View Full Version : those anti-drug and anti-DUI commercials

12-12-2001, 10:36 PM
have any of those commercials ever really gotten to you? i remember a anti drinking and driving commercial, one of the "drunk driving doesnt kill all its victems" where a teenage kid was giving a speech at his friend's funeral and broke down crying. that one kinda got me.

12-13-2001, 11:51 AM
I served on the Jury for a second degree murder trial. The killer(convicted), had been drinking most of the day when he and a buddy decided to go fishing at a local lake. Before heading out, they had one more beer "for the road"(in the transcripts and my notes). On the way they stopped at a liquor store to pick up a few 6-packs. The buddy felt he was too drunk to drive, so the killer took the wheel and took off squeeling the tires(witness statements). He was going 85 in a 55 zone (rural road)when he struck from behind, a Sable station wagon waiting for traffic to pass so she could turn into her own driveway.

The impact crushed the rear of the sable all the way to the back of the front seats. The Malibu wagon the drunk was driving, had its front left quarter torn away. The bass boat broke away from the trailer and was launched over the top of both cars, and bounced and slid to a stop 327 yards down the road, nearly 1000ft.

The accident was witnessed by four people, including a fish and game officer who helped the drunk get out of his car. The killer stated at that time, "I guess they'll put me in jail for a while this time..."(transcript and my notes)

He was okay but for a couple of bruises, the buddy had a deep cut on his head, and the little boy in the back seat(!) had a broken arm.

The driver of the Sable sustained a terrible concussion, broken back, arm, jaw, and foot. Her passenger had a broken leg....

...The drivers 4 year old daughter, who was in the back seat, in a car seat, sustained a skull fracture so terrible, that the Doctor compared it to a shattered egg(in transcript). She was crushed between the crumpling rear end and the front seat frames. She only lived for 12 more hours. Her Mom did not know of her death for another week.

The killer never expressed any remorse, nor responsibility, and in fact blamed the Mom for stopping in traffic.

We easily convicted him of 2nd degree murder by his own statement: "I guess they'll put me in jail for a while this time." You see, he already had 4 other DUIs on his record.

The most chilling aspect of the whole trial, was when the state prosecuter brought in a video of an anti-DUI commercial. It began with you hearing a child crying, and slowly pans back from a headstone. The name on the headstone is Michael Seymour, the killer we convicted was named, Michael Seymour. When asked if he had ever seen that particular ad, he said "Yeah, but I thought it was funny".

Good God people, don't get all messed up and try to drive. You'll just end up dead or killing someone. If you are going to a party where YOU know that booze or drugs or smoke will be there and you plan to participate, make arrangements to get home with a sober friend. Don't be stupid by trying to be cool.

I know this reads like a BS story, but I swear it is true, and I have the trial notes and transcripts to prove it.


*Edit*(I'm putting this thread in Main also)

12-13-2001, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Army

[b]The most chilling aspect of the whole trial, was when the state prosecuter brought in a video of an anti-DUI commercial. It began with you hearing a child crying, and slowly pans back from a headstone. The name on the headstone is Michael Seymour, the killer we convicted was named, Michael Seymour. When asked if he had ever seen that particular ad, he said "Yeah, but I thought it was funny".
That is one sick and stupid man, especialy that he had been convicted of 4 dui's.

12-13-2001, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Restola
have any of those commercials ever really gotten to you? i remember a anti drinking and driving commercial, one of the "drunk driving doesnt kill all its victems" where a teenage kid was giving a speech at his friend's funeral and broke down crying. that one kinda got me.

That would bother me. I've been to some of my friends funerals. It's tough.