View Full Version : Posers and when....

01-30-2006, 02:55 PM
Everyday at school I see a lot of students wearing skateboarding clothes. They wear shirts from companies such as Adio, Volcom, etc.... 50% of the people that wear these brands do not even skateboard.

So when do you think there will be paintbal posers, in the form of clothing? They wear DYE, Smart Parts, Empire and other well known paintball brands, but do not actually play paintball.

It will be interesting when these "paintball-clothing-posers" are as numerous as "skateboard-clothing-posers" are.

Just a thought


01-30-2006, 03:24 PM
i've been skating for 6 years.. and i NEVER wear skate clothes because of so many moron posers. i just pick up stuff that looks tight at a thrift store and rock that. same with paintball :cool:

in fact, i refuse to wear name brands of any sort, but that's another rant in and of itself. :)

01-30-2006, 03:33 PM
I have not seen any paintball clothing unless it was a field sweatshirt or something like that. I never see any paintball brand name clothing or even themed clothing on the street.

01-30-2006, 03:39 PM
The reason you see so many non-skateboarders wearing clothing from skating companies is because you can find those clothes readily, in stores that non-skateboarders shop at anyway. If you want paintball clothes, you have to seek them out either through a paintball website or through a dedicated pro shop in your area.

When Wal-Mart and Target and the like start carrying DYE and Smart Parts, then maybe you'll see more people picking them up. Until then though, it will probably be a rare occurance.

01-30-2006, 03:40 PM
lol this is so junior high.

can't someone wear what they want when they want without constantly getting ridiculed?

01-30-2006, 03:47 PM
its already happened, i met a kid at a friends party who was wearing a dye beanie, i asked him what marker he had and he said he didnt play.

then again, aside from it being annoying if you try to talk to someone and they dont even play the sport their clothing advertises... it really doesnt matter, at all.

01-30-2006, 04:13 PM
ZOMG!!!!! we have posers? That means we're kinda a big deal....

I wear my DYE hoodie around campus all the time, and people always ask me if I play, so this kinda thing might happen more than any of us think...

Those dye beanies are quite stylish :ninja:

01-30-2006, 04:54 PM
i wear my several jerseys and shirts, hats, pants, ect around school all the time. but see i ball... me= not poser eheheh

01-30-2006, 06:39 PM
You can find them at practically most fields.

It's the buffoons who wear the fancy clothing, but their skills only rival those of a bag of dirt.

01-30-2006, 08:09 PM
i wear my several jerseys and shirts, hats, pants, ect around school all the time. but see i ball... me= not poser eheheh

OMG i ware my 05 JT pants to skool 2 lol!

01-30-2006, 08:51 PM
OMG i ware my 05 JT pants to skool 2 lol!

01-30-2006, 09:15 PM
I don't care. Let 'em wer what they think is cool , isn't that what everyone else does?

Or does everyone who wears Jeans wrangle steer ?

Baseball caps play proball?

Polo shirts play polo? :tard:


01-30-2006, 09:26 PM
I don't care. Let 'em wer what they think is cool , isn't that what everyone else does?

Or does everyone who wears Jeans wrangle steer ?

Baseball caps play proball?

Polo shirts play polo? :tard:



I wear converse on occation and technically they were basketball shoes from the get go, i dont play basketball. Whats wrong with sale items, if i buy 4 shirts from pacsun for $25, does that meant i have to learn how to skate before i wear them? NO, it means I shop the perimeter!

01-31-2006, 05:44 PM
i saw some guy going into kohls in a dye hoodie the other day....
thats all though.

02-01-2006, 01:28 PM
This thread is silly...

I see kids wearing shirst with Marly, Hendix, Nirvanna and all kinds of musicians that passed long before these children were born. That doesn't make someone a poseur.

Being a poseur is an attitude (a bad one at that), Not a look.

Mikey B
02-01-2006, 02:02 PM
Ha, I gave skate bording a week. But I think the cloths by element and other companies look pretty cool. Personally I do have paintball clothing too, but that's for special occasions ;)

02-01-2006, 03:00 PM
I don't care. Let 'em wer what they think is cool , isn't that what everyone else does?

Or does everyone who wears Jeans wrangle steer ?

Baseball caps play proball?

Polo shirts play polo? :tard:


I wore a polo shirt yesterday... and yes I do play polo :headbang:

You are right however.

My favorite was a guy I saw at school had a yellow profiler mask… I had to ask
Me: are you a ref?
Him: what are you talking about?
Me: Your paintball mask?
Him: Oh I wear this while I am riding my motorcycle to keep the bugs out of my face. :tard:

Have you ever heard of a helmet!?

02-01-2006, 03:24 PM
lol this is so junior high.

can't someone wear what they want when they want without constantly getting ridiculed?

WERD. I have a hurley hoody that I wear bc it is comfortable. I guess I am a poser too...

Recon by Fire
02-01-2006, 10:07 PM
I wear jeans sometimes but i'm niot a cowboy, such a poser. :nono:

02-01-2006, 10:12 PM
Ok, ok, ok, holy moly settle down.

It was just a thought.


I was looking for how long you thought, not:

"I wear polos but don't play, I am such a poser /sarcasm"

02-02-2006, 12:59 AM
if you suspect a skate poser, look at their shoes

if you suspest a pb poser, look for welts

02-02-2006, 01:29 AM
if you suspect a skate poser, look at their shoes

if you suspest a pb poser, look for welts

That's for sure girls around here think I have ringworm. I just tell them it's some new disease that hasn't been discovered and I am to lazy to go to the doctor...

02-02-2006, 01:43 AM
That's for sure girls around here think I have ringworm. I just tell them it's some new disease that hasn't been discovered and I am to lazy to go to the doctor...

Yes!! Im not the only one that says that. I almost got fired because of it though :tard:

I think it may happen soon actually. Maybe not in my community, because quite literally, every serious paintball player is on my team, and we have a 3 man team :cheers: All 3 of us wear pb stuff (hats mostly) I have a Dye hat and Proto sweatshirt I wear almost everyday. My buddy has a JT sweatshirt and my other bud has a Dye hat, and nobody has got a clue what they are.

02-02-2006, 10:12 AM
You can find them at practically most fields.

It's the buffoons who wear the fancy clothing, but their skills only rival those of a bag of dirt.

I surround myself with a lot of talent? Yeh, so sometimes they feel like they are constantly playing a man down. That makes it ok to wear the fancy clothing :D

02-02-2006, 10:40 AM
i wear paintball street clothes all the time, but then again, i play. Its cool when some one is like, is that an empire hat? you play? and il be like ya, you? and conversations go from there, or they will read my shirt and be like, dye, you play for em? and il be like, in a way.

plus, clearly, when ever wearing dye clothing, you know that every girl with in a half mile radius gets wet ;)

02-02-2006, 11:01 AM
plus, clearly, when ever wearing dye clothing, you know that every girl with in a half mile radius gets wet ;)

Yeah, wet after they puke on themselves after seeing you. ;)

02-02-2006, 08:09 PM
and conversations go from there, or they will read my shirt and be like, dye, you play for em?
"Well I'm not sure if you would consider my full sponsorship playing for them.... I mean Im on like 2 other teams... yea i have like 3 angels"
/am i the only one who has done this to people that dont play paintball?? (except less elaborate??)

02-03-2006, 09:29 PM
i met some girl that was wearing a JT sweatshirt, we talked, ended up dating, no she didnt play.

i think of it like this, paintball is defently not mainstream but why critize someone for wearing things that promote our sport ?

all those skate companies have now gone way beyond just being skate companies, they are cloths companys. if you like it sport it.

i personallly wear our homefield/sponsor sweatshirt. and i have Dye, Eclipse, Kapp, and many other paintball street cloths.

my sister wears some dye stuff and kapp stuff.

its all good

02-03-2006, 11:28 PM
i would wear my pb jerseys to school but they are too small so i would have to cut them down to short sleeves since they come halfway up my forearm. i would definitly wear my dye pants but i lost them a few months ago.

PS i wear skateboard shoes but i dont skateboard. i just think they are comfortable. does that make me a poser?

02-04-2006, 12:32 AM
Sometimes I like to Dress up as a policewoman and handcuff Tim.

02-04-2006, 12:36 AM
Thats how I got the aids...and tetnis...damned dirty rusty handcuffs...