View Full Version : what do I have

01-24-2006, 04:56 AM
ok, here's the story... Randomly I go into the pro-shop I regularly go to, and on the wall they have a micromag with a Z-grip on it and a star still, and selling it for $85. naturaly knowing what i am looking at, I buy it without a second thought.

now I have looked it over, not in great detail, but it is in... ok maybe poor condition. the body has scrapes and scratches in the fitting areas. the z-grip is ok over all, but the genus before me drilled 2 holes to run the micro (not macro) line threw the grip and mounted a foregrip so close it carved a little nitch in the z-grip in the front.

it has the old lvl-7 bolt, a classic valve and a normel on/off pin (not sure on the pin though, I havn't aired it up yet let alone shot it). that is about it for mentionables.

is there anything different about micromags then agd mags? they were made by proteam corect?

I am just curious, what is its rarity and what it might go for?

/I would post pics if I knew how to work a camera with 4 million buttions and settings and settings and more settings and modes... what ever happened to point and click?

Recon by Fire
01-24-2006, 05:24 AM
If its in good condition (with standard grip) they usually go for about $150. Nothing special about them really besides having cocker threads and being made by PTP rather than AGD. SOunds like a good buy on your part no matter what! :hail:

01-24-2006, 05:40 AM
what do you mean "if it has standered grip"?
the trigger frame? or foregrip? the fore grip this guy "homemade" and the trigger is an AGD Z-grip with "homemade" mods, but minor at that.

01-24-2006, 09:34 AM
Any chance we could get some pictures?

No matter what the condition, you got a good deal. I am pretty sure you could get $85 for the zgrip even if it is in fairly bad condition. ;)

01-24-2006, 05:49 PM
Pictures please.

Recon by Fire
01-24-2006, 08:48 PM
I meant standard grip as in NOT the z-grip.

01-24-2006, 10:57 PM
$85 is a pretty good deal I'd have to say.
Just look at it as a "less than mint" Z-grip with some extra parts!
That's how I'd rationalize it anyway...

01-24-2006, 11:33 PM
Since it is scratched up that makes it a good canidate for a custom anno job too, to me sounds like you got a good deal the Zgrip alone is worth what you paid for the whole gun.

01-24-2006, 11:51 PM
quit baiting us... Get some pictures up!!!! :bounce:

01-25-2006, 12:41 AM
I am working on the pictures. A) I got to figure out how to work the camera. B) i have to find a time my brother is not on the computer.

and after I get pics, how do I post them?

I didn't think the micromag was made of an anno'ing materal? would it be wise in anno the Z-grip?

01-25-2006, 08:08 AM
I am working on the pictures. A) I got to figure out how to work the camera. B) i have to find a time my brother is not on the computer.

and after I get pics, how do I post them?

I didn't think the micromag was made of an anno'ing materal? would it be wise in anno the Z-grip?

Yup, Micromags was the first aluminum mag bodies, perfect for anodizing. If the zgrip is beatup, then sure, get the zgrip and micromag body annodized together and make a nice custom mag. :)

01-25-2006, 11:55 AM








Now What do you think?

01-25-2006, 12:00 PM
Well worth 85 bucks if you ask me. ;) Just show it some love and clean er up. I wouldn't say the marker is extremely rare but you have a couple parts there that were produced in a limited run. There was about 400 Zframes produced and not sure on the Micromag body. You could probably get 100 bucks for the Z frame alone. Great buy! :clap: You don't find that combination of parts like the Z frame and a Micro body placed together often.
Edit: That tank cover come with the gun? :cheers:

01-25-2006, 12:20 PM
Nice find! Looks like you got a good deal. I actually thought about setting up a foregrip like that on a rig of mine. You have to replace that microline though. Switch it out with macro or a braided hose. Keep us updated.........

01-25-2006, 12:27 PM
I like the placement of the foregrip, nice original idea, or atleast I havnt seen another one like that. You got a great buy on that gun. Replacing that microline is a must, just for your own safety, but I do like how he ran it threw the grip. Some love and a good bath would make that mag look pretty good, I wouldnt worry about annodizing it, just play with it like it is. You will enjoy it more becuse you wont be woried about scratching it up. :dance:

01-25-2006, 12:30 PM
$85 wasn't a good buy, it was a steal! The hack-job on the Z-Grip actually looks a heckuva lot better than I thought it would from the initial description, that's a very clever way to run the air line. Great find!

01-25-2006, 02:23 PM
:eek: Good find, clean that thing up.

01-25-2006, 03:37 PM
Interesting micro set up the previous owner did. I kinda like it. I'm not really liking the foregrip though, it gets an A for originality but some other type of grip needs to be fabbed up and held into the stock location. Definately a good buy though, for $85 I wouldn't have thought twice about it either.

01-25-2006, 03:49 PM
The best part of that deal is the tank cover. That's worth tons.

01-26-2006, 02:25 AM
acctully, the tank cover is mine along with the tank - and I have a matching barrel cover with it. and I put the foregrip there. it was origonaly placed right up on the Z-grip, you can kinda see in the 3rd pic from the bottom where the foregrip was cutting into the Z-grip. and I don't have small hands, got a ring finger of a 15-1/2, so it had to move, I couldnt get my pinky in the space allowed to grip the frame.

why replace the micro line? I am guessing cause it is not good, or explodes, or something, so I am just wondering why.

But yeah I do like how it goes threw the grip, I was nervise about it at first cause it is a Z-grip now with 2 holes, but I cant imagine how annoying a hose running from the ASA to the valve not going threw anythign would be.

01-26-2006, 06:26 PM
Dude a sharpie will cover most of those scratches looks like you got a steal to me.