View Full Version : Help with lvl 10 xvavle

01-17-2006, 12:43 AM
Ok, i stopped the barrell leak but now the gun will not fire, its not the ULT i put it on my budies ULE mag and it worked fine, its not leaking and theres plenty of air in the HPA tank. the thing is i pull the trigger and nothing happens, im still trying to find an answer to this problem. someone enlighten me?

01-17-2006, 09:58 AM
What's the setup?

Probably have to turn up the velocity.

01-17-2006, 09:43 PM
i did, it worked for a few shots, and stopped, but i found if i lift up on the valve if fired perfect. so i put an oring spacer in to test it by rasigng the valve, my luckj ran out and it would fire very slowly or if u hit the trigger to fast it would shoot hiccup shoot hiccup and so on.