View Full Version : Gun mods

12-13-2001, 02:35 PM
Here is the concept:
There are thousands of E-mags and Angels and Shockers and other pretty guns in circulation, with every E-mag owner throwing hundreds extra into his gun just to make it stand out from the crowd. It doesn't work. The sport of paintball needs creativity, not more toy hungry rich kids.

I am fighting the trends. In my shop I currently am working on a flatline barrel. I have a micromag RT, with Z-grips. The whole length of the gun without the barrel is less than 6''. Now I want to put a Flatline barrel on my micro. So I sawed off an autococker stainless barrel. And I am working on machining the Flatline adapter, so that I can weld it to my cocker threads, and create an adapter to put a Flatline barrel on my micromag. I personally machined my drop forward crade from a scrap peice of metal, and have spent countless hours with my Boo Ya ELCD grips (which I gutted), home made intelifeed, and a pair of double trigger mag grips, working on a method of creating the Z-mag, so that once I get it working I can machine my Zgrips more to make them E-mag capable, including the mechanical/electro switch mode capability.

Start thinking out of the box. Then paintball will evolve...

12-13-2001, 03:47 PM
but I work inside a box.....

Personally I would perfer the feel of the marker to be nothing more than an extension of myself and not a seperate tool that I have to work around.

If you could mount the barrel on my forearm and a foregrip that would wrap around so I could fire with my thumb or index finger, I'd buy it.

Then have a warp and airtank straped to my back...
Think of it as a semi-hard sleeve I slide on over my forearm and wrist with a firing grip simmular to a motorcycle grip. Then two hoses formed to my body that wrap around me to a tank and a warp feed to 800 rounds.

12-13-2001, 04:07 PM
Hmm, I can visualize that. There are problems IMO.

The barrel on your forearm might have problems being steadied (i.e. you would have to hold your arm out from your body, and it would get tired). Also, with a gun, you can hold it into your body, your arm would have to be fully extended for your plan.

How about this idea? (This is a little more fiction than science with the tools and budget I have):

A head mounted system. The weight would be an issue but bear with me.

A firing system built into a helmet with barrels on each side of the head just above the ears. Then you would need a heads up display in the mask linked to lasers on the barrels. So you lean out enough for your right eye to see out, and your right barrel can see too. Then in your helmet the laser pointer broadcasts its location to reflect onto your screen effectively a laser sight, visible only inside your helmet. Then the firing would be linked down the sleeves of your jersey to handles. A safety on top, with pressure sensitive firing. Index finger for semi. Middle finger for 3 round burst, All panels for full auto, etc. The air tank and hopper would be integrated into a backpack, with the hopper being a large tank with balls leading into two agitated hopper tops meeting two warp feeds feeding each system seperately for max ROF. Then 2 remote style air connections to the systems on the helmet.

Essentially modified mag bodies with barrels, and the valve in them would mount on the helmet. Warp feed and remote would power then each. The firing system already built into an E-mag would be easily (relatively) to modify into grips with the modes being controlled by seperate triggers essentially. I could do all of this with 2 e-mags, 2 warp feeds, and 2 agitated hoppers, and a couple dozen trips to ACE hardware, but the HUD helmet system is beyond me.

This would be an incredible marker concept step in 21st century paintball.

Maybe when I have an extra 3 grand sitting around I will give it a shot?

12-16-2001, 09:30 PM
i think the emags firing system is to bulky for head placement (though it is all inclosed inside the handle, when you are using it as a normal marker) i think the bushmaster would be better for head mounting, you could get rid of the handle and spacer, heck you could even have a double selinode attached to the back of you mask and then 6 micro hoses attaching to the different holes on the body. but i think this would take something out of the game.

12-17-2001, 09:49 PM
if you are goign to weld the threads onto it, you'll have to get it right the first time. It the flatline isnt aligned porperly, you wont be shooting accurate at all. You might wanamn cunsult the peopel at the Tippmann forums first to get any sepcial instructions. The Flatline wanst made ot be removable for a reason.

12-17-2001, 11:07 PM
hehe, well, this is all apparent to you and me. But that little guy inside my head who pushed the pedals just doesn't listen. That b@st@rd. Anyways, I am working closely with an aerospace engineer, this guy works on airplanes that fly people all over, so I figure he might be able to pull this off. I am building a rig to fit inside the barrels, and then I will slide the cocker threads and flatline adapter piece over it, and the weld will be done. It works in theory. The actual barrel will still be secured by the screw tightening on the adapter just like it is meant to, but the difference will only be my modified adapter. I just have to make it straight, and then I can sight and notch the gun, and then leave the barrel in the adapter, and unscrew the whole assembly to swap it out. At least that is the plan, and if it doesn't work the first time, then I will have to try to find another adapter. I bet tippmann will send me some to "practice" on. Anyways, you know that if it works people will be paying me to build them adapters. Hehe $$, I'm all about copyright infringement.

12-22-2001, 05:23 PM
ok, how come you don't just buy one of those LAPCO barrel adapters? That will eliminate all of that welding and it would only cost you around 20 dollars.

12-22-2001, 09:48 PM
heh, that would be to easy. No, really the reason is because they don't exist. I have looked into it. The barrel adapter that are M98 to cocker are not what I need. I need a cocker to M98.

See the M98 to cocker, allows you to screw an autococker barrel into a M98. I want to screw an M98 into an autococker, and from anything I have ever seen, these don't exist, that is why I am making one. If you know somewhere that has these let me know! But I think you will find (as I did) that you can't find them.

Thanks for the input

12-23-2001, 09:21 AM
Well, you'll be happy to know, that you are wrong =D. http://www.mwpw.com/LapcoAdapters.html right hand side 4th one down. Glad to help :)

12-23-2001, 09:27 AM
ahhh crud....yeah thats allows you to put cocker barrel on 98...doh sorry

12-23-2001, 10:11 PM
Why don't you just use the cocker flatline?

12-24-2001, 09:53 AM
The cocker flatline is an autococker, nuff said. Actually, to get that done to my STO, I would have to send it in and for 150 they machine your body to accept M98 threads, then you have to buy the M98 to cocker adapter to use your old cocker barrels. But I want the Flatline on my Retro micro. BTW, anyone who is interested, pics will be up right after Christmas of my micro rt with Z-grips and a gas through foregrip. It is pretty sweet.

12-24-2001, 09:59 AM
They make the cocker accept m98 barrels?? I thought they made thier own adapter. Maybe thats why nobody is doing it. I certainly wouldn't.

12-24-2001, 10:57 AM
Nope, I talked to a Tech up there, and he described it to me. Yes, I agree, it is pretty stupid, if they did make the adapter, I would just buy that, but they re-machine the body for M98 barrels. Oh well.

12-25-2001, 01:31 PM
I was reading your thing about making a special head paintball gun. I know you have been off that subject for a bit but I just saw it. I have been thinking for a while now about putting someting in your mask that would project an immage with a map of the field and the positions of your team mates. And something a little more low tech I thought of putting a microphone in the front part of your mask where you mouth is and a ear piece and you could talk to your team mates. I'm working on that right now.

12-25-2001, 10:03 PM
The mic in the mask thing has been done. I did it with a pair of motarola two ways and the earpeice/mic headset thing. clipped the radio on the back of my mask strap, put hte earpice in, and taped the mic in the front. USed voice-actived mode, so no pressing buttons. Or, if you radios don't have that, take the thing apart, and cut the wires that goto the talk push button, and make hte wire longer, and put on your gun's grip... it has been done.

12-25-2001, 10:31 PM
the mircophone thing

is it legal in tournments ( i doubt it) but just if anyone knew, cause it would give you a major advantage

12-26-2001, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by DefiantGuy3901
the mircophone thing

is it legal in tournments...

NOT a chance! :D

12-30-2001, 10:14 PM
ok i am an old tippmann owner and i think there is a problem with your design but i have to ask a question first dose the bolt on your micro enter the barrel because i think there is a problem if it dosnt i think the ball has to be in the flatline a cretin depth before it is fired or i think you will have a paint blender that is why they mill the cockers back so far to use the flatline