View Full Version : motorized bikes

01-30-2006, 12:35 AM
been out of paintball for a couple months because ive been working on my new bike. a shop opened up accross town that sells motorized bikes. so i got intrested when i saw a artical in the news paper about then so i checked out there website. got realy intrested when i found out they get 150 miles to the gallon and can go 60 if u do the right stuff to them. so i ended up building one and it its probibly the sweetest thing ive ever invested into. these things are fast and u dont need a licens or anything to ride them because they are just powered bicycles. the last couple of months this bike shop has changed tucson. they are everywhere people ride these thing all over town. i dont know why i didnt get one years before i did they are almost 2 cheep u can go on ebay and find a brand new motor kit that has everything u need to put on a bike for $160, no joke i got mine, then everyone in my naborhood got theres a week later. these arnt for every bike tho they mostly fit on cruisers but u can get them on little 20 inch stingrays to with a little work. my motor is still breaking in and it goes like 35 with the stock back sproket i want to get a 30 tooth sproket and maby get it up to 45 50 mph. the owner, hooked up those little whippit no2 cartrages in a co2 bike pump or 12 gram co2 addapter and ran it to his air intake, his bike is out of control

heres the site for the shop that makes them www.spookytoothcycles.com

anyone else have one of these?

01-30-2006, 12:43 AM
i'v seen a few before.

the dude in the hotties section scared me a little. especially this one http://www.spookytoothcycles.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=5&pos=8

01-30-2006, 02:03 AM
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Run Away!!!!

01-30-2006, 04:46 PM
and u dont need a licens or anything to ride them because they are just powered bicycles.?

I want a source.

Does it have a motor? yes
Does it operate on public roads? yes
Is it specifically exempt from some licensing / insurance / turn signal rules etc as some moped are? Likely not

You probably need a license, as well as other items to make road legal.

01-30-2006, 05:07 PM
you probably only need your temps to get them. i know to drive a moped you only have to have your temps

01-30-2006, 05:10 PM
I want a source.

Does it have a motor? yes
Does it operate on public roads? yes
Is it specifically exempt from some licensing / insurance / turn signal rules etc as some moped are? Likely not

You probably need a license, as well as other items to make road legal.
whether or not a vehicle requires licencing/insurance is cc or power, so it most likely is exempt from most laws/regulations.

01-30-2006, 05:12 PM
Usually if it is less then 49ccs you don't need a license. I think it's a state law though, so you have to look into it for your state. Look up the laws for motorcycles, it says it somewhere in there around what qualifies as a motorcycle.

01-30-2006, 06:57 PM
Looks preety good but id rather build it myself.

I converted two old bcycils and a few random parts i had bought a used preshure washer and a new go-kart clutch and made a mini bike that could hit 35mph with. (it was done for a competition i had last year)

Next year im going all out. Makeing a coustom hard tail frame with a springer front end and running the same 5hp motor (moded and UNGOVERED). It will also have ALOT better brakes than last years model (only a single bycical brake). IM expecting to see around 50mph out of it. Then il get a 21hp v twin honda ride on motor and mate it to a speed trans and try and get it saftied for street use.

01-31-2006, 12:43 AM
arizona state law does not require u to have a license for a motor assisted bicycle. its not considered a moped because it still haves pedals and can be opperated eaither way. i have an 80cc motor which looks identical to a 49cc and has no markings to let anyone know its above 49cc's there are about 80 bikes in tucson most with the 80cc motor and noone has been busted they ride in the bike lane like a normal bike. the shop has rallys where up to 60 bikes at a time have shared the same road with cars and noone has been busted.
i road by a cop the other day going about 30 and he just looked at me laughed and waved.

i built my bike by myself and the kit comes with everything u need and doesnt take much time to install. my friend has a little 20 inch stingray its so crazy it does wheelies and is out of control.

01-31-2006, 01:35 AM
Hey, anyone hear the joke about how a moped is like a fat chick?
They're both fun to... well, if you've heard it, you've heard it... ;)
Just kidding though. Seems like a good way to go, especially on campus or something!

01-31-2006, 06:29 PM
i want to be like this guy when i grow up: http://www.spookytoothcycles.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=random&cat=0&pos=-236

Ole Unka Phil
01-31-2006, 07:24 PM
Mopeds are ghaye....

Not really. Some of em are rather fun. And you can pick up one fairly cheap.

Here is a place a group of Moped fixers and traders hang out.


Also google up "Moped Army". Its a forum thats fairly active.

Most states exempt them from license and registration. Many require a regular drivers license and or a special moped license for those down to 16. Allmost all of them forbid them from Highways and such. More often the limit is less than 50cc and less then 2 bhp (some 1.5 and some 2.5) and less than/no more than 30 mph. Must not shift. Pedals or without in most states. But do check your local states Moped law.

Ole Unka Phil
01-31-2006, 10:03 PM
Oh... and watch this video.... Saigon... recently.... AMAZING!!!!
