View Full Version : How to keep Roaches away?!

01-31-2006, 02:17 AM
Alright, I have a pretty clean garage, painted the floor and everything, it looks fairly nice, neat and clean, not your ordinary car parking garage. My garage would be a great hang out spot if I could just keep the bugs out, the only real bugs that bother me are the roaches, since they vary in size and strength they are one freaky piece of ****. So do you guys have any tips on how to keep these freak of a bug out of my garage? Is there a scent thing or anything of that type to keep them out? Kinda like them anti ant things.

01-31-2006, 03:14 AM
Try a bug bomb or something

01-31-2006, 10:34 AM
They sell roach spray at most stores, try puting it around the perimiter of the garage. I believe Combat also has a solid poisn for roaches to ingest, but I may be dead wrong here. If that does not work, consult a professional. You know Like your Dale Gribble types :p

01-31-2006, 11:35 AM
hAppy - roaches are the devil's spawn. They'll keep on comin'! If your garage is really clean, there must still be a source of food/shelter in which they are still seeking/using that is near by that you don't know about. Do you have any drains, holes in drywall, freezers/refridgerators, etc in your garage or near-by that they can live in/under? If your area is clean (I'm talking behind the work bench, behind the washer and dryer - everything must be clean and void of any crumbs of food; roaches will find stuff ants won't even go for), you can prevent roaches well enough if you can identify "why" they are there; if there is no food/shelter source, they usually go somewhere else. Over the counter baits/sprays and what-not work sometimes, but you get what you pay for. If you've elminated food sources, use some bait/spray where you find them hanging out... Good luck.

01-31-2006, 03:10 PM
Personally I can't stand the buggers.
I lived in an apartment that was infested with them when I moved in. When I was there they seemed to have abandoned my apt. and went to the house next door.
The easiest way to get rid of roaches is to deprive them of water.
That means fixing all the leaks. Roaches can live off almost anything even wall paper.
After that get some diatomaceous earth or boric acid. The first one cuts into the exoskeleton of the buggers and they die of dehydration. the second one they get into their stomach and the acid burns them up from inside out.

And try to keep the place clean. to prevent reinfestation.

01-31-2006, 06:26 PM
diatomaceous earth

try this stuff. i used it to get rid of ants.

it gets into their little joints and stuff, and just them walking around makes it grind, and soon they die. so they get little wounds and their joints all grind. i bet it would suck if it happened to you.

01-31-2006, 06:36 PM
wanna-b-ballin' - haha alright I'll look for it.
Thanks for all the responses! My garage is damn clean, I don't leave food in their, other then rice, which is contained and stored properly. As for water, it's possible, my washing machine used to leak, but we fixed that problem.

Let me describe my garage, it's almost a living room, it has a TV and a computer, the floor is painted and because it was painted we had to dust everything. There ARE holes in the wall, but they're mainly behind the furnace and such. The place is clean when you look at it, nothing near filthy. I usually and probably only see one roach at a time on occasions, it's not a daily thing. And I forgot to mention I have 4 cathode light tubes in the garage so it's pretty freakin bright in there when we have the light on.

I will go ahead and find some of the poisons. Do they have like a perimeter thing though? Like an invisible wall to scare roachs away? Thanks for your help! I saw one in the garage last night and it was very fat and ugly that's why I made the thread.

o and where can I find this "diatomaceous earth"?

01-31-2006, 06:59 PM
Take some Borax and mix it with sugar (just do it dry, nothing complicated here), then sprinkle it around in corners and behind stuff. The little buggers will eat it and die.

But while you've got some roaches around, have some fun. Catch one and cut its head off, it'll live for about a week until it starves. Oh, and apparently if you freeze one in ice, you can thaw it out and it'll run away. Or just tie a couple together and have roach tug-of-war. Place bets or hold drinking games.

...Yeah. Or you could just kill 'em.

02-01-2006, 12:40 AM
Take some Borax and mix it with sugar (just do it dry, nothing complicated here), then sprinkle it around in corners and behind stuff. The little buggers will eat it and die.

But while you've got some roaches around, have some fun. Catch one and cut its head off, it'll live for about a week until it starves. Oh, and apparently if you freeze one in ice, you can thaw it out and it'll run away. Or just tie a couple together and have roach tug-of-war. Place bets or hold drinking games.

...Yeah. Or you could just kill 'em.
hahahahhaha I can't bear the idea of touching them, I had to grab a broom and extend my arm as I broomed it out of my garage. ugh... shivers

SHort story time. In 10th grade I had to do a bug project, and I found a roach and I tried to pin the freaky monster, but I couldn't it kept slipping with the needle while I wore my mechanic gloves and pliers and tweezers! So I had my friend, who seems to have no clue what a roach is, pin the damn thing for me, he picked it up with his bear hands and just shoved a pin through it, what a freak... :wow:

02-01-2006, 12:51 AM
Alright, I have a pretty clean garage, painted the floor and everything, it looks fairly nice, neat and clean, not your ordinary car parking garage. My garage would be a great hang out spot if I could just keep the bugs out, the only real bugs that bother me are the roaches, since they vary in size and strength they are one freaky piece of ****. So do you guys have any tips on how to keep these freak of a bug out of my garage? Is there a scent thing or anything of that type to keep them out? Kinda like them anti ant things.

Just put up a picture of yourself in the garage that'll keep em out. J/K...

02-01-2006, 02:52 AM
blow-torch and a wood chisel.

02-01-2006, 03:04 AM
I know you can get the diatmashus eath or how ever it is spelled at a pool suply, We use it at my house for the filter of our pool. so i always have a bunch around, never tried it for bug problems tho.

02-02-2006, 07:19 PM
definatally not nuclear weapons...

you could try light, they dont like that.

02-02-2006, 07:33 PM
would a bowl of beer work?? I'm not sure if it would but my mom always puts that i nher garden and when we looked at the bowl after a few days i think there were a few roaches in there....
/only if you wanna waste your beer

02-02-2006, 10:07 PM
A shotgun cures everything

Recon by Fire
02-03-2006, 12:54 AM
Flamethrowers kill bugs great but may be hazardous for your garage. You have to think out of the box here; instead of how do get rid of teh roaches in your garage; how to make the roasches want to leave? Sprinkle food crumbs and such in your neighbors garages so they roaches will leave and go there :)

02-19-2006, 06:48 PM
Flamethrowers kill bugs great but may be hazardous for your garage. You have to think out of the box here; instead of how do get rid of teh roaches in your garage; how to make the roasches want to leave? Sprinkle food crumbs and such in your neighbors garages so they roaches will leave and go there :)
Absolutely brilliant. I'll show the roaches where the real party's at.

02-19-2006, 07:31 PM
I got another idea for ya. Youre gonna need to kill a few first. Here is a step by step for you:

1 Kill some Roaches
2 Cut off Heads
3 Afix heads on toothpics by placing toothpics along with adhesive up through the neck and into the head
4 Place toothpics near potential entrances using the ground, some clay, or some quick-crete as a makeshift stand
5 Write warning notes on tiny pieces of paper

This should serve as a deterrent for all incoming roaches. :rofl: Good Luck :D

02-19-2006, 07:42 PM
Dude acually i had a Aint problem with black aints running up and down my house and my house is only like a few yrs old..well this might work for u cuzz it worked for me...next time cut your own hair and spred it around the garadge and that might keep them away...itworked for aints..