View Full Version : Help!

Space Cowboy
12-13-2001, 12:46 PM
My gun leaks are down the barrel and I can see in the breach that the bolt is about half way closed. I had this problem awhile ago so I took it to a friend who yelled at it and got it to work. :) I played the other day and it worked great. Then I took it apart to clean a ball break and when I put it back together it did this again. When I took it apart, all I did was clean out the breach and wipe some paint off of the bolt. I have a minimag with a retro valve, long nose bolt, and a 3000psi 88cu PMI tank. Any tips would be helpful. Thanks

12-13-2001, 03:29 PM
When gassing up your gun you need a quick burst of air. A pro connect or something similar works well. For a screw in tank when you first feel the pressure from the pin being depressed, give it a quick turn. You can also just push the bolt back with something, to make it latch.

If it does this when your shooting, not only when gassing up then you probably need a differant size PT spacer.

Space Cowboy
12-13-2001, 04:49 PM
It only does it when I gas up. I just tried gasing it up quickly and that didn't stop it and I ran out of air before I could try pushing it back. Could a different size power tube spacer fix it?

12-13-2001, 04:53 PM
You could try one, usually just getting a fast burst of air will do it.