View Full Version : New ULE Mainbodies

01-15-2006, 01:47 PM
I just want to see how many here would love a new ULE mainbody, or even a center feed body for the old RT? Looking at this idea hasn't really appealed to me (ule bodies) but i think i may think of switching down the road and i ended up buying an old rt because it was cheaper than buying an x-valve and an intelliframe, so i was wondering how many people would like to see these bodies for the original rt? I dunno, but as far as things like that go they seem to have forgotten the RT just because it's not compatible with other mags, but it's the daddy of all of the other RT valves.

01-15-2006, 01:50 PM
I don't have my Classic RT anymore, sold it here, but that would be great for the "old schoolers", they could take thier first baby step into the 21st century! ;):)
(if certain people here can't take this as a joke as it was intended, well, bite me!)

01-15-2006, 01:55 PM
Wishful thinking.

I am sure AGD, like all other manufacturers, if they are planning on making new parts would be for what they currently are making and selling and not something that was discontinued years ago.
Yes i know it's wishful thinking, but it'd still be nice if they didn't forget those that still had the original RTs, seeing as i'm getting mine soon in the mail and i don't have the $325 to upgrade, and i also love the original RT and such, so if they don't do it that's fine, i'll keep rocking the powerfeed, but if the do do it i'll probably buy one once i accumulate some money (the rt left me pretty much broke).

01-15-2006, 02:27 PM
How about a special run of ULE Minimag style bodies?

01-15-2006, 02:41 PM
How about a special run of ULE minimag bodies?
Nice joke, but if you didn't realize, the ule bodies will fit the minimag valve and rail, but it will not fit the original RT because the valve is different on the outside. Please don't make assumptions when you don't know things about the products. Oh, and they still make the origignal RT rails and such and sell them here http://store.airgun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.catalog&categoryID=101 so why would they continue producing that stuff for a gun they discontinued but they wouldn't still make mainbodies? To me it makes no sense, i mean you can only get a powerfeed body for the original RT, and you can't get a verticle feed for it, and i just think that kind of sucks. I mean this gun revolutionized the products produced by AGD, and all of the valves and guns they have now with the exception of the pro classic wouldn't be possible without this gun (the emag and x valves are the same valve, the difference being they fit into a body like the classic, rather than the body going over the valve) so why are they not even considering ULE bodies for the original RT?

01-15-2006, 02:44 PM
I am talking about a vented style body just like the minimag. Yeah I know it will fit most valves. :rolleyes:

01-15-2006, 02:46 PM
I am talking about a vented style body just like the minimag. Yeah I know it will fit most valves. :rolleyes:
Oh, i thought you were being sarcastic. Well i don't care if it's vented or not, i would just like to get a verticle feed down the road, but that's not seeming at all possible.

01-15-2006, 02:55 PM
I believe there used to be some kind of upgrade special at AGD for people with older RT's. Check out the AGD site. ;)

01-15-2006, 02:58 PM
I believe there used to be some kind of upgrade special at AGD for people with older RT's. Check out the AGD site. ;)
Haha, i addressed that situation earlier, saying i don't have the 325 to upgrade. Also, i'm happy with the setup i'm getting as it has a double trigger and level 10, and plus it's got the valve i want, so i see no point in wasting 325 just to get a centerfeed body as well.

01-16-2006, 07:25 PM
Bump, just so more people see it and can vote, cause i'd love to see what Tom has to say about this.

01-17-2006, 12:06 PM
I would also like to see a ULE body with the Mini-Mag like vents, I think they look sharp. Its also the only reason my wife won't go with a ULE body on her Mini-mag, because she likes thel look of her polished Mini-mag body, even thou it would shave some weight off her marker.

01-17-2006, 01:29 PM
#1- ULE stands for ULTRA LIGHT ENGINEERING. The minimag body is HEAVIER than the regular powerfeed and certainly the regular ULE bodies. If you did a minimag body in aluminum, it would be HEAVIER than the standard ULE body. Not exactly "Ultra Light" is it?

#2- The Classic RT was phased out for a reason. (Namely its non-standard parts & the fact that the banjo-bolt & rail air fittings leaked like crazy.) It's a discontinued product. And they are NOT producing anything more for them, they are selling current stock.

#3- They offer the upgrade for a reason- to get the older, non-standard parts off the market so they don't have to service them.

I'd get used to disappointment. :cry:

01-17-2006, 04:34 PM
But the only thing is that they DO make new product for the gun, such as special intelliframes and extra parts for the gun. Also, i've heard that it only leaks if you set it up wrong, like forgetting an o-ring. Also, they aren't selling anymore rts, so i have no clue what you meant by "they are selling current stock".

01-17-2006, 04:39 PM
#1- ULE stands for ULTRA LIGHT ENGINEERING. The minimag body is HEAVIER than the regular powerfeed and certainly the regular ULE bodies. If you did a minimag body in aluminum, it would be HEAVIER than the standard ULE body. Not exactly "Ultra Light" is it?

#2- The Classic RT was phased out for a reason. (Namely its non-standard parts & the fact that the banjo-bolt & rail air fittings leaked like crazy.) It's a discontinued product. And they are NOT producing anything more for them, they are selling current stock.

#3- They offer the upgrade for a reason- to get the older, non-standard parts off the market so they don't have to service them.

I'd get used to disappointment. :cry:


01-17-2006, 05:17 PM
*Makes guest apperance*

Hmmm my idea never caught on.... I tryed to give the old school RT some lovins :cry:


01-17-2006, 05:34 PM
*Makes guest apperance*

Hmmm my idea never caught on.... I tryed to give the old school RT some lovins :cry:

Dude, that's awesome, you actually went with the idea, the only thing is i have no tools, hence why i want to see tom's input on this to see if the idea of getting one is even fathomable.

11 Bravo
01-17-2006, 05:39 PM
Selling current stock means that they are selling what they have left over and will not be replacing it with new stock.
Check with Luke. I thought I saw something about him doing some kind of powerfeed to centerfeed mod.

01-17-2006, 06:09 PM
Selling current stock means that they are selling what they have left over and will not be replacing it with new stock.
Check with Luke. I thought I saw something about him doing some kind of powerfeed to centerfeed mod.
Yes, but the only thing is where are they selling these because i looked and haven't found them anywhere on their site, that's what i meant. Oh, and they don't say they only have so many left, because i'm pretty sure they're still producing the stuff.

01-17-2006, 08:51 PM
Hate to break it to you, but no. They are not producing (aside from perhaps orings) anything for a DISCONTINUED product.

i'm pretty sure they're still producing the stuff.

01-17-2006, 10:18 PM
Hate to break it to you, but no. They are not producing (aside from perhaps orings) anything for a DISCONTINUED product.
Look at their site, they are still producing intelliframes for the rt, and they have replacement parts and if they were limited (getting rid of what they have) they would say so, so that leads me to believe they're also manufactuaing spare parts, especially since tunamart has them too.

01-17-2006, 10:31 PM
The RT Intelliframes are just a modified standard intelliframes drilled out for the larger banjo bolt the Classic RT uses.

Listen to Dayspring- he knows what he is talking about. If you prefer, you can call AGD at 847-520-7507 and confirm the information he has given you.

Hope this helps.
Ok, i find it odd that they say they have a limited number of the things they do have a limited number of, but not the rt parts they have, but whatever. And i know the rt intelliframes are normal ones with a loreger hole, but the fact still remains they're producing parts for the rt.

01-17-2006, 11:00 PM
THESE parts:


11 Bravo
01-17-2006, 11:46 PM
How do you know they are still producing them? Maybe they have been sitting on the shelves for years. How would you know?

01-18-2006, 12:39 AM
Ok. Only 2 of those parts are Classic RT specific. The Banjo bolt, and the rail.

Neither of which are currently being produced. They were produced(as in made) ~10 years ago, and have been there ever since. Its old stock.

Every other part on that page is interchangeable with other AGD markers.
Yes, i know that, but explain to me why that stuff is in limited stock yet they don't label it as limited, yet parts for the emag taht are limited they mark as limited, as well as guns. I'm not saying that they still produce this stuff, but it seems odd to me that both agd and tunamart sell these parts and neither says anything about limited stock.

01-18-2006, 02:27 AM
That would be pretty neat. :)

01-18-2006, 09:43 AM
*Makes guest apperance*

Hmmm my idea never caught on.... I tryed to give the old school RT some lovins :cry:


So you did this buy cutting off the back part of an old automag body anod modified it? Interesting.. If I can find a old classic RT I might have to give this a try...

01-18-2006, 01:23 PM
If youve convinced yourself parts are still produced because they dont mark them as limited to rationalize that AGD will make you a new body, so be it.

Its not that important to me. Call AGD to find out why it isnt marked limited. It wont change the fact that AGD isnt making parts for a marker thats been discontinued.
I'm not trying to rationalize it, and i'm not saying they're still produced, it just strikes me as odd that they mark other limited products as limited and not these, but i never said they were still produced. But hey, i just want to see what tom thinks about this because i'm sure if enough people want it there's a shot it could be made, i mean i'm not holding my breath and i said that before and it's not a big deal if they don't make it, i just think it'd be cool.

01-18-2006, 02:14 PM
[QUOTE=Dayspring]#1- ULE stands for ULTRA LIGHT ENGINEERING. The minimag body is HEAVIER than the regular powerfeed and certainly the regular ULE bodies. If you did a minimag body in aluminum, it would be HEAVIER than the standard ULE body. Not exactly "Ultra Light" is it?

Thank you Mr. Wizzard, you've proven a longer piece of aluminum would weigh more than a shorter piece of aluminum. :clap:

But I'm pretty sure a mini-mag style body made in aluminum would weigh less than the steel ones on the original mini-mag.

01-18-2006, 03:46 PM
I'm not trying to rationalize it, and i'm not saying they're still produced, it just strikes me as odd that they mark other limited products as limited and not these, but i never said they were still produced. But hey, i just want to see what tom thinks about this because i'm sure if enough people want it there's a shot it could be made, i mean i'm not holding my breath and i said that before and it's not a big deal if they don't make it, i just think it'd be cool.

The original parts are not produced anymore. They're probably not marked as limited since AGD has enough in stock of what's listed that they won't be running out anytime soon. As far as them making new parts for the RT, it's never going to happen. AGD started the RT upgrade program for people who wanted updated markers. If they were at all considering making a new body or such for the RT then they would have done it before the trade in started. There simply isn't enough demand or money to be made.

01-18-2006, 03:57 PM
The original parts are not produced anymore. They're probably not marked as limited since AGD has enough in stock of what's listed that they won't be running out anytime soon. As far as them making new parts for the RT, it's never going to happen. AGD started the RT upgrade program for people who wanted updated markers. If they were at all considering making a new body or such for the RT then they would have done it before the trade in started. There simply isn't enough demand or money to be made.
Hence why i made this, so they can see how much interest there is. Also, not everyone can afford the $325 upgrade that only has a single trigger frame and you don't get to keep a powerfeed body.

11 Bravo
01-18-2006, 04:01 PM
Get over it. They are not going to do it. What is the most they would sell 10 or 15 maybe?
The cost of doing it wouldnt be worth it to them.

01-18-2006, 04:20 PM
Like i said, i doubt it will happen and it's not a big deal if it doesn't, but if it does it'd be cool. Also note the poll is if you want one, not if you think it'd be cost effective or if agd will make one.

01-18-2006, 04:33 PM
It would also be cool if AGD would release the Titanium 6-Pak+'s tha were mentioned many many years ago, but I doubt it will happen. :)