View Full Version : (No Spoilers) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Impressions

12-12-2001, 10:40 PM
I just got back from a preview showing of Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

It was awesome. I can not express in words how good this movie is. The FX were near perfect (and I'm a nitpick about FX). They were used as a backdrop to the story. The acting was very good. You truly cared about the characters, and felt their struggle. The fighting was well done. It felt right for the weapons being used. The creature work was incredible, nothing felt hokey. The intro does a good job of explaining what you need to know to understand the story, and why things are happening. I could keep rambling on and on. It was a great movie. It nice to finally have a good fantasy movie that does justice to the source material.

12-12-2001, 11:27 PM
i hate you for seeing it before me

Ni cD
12-13-2001, 10:20 AM
Oh, how I wish I was there. :(

Can't wait to see it!


12-14-2001, 02:19 PM
I want to go see it As soon as I can, but I'm afraid of the Freaks that'll be there dressed up as who knows what.

I'll probably go after a few days.

12-14-2001, 02:25 PM
<--- going to sit on pins and needles until it is released for home viewing. I have a large family and put my investment into our home theater.

And I hate making an appointment to just go see something at a theater. Plus then I can watch it as often as I want, no traffic, no parking, and the kids can get me my refreshments. :D :D Not to mention that I HATE theater seating... being 6'4" is literally a pain about half way through the movie.

Ni cD
12-14-2001, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367
I want to go see it As soon as I can, but I'm afraid of the Freaks that'll be there dressed up as who knows what.

I'll probably go after a few days.

I was thinking about dressing up as Gollum...I'm kidding. :D


12-14-2001, 02:47 PM
I've been waiting to see this one ever since they released the first trailer. I'm looking forward to this almost as much as I did Episode 1.

12-14-2001, 03:41 PM
It's way better than Episode 1. And I am a huge Star Wars fan (I was at the 12:01 showing of Ep1).

12-14-2001, 03:53 PM
not saying that episode 1 was any good, I'm just saying that I was really looking forward to it. Guaranteed LOTR will be better than Ep 1. I was at the 12:01 as well and will be for LOTR.

12-15-2001, 08:43 AM
shartley, check out morpheus or direct connect, you can probably download a camcorder copy of LOTR movie the same day it comes out. harry potter was online before the movie was out, may take a few days for lotr to get on though.

12-15-2001, 09:03 AM
Thank you. But why get a cam corder copy? If you are going to get an illegal copy, why not just get a ripped DVD of the real thing? ;) Yes, I am aware of "other" ways to see it at home... faster than the official release date. ;)

But thanks for the thought.

(Note: I am not advocating any illegal activities. But if you are going to do it.. do it right. :D Don't you hate disclaimers? LOL ;) And I would never use a pre-setup system such as Morphius or others to conduct ANY illegal activities. But that is just me. :D)

12-15-2001, 09:59 AM
Yeah, there is a good idea. Watch what is one of the most anticipated films ever on a little screen with shaky-cam the entire time, and at best somewhat stereo sound.

I still don't understand the mentality of free is always better.

Go see this movie in the theater, it is very worth it.

Ni cD
12-15-2001, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Hexis
Go see this movie in the theater, it is very worth it.

Hexis is right - go see it on the big screen (if you can). Ain't nothin' like it. :)


12-15-2001, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by shartley
<--- going to sit on pins and needles until it is released for home viewing. I have a large family and put my investment into our home theater.

And I hate making an appointment to just go see something at a theater. Plus then I can watch it as often as I want, no traffic, no parking, and the kids can get me my refreshments. :D :D Not to mention that I HATE theater seating... being 6'4" is literally a pain about half way through the movie.

Did you get the BOSE theater. I saw this setup at White Plains mall and it is so totally incredibly awesome!! Kicks any movies theater butt. Especially with digi TV.

12-16-2001, 07:31 AM
I have a partial BOSE system, but not total. I am running Yamaha Stereo components/setup with mostly Bose speakers(center channel is actually Yamaha as well, I was shocked that it was better than what BOSE offered for that channel.. so I got it), and a Philips/Magnavox 56inch with Smoke Screen (not the biggest, but works VERY nicely :D). Blah, blah, blah... I don't get into listing EVERY detail. But that should give you a good idea of what I am running.

And of course it is all tuned into my actual room size and setup. It is nice, and does the job. And you are correct, when you set these systems up correctly, they ARE better than sitting in a theater. But you have to actually SHOW some people for them to believe it.... block out all light, put in a movie and sit back for the ride!

Oh.. and it plays music pretty good too. ;)

12-16-2001, 09:06 AM
I have never liked the way bose stuff sounds, way too tinny for me. They can make all the claims they want, but for nice sound, you have to move air.

However the thing about speakers is that since they add so much coloring/distortion compaired to the other components it all up to what you like the sound of.

12-16-2001, 09:16 AM
Very true... and I don't get into arguments with "purists" (you know those that stick to ONE brand)... that is also why I said "partial", if you mix speakers you can get the best sound quality, over just sticking with one brand. But it is EASIER to just buy a whole setup. Not to mention WHAT you want your speakers and system to DO for you, room size, and more. ;)

12-16-2001, 09:35 AM
There is a big advantage to sticking with one brand, at least across the front three. Your imaging and tonal coloring will be matched if you have a nice set. Mixing and matching a center to a pair of nice L/Rs is difficult to get right without staying within a brand and even series. I know some would feel that this extends to the surrounds as well, but I just feel that their very different use makes that not so important. In an ideal setup, a sound should be able to pan across the front sound field without any change in volume/coloring as it goes from L to C to R (or the other way).

Shifty Capone
12-16-2001, 09:58 AM
whats ur favorite character in the movie? i like legolus hes coolio

12-16-2001, 10:05 AM
And again you are correct.....

Let me say however that because it is EASIER does not make it the best. ;) And setting up a system can be quite challenging if you want the correct sound, over sticking to ONE brand. But I am sure you realize that it CAN be done, and done very well without sticking to one brand of speaker. :D It sounds as if you are talking about a system where the individual just plugged in a new speaker (or speaker set) and used it as is, with no adjustments. That is almost like slapping on a new fuel injection system in your car and running it out of the box.. sure, it will work, but it will probably not work as good as it can or SHOULD.

So don't forget that you can factor in having the ability to tune and balance each speaker set (and even individual speakers) via the stereo system itself, as well as the room size, effects you want, etc. etc. etc. And even some adjustments can be made on many speakers directly.

We have come a LONG way from the days of having to perfectly match speakers themselves, as well as having the perfect placement, to get the perfect matching sound.

We live in an imperfect world, with imperfect rooms.... thank heavens for technology!

I also have my system set up for different things... i.e. Movies, Karaoke, and then Music. I want different sound quality and results for each.. so I pre-SET them. :D This is not uncommon. Want to upset Dad? Mess with the stereo after I spent 2 hours fine tuning the setup. LOL (And thank heavens for LOCKING the setups as well.... learned THAT real quick. LOL)

So, like most things, it is not a black and white issue. There are so many variables to figure in, that each person's system needs to be built, and tuned for THEM. There is really no right or wrong (well, there IS, but I think we know what I am talking about)... it is what is right for the individual and their needs, as well as budget.

I did not stick to all BOSE because it did not give me quite the sound or range that I wanted for MY needs and tastes. But I did not have a problem matching my speakers either (because of the above mentioned things)... so I got what I personally thought sounded better, and then made sure I set up my system accordingly.

But you are VERY correct, sticking with one brand IS easier.

12-16-2001, 12:24 PM
Hey a bunch of my buddies and I are stuck here in korea for a year.(Military thing) Any how we are a bunch of dorks and REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY need to see this movie. Anyone got any suggestions ... or are willing to "Circumvent" any legal junk and send a camcorder or DVD version out to us.

12-16-2001, 02:28 PM
the reason you have to get a camcorder version is because the dvd wont be out for a while. DUH!

(yes i realize i answered your post 20 posts later :) )

12-16-2001, 04:07 PM
edweird, I highly suggest waiting at least untill there is a good version on DVD. Don't settle for bootleg quality. I'm sure this movie's presentation on DVD will be stunning. It will be worth the wait. Don't settle for a crap version just to see it soon.

Ni cD
12-16-2001, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Shifty Capone
whats ur favorite character in the movie? i like legolus hes coolio

Gimli. Or maybe Elrond... :confused:


12-16-2001, 06:18 PM
My 'rents saw Empire Strikes Back on bootleg in Okinawa. My favorite character from the book is the Ranger. Rangers are cool...

12-16-2001, 07:59 PM
it's a toss up for me between Aragorn and Sam. But who could forget bill the pony?

Ni cD
12-16-2001, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
it's a toss up for me between Aragorn and Sam. But who could forget bill the pony?

Bill rocks! So does Tom Bombadill...o (read the books, you'll understand). :D


12-16-2001, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Hexis
They can make all the claims they want, but for nice sound, you have to move air.

i feel the same way, the only way i prefer my stereo is if i moves air, and parts of whatever it is in
