View Full Version : E-Y-Frames

01-20-2006, 12:23 AM
Is there anyone out there with their E/X mags wishing airgun made electronic Y-grips? We should petition for them to make some. I know I could get a devil mag frame but to be honest I like the look of the batery pack and it would be nice to keep my marker as authentic as possible.

Any thoughts?

01-20-2006, 01:30 AM
I guess it would be nice to have an electric Y-Grip, but I would be ecstatic if someone would make an electric Z-Grip for my Emag. I would pay quite a bit for one of those...

01-20-2006, 04:00 AM
Is there anyone out there with their E/X mags wishing airgun made electronic Y-grips? We should petition for them to make some. I know I could get a devil mag frame but to be honest I like the look of the batery pack and it would be nice to keep my marker as authentic as possible.

Any thoughts?

My only thought is for you to do it yourself.
It'll never happen.
Sorry sparky.

And uh, no. You couldn't get a DevilFrame.