View Full Version : House League Tournaments

01-30-2006, 06:16 PM
No interest on PBN, thought I might try here:

Does your field run a “House League”? Some fields run “low cost” tournaments on a fairly regular basis, but I was wondering if anyone runs a true house league.

Unlike baseball, soccer, or other sports practiced by youth (and young at heart adults) there seems to be a lack of leagues and tournaments targeted specifically at those that want to play a more structured game or develop their skills without spending a fortune at tournaments.

Ideally, I’d like to participate in a monthly or twice-monthly tournament. Somewhere you are guaranteed playtime and a chance to measure up to the local competition. But, each field seems to run members evenings and memberships in general that are simply a place to hang out. And if you don’t fit in with the crowd that hangs out there, you’ve wasted your money.

If enough teams were to participate, the league could be split into divisions. Each division large/small enough to play a round robin style tournament in one evening, each division playing on a different evening. After a couple of nights bottom scoring teams drop a division, top scoring teams move up a division. Then, teams would be playing other teams with a similar skill level until they develop and get better.

For an enterprising field such a league would generate guaranteed business and build customer loyalty. By providing goals and feedback, it would maintain interest in the game for the regulars looking for more than simply a place to hangout. By providing a structured atmosphere, it would attract those that wish to play but are initially hesitant to become a member and risk not fitting in with the clique of regulars hanging out on a members night. The general dynamics of players not being able to make every league night would present openings for new prospective members to attend as possible stand-ins. Allowing them to try the league and become familiar with the field and other regulars before committing to paying a membership fee.

Further advantages would be the possibility to train and develop refereeing staff for serious tournaments in a structured but less tense situation. And, it would give the field a perfect way to determine who should be sponsored besides just favoring friends and acquaintances. Best team of the top division or the best scoring team for a given amount of time is the field’s sponsored team. Once sponsored, minimum attendance and performance can be monitored to remain sponsored.

How would field owners respond to someone (not an employee, perhaps not even a member) proposing to organize a league along these lines?

How would field owners respond to someone proposing to organize an “Inter-House” league? Essentially the same thing, but moving from one venue to another on a regular schedule or one that regularly holds Inter-league nights where the best of the teams from individual house leagues can compete by invitation only.

Is the idea too ambitious? Do the average group of members have the drive and interest to participate?

Perhaps it is ambitious, but other organised sports wouldn't be nearly as popular if the only alternative to play was pick-up games or top skill leagues and tournaments.

01-30-2006, 06:23 PM
Its a great idea, and at Jungle Cat Paintball, we run something like that. We refer to them as FCT's, friendly competition turnaments, usually played twice a month. They are designed to bring in more people just to have fun, and they make the atmosphere awesome. Refs are relaxed since no one is cheating to win, since its just a few games without any prize, except for respect among other players. Its not a day designed to make a field money whatso ever, but to get people playing together, gaining experience in the process. A win/win situation. :D

01-30-2006, 09:20 PM
Not league persay but pretty much all the local fields have fairly regular local tournys here. More than that would not likey hold up due to the lack of consistancy of players and assembled local only teams. Would make 'league' possiblities tough to say the least.

01-31-2006, 09:15 AM
Excalibur does a monthly league with minimal entry fee. I went down and played a couple last year and hope to be part of it this year. Minimal prizes, minimal entrance, everyon is just there for fun, works out pretty well.

01-31-2006, 11:51 AM
Chaos in Lansing also does house leagues during the winter. Great way to keep your game up through the off-season.

01-31-2006, 01:03 PM
PaintStorm Indoor in Ottawa used to run a "Young Guns" League for 3-man under-18's. Not sure if they doing it again this year. I believe they had a half-dozen teams, and played weekly or biweekly.