View Full Version : X Mag?

01-26-2006, 10:31 PM
Hey, I found this on ebay. It says it's an X mag, however I don't know If it is. It looks like an E mag with some Tuna ups. It says it has cocker threading, but then again it doesn't look anything like an X mag, Comes with a car battery charger :tard: , and has what looks like a ULE mainbody, and a rail. Is this dude trying to rip off these poor, poor, stupid people? Becasue I think he is.

X Mag? (http://cgi.ebay.com/Automag-AGD-E-mag-X-mag-longbow-q-bow-sniper_W0QQitemZ7214590635QQcategoryZ47245QQrdZ1QQ cmdZViewItem)

01-26-2006, 10:33 PM
did the x-mags have the ule handles, cause that one does

but thats def not an x-mag valve, or body/rail, unles he upd that..

still a nice ule'd e-mag

he may also jsut happen to think x-valve =x-mag

01-26-2006, 10:37 PM
no, not an x-mag. Just a ULE'd emag. Seems it has the older style gripframe and the guy chopped off the fat on it - which is why it's raw on the back of the grip

Technically it's not THE X-mag...but its a mag with an x-valve, some people just call a mag with xvalve an x-mag. Usually people not on AO :P

01-26-2006, 10:39 PM
did the x-mags have the ule handles, cause that one does

but thats def not an x-mag valve, or body/rail, unles he upd that..

still a nice ule'd e-mag

he may also jsut happen to think x-valve =x-mag

I like the polished part on the trigger frame, but besides that, I think this dude is an assh*** for ripping these people off. I doubt that he thinks X valve = X mag, because he knows what a TUNApack is.

01-26-2006, 10:41 PM
atleast hes not selling a pic or something

i really dont think its some sort of conspiracy for him to push that e-mag as an x-mag, its not like you cant tell a difference in about 1/2 a second

like i said i honestly think he porbly just thought x-valve =x-mag

01-26-2006, 10:44 PM
Yeah he just edited his post to explain that it is in fact just an e-mag. I doubt he has done it intentionally or why post that before there were any bids?

01-27-2006, 04:05 AM
he just said xmag in the post to get more hits.

01-27-2006, 07:13 AM
"On Jan-26-06 at 16:25:21 PST, seller added the following information:

one of the bidders pointed out a fact that I was unaware of and I apologize. This gun is actually an e-mag with an x-valve, not a x-mag. I'm not sure what the difference is, but I'm sure there is one. Also to my knowledge the components are all ULE. also the barrel has a chrome back, not like the black one pictured. Sorry the little things I missed, still the gun is in great shape. I'm new to the world of mags so please excuse my ignorance"

01-27-2006, 07:46 AM
Thats funny I was looking to buy this Emag a few months ago from him through AO, he grinded the hump on the back of the trigger frame off, so I dont thing the lowers are ULE.
If I remember correctly he wanted $600 for it.

Recon by Fire
01-27-2006, 08:38 PM
X-mag, where? Definitely not there...

01-27-2006, 10:10 PM
Yeah, I e-mailed him, and he told me that he thought X valve = X mag. I was a little harsh, but he should really change the listing title to E mag. I've had bad experiences with people on ebay.

Dark Side
01-27-2006, 10:34 PM
Thats funny I was looking to buy this Emag a few months ago from him through AO, he grinded the hump on the back of the trigger frame off, so I dont thing the lowers are ULE.
If I remember correctly he wanted $600 for it.

"one of the bidders pointed out a fact that I was unaware of and I apologize. This gun is actually an e-mag with an x-valve, not a x-mag. I'm not sure what the difference is, but I'm sure there is one. Also to my knowledge the components are all ULE. also the barrel has a chrome back, not like the black one pictured. Sorry the little things I missed, still the gun is in great shape. I'm new to the world of mags so please excuse my ignorance"

Yep sounds like he "really" doesn't know the diff. If you know ULE and Tunapack then you more than likely know an Xmag.