to determine which is right for you.


12-13-2001, 04:48 PM
More ignorance-Argh

Hehe well my question is: What does a spacer do? What does it help. What's its purpose in life:cool:

12-13-2001, 05:39 PM
Ha Ha. I started to write a reply and then realized I don't know! Works though ;-)

My best guess is that either it affects where the bolt comes to rest, therefore affecting the bolt / sear relationship, or it affects where the rod on the inside of the bolt sits in relationship to the powertube with respect to air flowing down the middle of it.

I think it is the second reason, because that would explain why the wrong sized spacer allows leaking down the barrel.

If I'm right then I understand what the spacer changes but still need enlightenment as to why it makes such a difference.


12-13-2001, 07:04 PM
All the power tube spacer does is govern where the power tube o-ring sits in the power tube, as said earlier, a too long of spacer will cause leaking down the barrel, meaning the o-ring cant seat completely on the pin inside of the bolt, a too short of power tube spacer will result in bolt stick, as the pin is seated too far into the o-ring and when fired, the bolt spring cant push the bolt back far enough for the sear to catch the bolt edge due to the increased resistence of the power tube o-ring, basically your looking for the spacer that will seal around the bolt pin, and will allow the bolt spring to move the bolt back far enough so the sear can catch on the bolt again.

12-14-2001, 10:55 AM
Great job Xzion nailing the answer. Something I found is that if you are tearing it apart to see what size spacer you have, remove the o-ring in there and look at it or even replace it. I thought I had a spacer problem so I went shorter and shorter and came to find out that the o-ring wasn't moving and was stuck. When you replace the spacer, pull the o-ring out clean it of any brass that is on it and push it back in with the spacer by screwing in the power tube tip. Just a little suggestion from problems I had. Good luck as always

12-14-2001, 02:18 PM
No, you are not the only person who thinks that little piece of brass is miraculous. I do too. :)

12-15-2001, 12:00 PM
hey dawump, ill buy that ans stuff from you if you still have it.

12-18-2001, 04:19 PM
Ok, I got a spacer kit today. My gun came with a .220 in it and the guy at the shop put in a .215 because I was having problems with bolt stick. But then we found out that my real problem was my trigger rod, which we fixed. (Its nice to have calipers). But I need to know whether I should keep the .215, put in the .220, or try a .225.

12-19-2001, 01:16 AM
Ok, I got a spacer kit today. My gun came with a .220 in it and the guy at the shop put in a .215 because I was having problems with bolt stick. But then we found out that my real problem was my trigger rod, which we fixed. (Its nice to have calipers). But I need to know whether I should keep the .215, put in the .220, or try a .225.

Well, if your having bolt stick, putting in a smaller power tube spacer will only make it worse, you use a longer power tube spacer to cure bolt stick, and a shorter power tube spacer to cure a leak down the barrel, I'd suggest you return to the .220 spacer, check if thats still giving you problems, if it is, try the .225 spacer, and keep going up until the problem cease. Installing too big of a spacer will induce a leak down the barrel, hope this helps some.

12-19-2001, 08:59 AM
I'm gonna be playing today, so I' going to ty different sizes and see which works best. Also should I be looking to see any improvement if the trigger pull itself? Will it b shortened at all with a longer spacer?

12-31-2001, 11:02 PM
i found that the biggest one worked bset with mine...sad thing is i dont know what size it is :(

01-01-2002, 01:23 PM
Alright I have a Minimag with a spacer size of 220, if I remember right. Anyway, everything is working fine, but would putting a smaller/larger spacer in my gun help soften/shorten/etc the trigger? Or would this just screw up the timing of my gun? I'm looking for someone who has done this before, and could tell me what happened to them.

01-01-2002, 01:29 PM
Unfortunately the only way to know is to try it. The perfect length for your gun may be the one that you have.. My problem was that it had a 220 in there which matched some aftermarket parts that the previous owner had, and I replaced them and didn't change the spacer.
