View Full Version : A new year, and new rant

01-18-2006, 09:23 AM
Its another year,

Time to let off some steam…

I was up all night listening to the wind knocking tree branches into my house, and then finally break one off to clobber my $600 Weber BBQ. So I’m tired and cranky and I’ve got some things to gripe about…..

Polls – There are wayyyy toooo many polls. I’m guilty of making a poll myself recently, and now I realize what a schmuck I was. No one cares what you think except your momma (If your lucky). Remember that next time before you click on one of the poll choices. It is a waste of time and proves nothing. But we love you anyhow. Just dont get mad when you start an argument.

Paintball guns – let your money do the talking. There is very little difference between the performances of any high-end gun. You can be shot just as equally well by a DM6, a DM4, a Shocker, a Nerve, an Ion, an Angel G7, an Angel LED, LCD or whatever else kind of Angles there are this week, an E-cocker, an E-mag, you get my point. Spend all of your parent’s money; you look so cool in the dead zone. Maybe one day someone will invent a chip that can give you skills. A good player with an Ion or mech gun earns more respect than the braggart sitting on the side running his mouth about how great his Digital-Rasta-Annoed-Uber-Gat is compared to “that noob with the BKO”. Stop the gun hate, you look foolish. (The other guy is still in the game)

Affordable equipment will NOT grow the sport the way everyone assumes. Take some time and think about that.

There is a lot of complaining about the state of paintball…cheating, bad attitudes, lax reffing… if people would spend as much time setting a good example for other, kept their own houses in order, and learned NOT to accept foolish behavior, we wouldn’t be in this situation.

Remember that there are other places to play. If the one you go to is not run well, find one that is. There are owners out there that really do care about their patrons.

If I ever catch anyone video taping me without my knowledge and expressed consent, they will get a beating. Plain and simple. Anyone pulls that in my business, I pull out my Louisville slugger. I look bad enough on my own, I don’t need anyone’s assistance, and then especially for the world to see. Anyone has a problem with me be a man and come to ME. If you don’t need your parents to sign the waver for you at the field, then you are an ADULT. Act like it.

There is a lot of talk about the down turn of the financial side of paintball. If you paid attention in economic class, then you realize that it was inevitable. Free Markets will constantly change and adjust. What we are seeing, and will continue to see, is the result of many really bad business practices that are employed by some of these companies.

One of the first things that needs to change, are the suppliers that undercut the stores they sell to.

Another thing that would be nice, is a greatly needed improvement in customer service. Customers will respect your business when you respect them.

Don’t even get me started about the Tag situation. I know that some day we will get our boards, but I am sorry for convincing all of you guys to pre-order. I hope it will be worth it.

I really have to get out and start playing pump again. I need to re-learn how to aim. Having the paintball equivalent of a ‘can of whoop ***’ at my finger tips has made me lazy. Hey, I admit it, but I’m going to try to improve.

Has anyone else noticed, but as some of the other paintball companies flounder, AGD’s strategy looks more and more brilliant? (well, maybe)

Yes, I know I can't spell.

Happy New (belated) Year.

01-18-2006, 09:41 AM
Well that just about covers it...

01-18-2006, 10:36 AM
I posted this in another thread, kinda thought it belongs here to.

I guaranty if you take any mech mag, eliminate any bounce, you will be allowed to play any turny. ANY, I've done it. Tell me, whos going to check your gun when you're shooting 6 bps with one finger, when the guy next you is pulling atleast 15 walking with two.

The only reason they will be watching you is because your kicking ***. Which is most likely the the outcome you will always have when you actually learned how to play the sport of paintball. And trust me on this, when they do start watching you, they are not watching you because your cheating, they are watching because you are knocking everyone out without the need for batteries. I like seeing players with skill using any mech marker for that matter.

01-18-2006, 01:05 PM
Its another year,

Time to let off some steam…

I was up all night listening to the wind knocking tree branches into my house, and then finally break one off to clobber my $600 Weber BBQ. .

I wish mine would. I really want a PK and death by tree would be a great excuse to the wife.

One of the first things that needs to change, are the suppliers that undercut the stores they sell to.

Another thing that would be nice, is a greatly needed improvement in customer service. Customers will respect your business when you respect them.

A *Bleeping* MEN

Don’t even get me started about the Tag situation. I know that some day we will get our boards, but I am sorry for convincing all of you guys to pre-order. I hope it will be worth it.

Don't worry about it. I did a GB for feartherlight vikings once. 11 months later I finally got my viking. One good thing did come, my 1500 viking was no better than my BKO

I really have to get out and start playing pump again. I need to re-learn how to aim. Having the paintball equivalent of a ‘can of whoop ***’ at my finger tips has made me lazy. Hey, I admit it, but I’m going to try to improve.

Funny, I was talking to Rogue about this a few nights ago. The irony here is that people are going to associate the surge in pump players as the anti-tourney movement. However my own intrests, as well as yours, seem to stem from skill improvement and a true love for the game to take it back to basics. You are not the only one that feels they need a pump!

01-18-2006, 01:13 PM
Funny, I was talking to Rogue about this a few nights ago. The irony here is that people are going to associate the surge in pump players as the anti-tourney movement. However my own intrests, as well as yours, seem to stem from skill improvement and a true love for the game to take it back to basics. You are not the only one that feels they need a pump!

My buddies and I just did this aswell.

Pumpers all around..

We play at a feild thats mostly noobs, and rentals. Our Electro's were making it TOO easy to mop up.

This way, we save ALOT of money, and improve skills. We're not playing tourney ball, so we're not going to be acting like it anymore.

01-18-2006, 01:58 PM
Funny, I was talking to Rogue about this a few nights ago. The irony here is that people are going to associate the surge in pump players as the anti-tourney movement. However my own intrests, as well as yours, seem to stem from skill improvement and a true love for the game to take it back to basics. You are not the only one that feels they need a pump!
Yeah, that's one reason i wanna start pump, is to help gain skill, because if you can win with pump you can win normally. Also, i told my friend (who is such a moron) that i want to try and start doing pump tourneys before too long and i do because it takes skill and is more fun than trwoing paint and trying not to get hit, however he responded "pump tourneys are for people who are afraid to get lit up" and i thought that was a sad sad day for paintball, when people can't even respect the roots of the game. I would've loved to be old enough when it was just starting to play, because i would've loved playing all pump woodsball, but oh well.

01-18-2006, 04:48 PM
"Funny, I was talking to Rogue about this a few nights ago. The irony here is that people are going to associate the surge in pump players as the anti-tourney movement. However my own intrests, as well as yours, seem to stem from skill improvement and a true love for the game to take it back to basics. You are not the only one that feels they need a pump!"

"We play at a feild thats mostly noobs, and rentals. Our Electro's were making it TOO easy to mop up.

This way, we save ALOT of money, and improve skills. We're not playing tourney ball, so we're not going to be acting like it anymore."

I have recently sold off all my uberfast ramping electros in lieu of a few nice mechs and one reliable non-ramping electro.

I don't like paying to play a game that is just a series of break out eliminations. You get a field full of people shooting rampers and off the break 3 cases of paint are gone and most of the players are headed for the dead box.

I took my ZeroB boarded cocker and turned it back into a mech and have started playing mech only and slow electro games. I play at a field that is considerate enough of its players to break people up into classes according to what they shoot.

01-18-2006, 04:58 PM
Currently I am a non player who has fast toys. When I have oppertunity to return to the field, I will being using my pump. I deperately need the skill to improve then rely on technology (spray and pray). I would dare to say, bring back the old rock and cock days.

01-18-2006, 07:50 PM
That was actually a pretty good RANT :p

and on a side note, i currently own one good electro(VIKING) , 1 pump(traccer), on SC semi(mag)(soon to be pump), and hopefully another phantom soon. i tihnk it's better to play with a disadvantage to help you find the advantage of it.<- don't know if that made sense :confused:

01-18-2006, 07:55 PM
love you man!

01-18-2006, 10:09 PM
There is a lot of talk about the down turn of the financial side of paintball. If you paid attention in economic class, then you realize that it was inevitable. Free Markets will constantly change and adjust. What we are seeing, and will continue to see, is the result of many really bad business practices that are employed by some of these companies.

One of the first things that needs to change, are the suppliers that undercut the stores they sell to.

Another thing that would be nice, is a greatly needed improvement in customer service. Customers will respect your business when you respect them.

This is by far the key to paintball success. I can't tell you the amount of people I personaly know who have actually stopped playing because of this immature, unprofessional, elitist attitude. I won't mention any companies in particular, but we have ALL dealt with a 2 month, "it'll get there when it gets there" attitude. There are 2 companies in particular I will NEVER buy anything from again due to this attitude!

01-19-2006, 08:04 AM
I won't mention any companies in particular, but we have ALL dealt with a 2 month, "it'll get there when it gets there" attitude. There are 2 companies in particular I will NEVER buy anything from again due to this attitude!

Its enough to drive any sane person crazy. I was buying 2-12 cases of paint a MONTH from a particular company for years. I had gotten 6 cases that were completely unusable. I called them up to remedy the situation, and they would only give me credit on 2 cases. I even ate the shipping cost to send the 6 back to them. After trying to reason with the return manager with no success, I filed a claim with Amex, which after an investigation, I won and got my money back.

Needless to say, I will NEVER buy anything else from them EVER. Here I was a loyal and long term customer who has spent literarly thousands of dollars with them, and they couldnt even fix a problem that they caused me. I wasnt asking for any favors, just to make the situation right. If they can afford to loose #100-$1200 a month from me, then God bless them, they must be doing pretty well.

So now when I need paint I will pay the extra $5-$10 a case and pick it up locally, or at the field where I play.

Its things like this that higlight how important it is to support the companies who do the right thing for their customers. Companies like AGD, WGP, Centerflag, and Nitroduck (PMS) have treated me so well in the past that I can never see a time where I will not use their products. This also means that when its time to buy new gear, I look to these places first.

01-19-2006, 08:27 AM
What is "Tag"?? :confused:

01-19-2006, 08:31 AM
What is "Tag"?? :confused:


Here is more info Emag Predator FAQ (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=177927&highlight=predator)

01-19-2006, 11:12 AM
Big Evil, I agree.....

On another note, I found my Vents Rage mask over the holidays at my parents house! It has all the parts still, including the lens. I think if I get a new goggle strap for it, it should be fine, but the lens does have a small crack :(

01-19-2006, 11:25 AM
Big Evil, I agree.....

On another note, I found my Vents Rage mask over the holidays at my parents house! It has all the parts still, including the lens. I think if I get a new goggle strap for it, it should be fine, but the lens does have a small crack :(

If you want, I have two vents Rage that are in decent to ok shape. I have a replacement lense with a small scratch in it. They are yours if you want them. LMK.

01-19-2006, 11:47 AM
Funny, I was talking to Rogue about this a few nights ago. The irony here is that people are going to associate the surge in pump players as the anti-tourney movement. However my own intrests, as well as yours, seem to stem from skill improvement and a true love for the game to take it back to basics. You are not the only one that feels they need a pump!

The joy of this game is in the woods. Period. Yeah, speedball is fun too, but it always seems that we have a better time with the camo on. My best experiences playing were always in the woods. I want to get back to not only really enjoying the game, but I want to get excited about it again too. I dont know if that means outlaw games, pump games, or sticking to scenario games.

However, the gadget whore and tinkerer in me will aways love the high end technology and flashy bling that goes with the speedball scene.

I also have to make sure I take a pilgrimage out to Skirmish in PA at least once this year. Its a little pricey, but definately the mecca of paintball on the east coast.

01-19-2006, 04:05 PM
Ah I wish I had gotten a pump at some point. I love playing pump. All of the pump I have played has been with rental guns but it is great anyway. I did get to use a Buzzard in a target shoot once(I want one!).

I eneded up buying an emag as soon as I had cash though, and though I don't regret the purchase I usually end up using my classic mag to play (at least in casual play). I borrowed my buddies old (twistlock) emag barel since he got a barrel set right away. I was getting people at about any distance in 3 shots with it! I ended up shooting the most paint that day because I didnt' get hit much. If anyone has an old stock emag barrel it is all you need!

I guess all you need in life in a stock mg and a decent (but non expensive) pump...and I guess a super cheater ramping custom board from TAG and an e mag :P

01-19-2006, 04:10 PM
Hey come to think of it if anyone is interested in a (out of the way) stock class tourney you should come to our tourney. Since speed ball as claimed all of the prospective youth (no loss really if they are that blind) there are only few teams who play in it. If you want to take a trip up here (Saskatchewan, Canada) check out our site(forgive the cheapness):


The tourney schedule won't be up until closer to spring but if you are interested and are willing to take the trip keep it in mind. :)

01-19-2006, 04:14 PM
I guess all you need in life in a stock mg and a decent (but non expensive) pump...and I guess a super cheater ramping custom board from TAG and an e mag :P

And a credit card with a high limit and low interest rate

Hmmm Canada eh? I will keep that site on my list. :cheers:

01-19-2006, 04:16 PM
Wow, Big Evil. You got some hate in you.

You find another place to play since Ruckus closed for the winter?

01-19-2006, 04:27 PM
If you want, I have two vents Rage that are in decent to ok shape. I have a replacement lense with a small scratch in it. They are yours if you want them. LMK.

Yes! Me wanty! PM me and I'll send you my phone number. I like to talk to people I do any kind of business with. THX! :D

01-19-2006, 04:56 PM
I'm actually in the process of making one of my cockers back into a slide framed pump...

Our local field allows any mode of fire you want to use...and it's no fun what so ever...thank god nobody's gotten hurt yet...

While making the transfer to pump...I'm also making the jump to an MQ valve for my cocker and a Scenario Dreams T-Board in my E2 (when the release)

I agree whole heartedly about the taping too, I don't anyone using me as an example to make a point. Tyger was being completely and Tiljack was doing what anyone else would do...

I've also noticed that I've been having more fun playing with my minimag and mech cocker in the woods than playing with my e2...period...

I've also told myself I need to get out and play some different fields...i want to make it out to skirmish, crazy daves, encounter in PA, and a few of the other local fields...

01-19-2006, 05:39 PM
Wow, Big Evil. You got some hate in you.

You find another place to play since Ruckus closed for the winter?

Dave has been convincing Chris to open for him on Saturdays!! I havent playes since Late Oct. I am in the proccess of trying to get my house into shape. My fiance moves in here in 3 weeks. So far, ive ripped out my granparents panelling,(what the heck is it with grandparents and pannelling?? Its all over the house and I have to rip it all out as I reclaim the place and make it livable)

Then I sheetrocked the walls, taped, primed and painted. Of course, she doesnt want just paint. She wants $35 a gallon ralph Lauren suede paint. 3 gallons, 3 coats, 10 hours. When its done it looks and feel like suede. Joy.

Then I ripped out a 25 year old A/C from the wall, and replaced it with a modern one, sealed it up, and in the process, knocked a gutter pipe out of the front of the house. Got into trouble with the sanitation police when I put it out on the curb. (Hey I tried)

Next, crown moulding.

Then, sand, strip, stain, and 3 (yes 3) coats of pollyurathane on the hard wood floor. (3 days)

Now I have to finish the floor boards (moulding), and on top of that I am re-finishing a cast iron wood buring stove that has been rotting in the florida room.

Oh, and I guess I still have to get a van and move her.

So I really havent played... :D

The weekend AFTER she's in, im out at a field, SOMEWHERE. The further, the better.

SO yeah, I guess I have some bent up aggression :shooting:

01-19-2006, 05:44 PM
I'm actually in the process of making one of my cockers back into a slide framed pump...

Nice.. I have an old school sniper II I use. Its awesome. I have a very rare Pro-team trigger frame that was made for the pump on it.

I noticed that the barrel threads are slightly different from some of the other cocker threaded guns. Some of my barrels wont fit it. Have you have anything like that?

Post some pics when your done with that. I love Sniper Pumps.

01-19-2006, 05:52 PM
It's a 2000 right feed body, so I haven't seen anything like that...but I could imagine that some of the original sniper's and early cockers had some defects.

All i hav now is the slider frame...I've been dumping so much cash lately I havent had enough for the ccm pump kit...so we shall see...

01-19-2006, 11:19 PM
Then I sheetrocked the walls, taped, primed and painted. Of course, she doesnt want just paint. She wants $35 a gallon ralph Lauren suede paint.

SO yeah, I guess I have some bent up aggression :shooting:

I feel you. I thought the RL paint was little more than branding. If you have the mad skills you can have the home depot guys make the RL paint for you ;) . "We" bought a new 4 bedroom house just so "we" could paint it how "we" like. I bought the house so "I" didnt have to do a dam thing! I hate home improvements!

01-21-2006, 06:32 PM
Dave has been convincing Chris to open for him on Saturdays!! I havent playes since Late Oct.
That would be great if they opened up at least on Saturdays.

I haven't played since early September.

01-21-2006, 06:51 PM
Paintball is about putting your mask on, stepping onto a field, and having a good time with a handful of other people.

If your not having fun- Quit.

If you cant respect the fact that some people have a different idea of fun as you- Quit.

If you cant respect people- Quit.

People (and I'm going to say AO in particular) seem to be worried way too much about the future. All you can do is learn from the past, and live in today.

This is a recreational sport. If your playing for anything other then fun your a fool.

Dont be a dick, be open minded, and have fun. These are the basic principals I try to live my life by. I've damn well got the last two down pretty good.

Theres some things in life you can't change. Society (fads) is one of them.

Stop complaining and just go with it. Have as much fun as you can now, becuase tomorrow, you're going to wish you did.

01-21-2006, 07:31 PM
alphas getting all "one with the earth" on us... lol silly US marine hippy.

01-21-2006, 09:25 PM
Paintball is about putting your mask on, stepping onto a field, and having a good time with a handful of other people.

If your not having fun- Quit.

If you cant respect the fact that some people have a different idea of fun as you- Quit.

If you cant respect people- Quit.

People (and I'm going to say AO in particular) seem to be worried way too much about the future. All you can do is learn from the past, and live in today.

This is a recreational sport. If your playing for anything other then fun your a fool.

Dont be a dick, be open minded, and have fun. These are the basic principals I try to live my life by. I've damn well got the last two down pretty good.

Theres some things in life you can't change. Society (fads) is one of them.

Stop complaining and just go with it. Have as much fun as you can now, becuase tomorrow, you're going to wish you did.

I think what Big Evil is all about is the lack of "skill" based play. Playing stock class takes patience and practice.

Speed ball was designed more around the concept of money=firepower="skill". Unfortunately most people don't realize the roots of paintball (stock class) and are really missing out on a whole aspect of the game.
However sacrificing thousands upon thousands of innocent paintballs is a "skill" in a way I guess....But something about practice in the off-season involving the continual drumming of your right index and middle finger on the table top just seems wrong.....

I like the occasional speed ball game, however my advice to anyone who reads this is play both. I find stock class to get boring after awhile and speedball continuously to be even more boring.
Our circut is great even if it isn't as glamourous as todays speed ball tourneys:
we have a couple speedball tourneys (hopper ball to eliminate "the money game") 1 pure stock class, 1 pump CTF and 1 pump speedball type game. Also 1 bush game involving 4 teams on the field (my personal fav).

I guarantee most (at least alot) of people who are all about firepower and playing speedball would learn to enjoy playing pump if not stock. It seems lame at first but all experienced players know how much pump improves your game (semiauto, fullyauto, or pump).

And hey it cheap! :P

01-21-2006, 09:33 PM
Speed ball was designed more around the concept of money=firepower="skill".

Good job using quotes on that. It indicates you realize its not true. :D

01-21-2006, 10:02 PM
Pump is just a different animal than speedball. There are different skill-sets for both. Some skills are shared, some are not.

Myself, I find that I get into alot of bad habits when I play strictly speedball for a while. I rely way too much on firepower, I dont move as much, and I have zero patience. Getting back behind a pump helps me break those habits.