View Full Version : LAN Party question

01-25-2006, 09:25 PM
hey everybody, got a question as I've never had this many box's for a LAN. Planning to have a 16 player Halo LAN, which means 8 box's and 8 tv's. Now, I have two 4-port hubs, and plan on using ALL Cat5e cables. I dont need any crossover cables, do I?

Also, would it be a bad idea to use 2 routers, or 1 router/1 hub? What problems would I run into if I went that route?

Thanks in advance, this is what I have figured out so far, please let me know if I'm okay to go, or if I need to make changes.


Cow hunter
01-25-2006, 10:10 PM
id use two LAN party xbox things ($30 from gamestop or such places) i have one, theres four plugs on one side and one on the other, then route both to a router..... so far ive only had a 12 person halo party, so good luck

http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=801038 its that, but not really because that has four uplink cables.........

WAIT, why all this comlication, you are only haveing 16, which is FOUR box's and FOUR tv's...... just buy onf of those things in the link!

Planning to have a 16 player Halo LAN, which means 8 box's and 8 tv's.

ever been to a place called "school" we learn things like simple math.... 4x4=16, or morre simply 4+4+4+4=16......

01-25-2006, 11:00 PM
2 to a tv/box you idiot.

01-25-2006, 11:07 PM
2 to a tv/box you idiot.

01-25-2006, 11:20 PM

looks ok to me. I dont know if you'd need that middle cable to be a crossover or not.. probably not

01-25-2006, 11:30 PM
you would only need a crossover if there is no uplink port, I would suggest that you do this,
Switch Switch

I dont really know about xboxes but for PCs the Router is used to assign IP addys
and use switchs if possible over hubs,

01-25-2006, 11:31 PM
see, i would use a router and 2 switchs, but my main problem is that I dont exactly have a router atm.


01-26-2006, 12:42 AM
def. use a router, damn... i should know this stuff. i'm in cisco 2 :tard:

01-26-2006, 08:50 AM
In the first drawing the middle cable would be a crossover (if the hubs do not have a crossover port.

You do not want or need a router in the picture at all. You can use the switch/hub ports on the router, but that's still at layer 2, not layer 3 (where routers deal with traffic).

If you have 2 4 port hubs, you do not have enough ports. You need one for each xbox, and one for a connection between the hubs. That's 5 on each hub.

My suggestion, get an 8 port switch (not hub). I have seen 8 port 10/100 switches for as little as $25. A switch may provide slightly better performance than a hub. Not that you should be anywhere near bandwidth limits, even at 10mb. Games just plain don't take up that much BW.

If you want to connect to the internet, you will also need somewhere to connect that (rotuer/cable modem/firewall/whatever).

01-26-2006, 07:20 PM
In the first drawing the middle cable would be a crossover (if the hubs do not have a crossover port.

You do not want or need a router in the picture at all. You can use the switch/hub ports on the router, but that's still at layer 2, not layer 3 (where routers deal with traffic).

If you have 2 4 port hubs, you do not have enough ports. You need one for each xbox, and one for a connection between the hubs. That's 5 on each hub.

My suggestion, get an 8 port switch (not hub). I have seen 8 port 10/100 switches for as little as $25. A switch may provide slightly better performance than a hub. Not that you should be anywhere near bandwidth limits, even at 10mb. Games just plain don't take up that much BW.

If you want to connect to the internet, you will also need somewhere to connect that (rotuer/cable modem/firewall/whatever).

uhh i agree with the use a switch, but i thought the Xbox's used TCP/IP for thier protocol, there for there needs to be a dchp server, or does each exbox assign itself a static ip?

Now as i think about it, if you just had a switch it probally would work, because i have seen XBOX lan kits at Compusa that had 4 ports and an auto uplink 5th port,

My final say is i agree with teh author above and say go with the 8 port switch.