View Full Version : palmer stabilzer or AKA sidewinder

12-13-2001, 08:08 AM
Well I've found out that I need to get a regulator for my Timi. My tank has a habbit of sneaking its output up. So I'm going to do the low pressure modification and need to know if anyone has had any experience with an AKA sidewinder. I read up on the stabilizer and they are winning the race so far, but I wanted a reg with the input at the bottom of it, not way up like the stabilizer. So any info on a sidewinder would be greatly appreciated.

12-13-2001, 09:03 AM
Sorry I've only got hersay<SP?> on the Sidewinder, I've heard good things about them but I've never used one.

I had a male stab on the Timmy I just sold(LP Mod w/volumizer, SOB, Bob's Bolt) and I didn't have any problems with it under any conditions. I even put the 1.4.3 board back in and with my warp, fired full auto, without any noticable shoot down.

Both regs are supposed to be good, but I've only had experience with the stab.


12-13-2001, 09:28 AM
so far these are the two most recommended I've found. I would like to get the sidewinder for look and functionality purposes, but all I've heard is people online praising them. I was looking for someone on AO that would testify to their performance.

12-13-2001, 10:09 AM
both companies have great quality products. i would recommend the palmers reg, but that is because i haven't had much expirience with the aka reg. you can't go wrong with these companies, so you won't be disappointed by your choice.

12-13-2001, 01:27 PM
i run a sidewinder on my excalibur. Excellent reg was getting +-3 fps with a screw in nitro tank. The swiviling bottom makes life so much easier. Aka has excelent support, my reg core bit the bucket on a tues i had a free replacement part by thursday.

12-13-2001, 01:34 PM
thanks for the info everybody. looks like it's gonna be a sidewinder.

12-13-2001, 08:14 PM
hey man, yeah I had a AKA Sidewinder before they are really nice. I had one on my '94 cocker. It has to be one of the best, if not the best, reg out there. Its very reliable, constant air flow no matter how fast you are shooting, and it isnt as heavy as it looks. I know a guy who is an AKA airsmith and his team is sponsered by them. Email me if you would like his email address. Dont go passing it around though! My email is [email protected]