View Full Version : upgrades

12-13-2001, 07:07 AM
sup homies..with x-mas comin up i was wondering what u guys think some good up grades would be for my rt..
i shoot a automag rt with a aftermarket foregrip...a ans v bolt, cocker grips and a dye barrel....i was maybe thinking warp feed or somthing.
aim joker776
e-mail [email protected]

12-13-2001, 09:10 AM
loose the ans bolt and get a superbolt.....

12-13-2001, 10:10 AM
try to get an intelliframe, warp, and a 45/3000 flatline when its available.

the JoKeR
12-13-2001, 10:37 AM
100% agreement with the warp suggestion. I recently added one to my RT and love it. Only problem in my case is I have a hopper left main body, and ended up having to run the warp tube under the body in front of the grip and then up to the powerfeed. Too much hose for my liking, but it looks cool, kind of like a belt-fed machine gun! I also don't have to cut or melt my hopper for it. Get the warp. Get the warp. Get the warp. You'll love it.