View Full Version : Illinois legislature could BAN PAINTBALL in Illinois!

01-31-2006, 08:54 PM
Not scare tactics, it's playing out in real life.

I've been getting e-mails from people in the industry about this, and here's the basics.

HB2414 CRIM CD-BANS SEMIAUTOMATIC http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus...33&SessionID=50


HB4132 CRIM CD-REPLICA WEAPONS http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus...80&SessionID=50


Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Criminal Code of 1961. Provides that it is unlawful for any person to purchase, possess, use, sell, give away, or otherwise transfer, or to engage in the business of selling, or to exhibit for sale, any replica rocket propelled grenade launcher, bazooka, artillery piece, grenade, mine, bomb, or items similar to weapons designed and manufactured for military purposes or replicas of those items. Provides that a violation is a Class A misdemeanor.

So what does this mean? In simple terms, anyone using anything that looks, reacts, or appears to be a replica firearm will be in violation of Illinois law. this includes milsim paintguns to toy guns to parade guns that marching bands use. This could also include any paintgun that has a "gun" look, meaning all of them. I got this in my in-box today.

I just spoke to our house rep's office about this legislation. Rep McGuire's office has told me that yes, as the legislation is written, it will outlaw paintball (and air soft) in the state of Illinois. This includes the sale and distribution of paintball supplies. I would appreciate it if you all would begin contacting (and have as many people at your respective companies contact) Representative Edward Acevedo's office to explain how many jobs will be lost, and tax dollars lost if paintball as an industry is outlawed in the state of Illinois. His office number in Springfield is 217-782-2855. This legislation is in 2nd reading- which means there's not a lot of time left. PLEASE do whatever you can to ensure the full impact of this legislation is known by all members of the House.

Thank you.
Gretchen Shay
Challenge Park Xtreme

On a national level, if you get your stuff from PMI, Action Village, Draxxus or any other IL distribution point you are affected. If you use any product from Centerflag or Air America, you're affected. This legislation also opens doors for other states to introduce and implement similar legislation.

If you live in Illinois, call your state representative and tell them you are AGAINST these bills as written! Even if you're not in Illinois, you can help by opposing this bill. Tell them how much revinue will be lost, and how many people will lose jobs and how many taxes will be lost if this bill goes through as is. You want to do something for paintball, this is it.

(As a note, if you don't know who your state rep is, literally google "Who is the state representative for (your town)" and you can get an answer.)


Taken direct from the specialopspaintball.com forums
Link to the whole thread (http://forum.specialopspaintball.com/index.php?act=ST&f=2&t=42095&st=0)

Just thought y'all should know, as some of you are bound to be from Illinois.

01-31-2006, 08:58 PM
I too am from Illinois, and this is an Outrage! Not only will paintball be ruined, AGD could end up messed up too.

01-31-2006, 09:09 PM
I too am from Illinois, and this is an Outrage! Not only will paintball be ruined, AGD could end up messed up too.

Yes AGD is bassed out of Illinois also, this wouldnt be a good thing at all....

01-31-2006, 09:13 PM
Looks like the links got chopped.

HB2414 http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=2414&GAID=8&GA=94&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=17433&SessionID=50

HB4132 http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=4132&GAID=8&GA=94&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=21980&SessionID=50


01-31-2006, 09:15 PM
.... what... the....! :cuss:

01-31-2006, 09:17 PM
Hrmm....uh, this could suck!

01-31-2006, 09:20 PM
Time to get on the phone after i finish reading! :mad:

01-31-2006, 09:25 PM
Looks like the links got chopped.

HB2414 http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=2414&GAID=8&GA=94&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=17433&SessionID=50

HB4132 http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=4132&GAID=8&GA=94&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=21980&SessionID=50


Thanks for the fix Tyger. This is straight up rediculous. Post this everywhere. I have already posted on multiple major forums, and I am probably gonna make flyers at school.

01-31-2006, 10:08 PM
Looks like the links got chopped.

HB2414 http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=2414&GAID=8&GA=94&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=17433&SessionID=50

HB4132 http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=4132&GAID=8&GA=94&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=21980&SessionID=50

Can we write an email or something, I doubt that calling them would work. Also is there a figure in dollars as to how much revenue will be lost in Illinois.

Its probably better to tell the house representative in the areas where these companies and paintball fields are located and tell them that how many jobs and revenue will be lost.

01-31-2006, 10:17 PM
Oh yah! Here you go guys and gals...the email addresses of the reps involved:

Representative Daniel J. Burke
[email protected]

Representative Edward J. Acevedo
[email protected]

Representative Linda Chapa LaVia
[email protected]

Let them have it!


I can't find the figures, but thousands of jobs would be eliminated, not to mention the MILLIONS of tax dollars paintball creates. Banning paintball would totally $#@& up the economy, seeing as how PMI, Draxxus, ActionVillage, and AGD are based in IL. Not to mention the hundreds of other small paintball-oriented businesses (fields, pro shops, etc.) that are in IL.

01-31-2006, 10:32 PM
An iron curtain has decended over Illinois. We must contain the spread of the known evil that is Anti-Paintism

01-31-2006, 10:35 PM
You could also call/email your local representative and tell them all the things wrong with this bill, like how it will affect the economy so much. If this does pass, it will just set the precedent for other states.

01-31-2006, 10:35 PM
I just finished reading the two.. and I dont see how this affects paintball outside of some mil-sim guns. This is meant to ban assult rifles not paintball guns.. and looking at the descriptions of what they consider a "Semi-automatic assault weapon" and I dont see paintball guns falling into any of those categorys.

as for the other one..
"any replica rocket propelled grenade launcher, bazooka, artillery piece, grenade, mine, bomb, or items similar to weapons designed and manufactured for military purposes or replicas of those items"
last time i checked my mag didnt shoot any explosive devices out of its barrel :p

And if it does.. then this would also come into affect... "Requires a person who possesses a large capacity ammunition feeding device on the effective date of the amendatory Act, within 90 days after that date, to destroy the device, render the device permanently inoperable, relinquish the device to a law enforcement agency" With all those paintball companies I would hate to be the local police department when trucks of pmi hoppers come :rofl:

01-31-2006, 10:37 PM
But it IS held an operated like a real gun, and is meant to replicate the actions of one. If you take a look at the original thread, someone said the same thing, and someone else answered with a much better answer than mine.

01-31-2006, 10:38 PM
Time to shower these people with emails. Remember to be courteous, respectful, and intelligent about the matter. Bring up how we are concerned that Americans will be losing jobs and that a growing portion of the economy could be ruined. Tell them that in these times, we cannot afford to be eliminating more American jobs. Strongly suggest that the legislation be edited to allow these non-violent, non-lethal markers. Sticking up for the airsofters would be cool too. Cmon people, let's post this across all the forums you're on. Get as many people sending emails as possible. It's time we use the law to defend ourselves! Start typing!!!

01-31-2006, 10:39 PM
designed as weapons or replicas there of

Yeah, are paintball guns weapons or replicas. No, only some.

01-31-2006, 10:41 PM
What the…! You have to be kidding me! I will keep an eye on this thread, if it is really true, I will spew out letters like crazy.

01-31-2006, 10:42 PM
Yeah, are paintball guns weapons or replicas. No, only some.

Yes, as a matter of fact, ALL paintball guns are weapons. You can also be arrested for assault & battery if you say, threaten to shoot a ref, then actually shoot him intentionally.

EDIT: Also, even if we got to keep paintball guns, law #1 limits us to 10 round tubes.

01-31-2006, 10:44 PM
Yes, as a matter of fact, ALL paintball guns are weapons. You can also be arrested for assault & battery if you say, threaten to shoot a ref, then actually shoot him intentionally.

EDIT: Also, even if we got to keep paintball guns, law #1 limits us to 10 round tubes.

That is why both either need to be destroyed or rewritten to disclude paintball.

01-31-2006, 10:51 PM
But it IS held an operated like a real gun, and is meant to replicate the actions of one. If you take a look at the original thread, someone said the same thing, and someone else answered with a much better answer than mine.

I just read the original post.. and I still go by what I said in my original post. it says only banning repicas of the said guns... not EVERY replica gun.

01-31-2006, 10:52 PM
This is why your Republican, Conserative vote is so important. Take all the guns away from all law abiding citizens, so that only criminals will have guns in the end. Join the NRA...now. ;)

01-31-2006, 10:55 PM
This is why your Republican, Conserative vote is so important. Take all the guns away from all law abiding citizens, so that only criminals will have guns in the end. Join the NRA...now. ;)
theres liberal paintball players?

01-31-2006, 10:56 PM
o nos i live in IL when im not at school.

01-31-2006, 10:57 PM
This is why your Republican, Conserative vote is so important. Take all the guns away from all law abiding citizens, so that only criminals will have guns in the end. Join the NRA...now. ;)
You have a point, if paintball would be considered a weapon, will contacting the NRA and ask for their support be helpfull? I know that they have a lot of leverage.

01-31-2006, 10:58 PM
It should, considering this also affects real guns, not just PB and airsoft guns. In fact, I'm surprised they're not already on it.

01-31-2006, 11:00 PM
'ello Governor

Lets flood his inbox


01-31-2006, 11:05 PM
I just read the original post.. and I still go by what I said in my original post. it says only banning repicas of the said guns... not EVERY replica gun.

The problem is that it's so vague, and uses almost no exact wording. It also bans assault weapons with pistol grips, which paintball guns could be considered to be. They have a pistol grip, do they not? You use them to try to shoot other people, do you not?

01-31-2006, 11:10 PM
What the…! You have to be kidding me! I will keep an eye on this thread, if it is really true, I will spew out letters like crazy.
I know its late now but can you write an effective letter in a day or so and post it, so we may copy and edit them to be sent to our perspective house representative. Im thinking one to be sent to the representative where the field owner/manufacturer is located and one for our own district representative.

...sounds like we asking a lot but these can be a disperate time for us - Thanks

01-31-2006, 11:17 PM
Residents find your state reps here


01-31-2006, 11:21 PM
The problem is that it's so vague, and uses almost no exact wording. It also bans assault weapons with pistol grips, which paintball guns could be considered to be. They have a pistol grip, do they not? You use them to try to shoot other people, do you not?

(b) Definitions. In this Section:
21 (1) "Semi-automatic assault weapon" means:
22 (A) any of the firearms or types, replicas, or
23 duplicates in any caliber of the firearms, known as:
24 (i) Norinco, Mitchell, and Poly Technologies
25 Avtomat Kalashnikovs (all models);
26 (ii) Action Arms Israeli Military Industries
27 UZI and Galil;
28 (iii) Beretta AR-70 (SC-70);
29 (iv) Colt AR-15;
30 (v) Fabrique Nationale FN/FAL, FN/LAR, and
31 FNC;
32 (vi) SWD M-10, M-11, M-11/9, and M-12;
33 (vii) Steyr AUG;
34 (viii) INTRATEC TEC-9, TEC-DC9 and TEC-22; and
35 (ix) any shotgun which contains its ammunition
36 in a revolving cylinder, such as (but not limited

HB2414 - 3 - LRB094 09150 RLC 39382 b

1 to) the Street Sweeper and Striker 12;
2 (x) any firearm having a caliber of 50 or
3 greater;
4 (B) a semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to
5 accept a detachable magazine and has any of the
6 following:
7 (i) a folding or telescoping stock;
8 (ii) a pistol grip that protrudes
9 conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;
10 (iii) a bayonet mount;
11 (iv) a flash suppressor or barrel having a
12 threaded muzzle; or
13 (v) a grenade launcher;
14 (C) a semi-automatic pistol that has an ability to
15 accept a detachable magazine and has any of the
16 following:
17 (i) an ammunition magazine that attaches to
18 the pistol outside of the pistol grip;
19 (ii) a barrel having a threaded muzzle;
20 (iii) a shroud that is attached to, or
21 partially or completely encircles the barrel, and
22 that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with
23 the non-trigger hand without being burned;
24 (iv) a manufactured weight of 50 ounces or more
25 when the pistol is unloaded; or
26 (v) a semiautomatic version of an automatic
27 firearm;
28 (D) a semiautomatic shotgun that has any of the
29 following:
30 (i) a folding or telescoping stock;
31 (ii) a pistol grip that protrudes
32 conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;
33 (iii) a fixed magazine capacity in excess of 5
34 rounds; or
35 (iv) an ability to accept a detachable
36 magazine.

" (B) a semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to
5 accept a detachable magazine and has any of the
6 following:
7 (i) a folding or telescoping stock;
8 (ii) a pistol grip that protrudes"

Is a paintball gun considered a semiautomatic rifle?? I dont think so... But if we wanted to be sure we can always look up the laws on what is considered one...

01-31-2006, 11:23 PM
I'm sorry I'm not from your state I'm just north of you But when I had checked the laws of owning a paintball gun I got this from the local authorities. #1 defintaition of a Firearm is- ....discharging a projectile at a high rate of velocity from a explosive reaction. #2 Air rifles/Mil sim / paintball gun still fall under a firearm label but are exempt as Air Powered weapon and do not follow the same laws (doeesn't mean you shouldn't treat is a dangerous weapon). And #3 when I was reading that it made a point and you can bring this up.

Prohibits the knowing manufacture, delivery, and possession of semiautomatic assault weapons, assault weapon attachments, 50 caliber rifles, and 50 caliber cartridges.

Assault weapons are pretty much anything Current Military or Former Miltary/ Attachments are you Night vision and your flash and or sound suppressor's/ rifle obviously is a firearm/ And Paintballs are not considered cartridges.

01-31-2006, 11:53 PM
I'm sorry I'm not from your state I'm just north of you But when I had checked the laws of owning a paintball gun I got this from the local authorities. #1 defintaition of a Firearm is- ....discharging a projectile at a high rate of velocity from a explosive reaction. #2 Air rifles/Mil sim / paintball gun still fall under a firearm label but are exempt as Air Powered weapon and do not follow the same laws (doeesn't mean you shouldn't treat is a dangerous weapon). And #3 when I was reading that it made a point and you can bring this up.

Assault weapons are pretty much anything Current Military or Former Miltary/ Attachments are you Night vision and your flash and or sound suppressor's/ rifle obviously is a firearm/ And Paintballs are not considered cartridges.
I guess we need to find out more how Illinois classifies paintball.
But for now we still have that Class A misdemeanor charge under this, maybe?

This is a quote from another site and looks like somebody already had verified this

I just spoke to our house rep's office about this legislation. Rep McGuire's office has told me that yes, as the legislation is written, it will outlaw paintball (and air soft) in the state of Illinois. This includes the sale and distribution of paintball supplies. I would appreciate it if you all would begin contacting (and have as many people at your respective companies contact) Representative Edward Acevedo's office to explain how many jobs will be lost, and tax dollars lost if paintball as an industry is outlawed in the state of Illinois. His office number in Springfield is 217-782-2855. This legislation is in 2nd reading- which means there's not a lot of time left. PLEASE do whatever you can to ensure the full impact of this legislation is known by all members of the House.

Thank you.
Gretchen Shay
Challenge Park Xtreme

02-01-2006, 01:37 AM
how in the f can they do this, we are the safest sport!!!! they think they all all knowing but if they did they would know that paintball has many world HQ's that we are number 3 in extreme sports and that the avergage player gets hurt once in 550 years..... this is a major issue and we as one must unite to protect our sport, that it keeps kids off the street and gives them responsibality. we must UNITE!!!!!!!! all of us voice our feelings!!!!!! one thing is for sure that if one falls many others will to!!!!!

Is there any i can go to the capital and voice myself???? can i go on the day and speek in front of the congress??????

02-01-2006, 05:01 AM
The key here is that the language of the bill is "bad", and needs to be changed to specifically exclude paintball / airsoft. The law has a basis in good intention, but we all know about the "road to hell".

Chris Rahel posted in the thread This link (http://www.paintball-players.org/) which says that a group called 'American Paintball Players Association' will be trying to lobby for this change. I don't like the idea of sitting back and doing nothing, so I already contacted my government representatives myself. A "drop in a bucket" is nothing, 10,000 drops adds up.

As the proposed law is written now, it could ban anything that MIGHT be a replica firearm. And as ambiguous as the language is, this could be anything with a barrel, a body and a grip. Even the "space guns" could be considered replicas, if a judge has a mean streak in them. So this portion needs to either be reworded or removed. It's also a problem for the mil-sim players and the scenario players, as the proposed law as worded could put a ban on Camo colored nerf football launchers among other things.

Don't just be angry, be active.


02-01-2006, 06:58 AM
We have seen similar laws that would affect paintball over the years, and none of them have killed the sport. Yes, if folks want to do something do it. But I will disagree with Tyger on this one… do NOT be angry, be active.

Paintball players can be their own worse enemy. The sky is not falling every time “bad” wording can affect paintball. You simply go through the process of CHANGING the wording before it is made law. A calm and rational approach is better than a million irate and belligerent paintball players sending nasty letters to everyone they can think of.

Like I said, it has happened time and again over the years, and will likely happen again.

Also keep in mind that as Tyger pointed out, this law (as worded) would affect far more than paintball. And likely those “other” things have representatives standing up for the wording to be changed as well. This is how laws are drafted, they often cycle many times until everyone can agree on the wording.

02-01-2006, 07:11 AM
ok, since I don't know how to multi quote I will try and remember everythng.

don't send an email. in past activities emails are send threw a auto-responder and nothing gets anywhere and you get a responce that is nothing close to what you sent. calling is probably the best option.

It is written vauge because that lets them do as they will. like the FCC for radio, that too is written vauge and they can prosicute who they want when they want, so that isn't an accodent or typo. and also, people from everywhere can call and speak up who have never set foot on IL soil! it has happened before so I don't see why it wont now. and a bad thing is they can stuff the ballet so to speak, and choose who to report/listen to, it is a power thing, if you had power would you listen to someone who didn't like your decision?

and my thing is, money controls everything. whoever has the money wins no matter what the issue is. if it is seen that paintball makes money, which it does, they it will blow over expicily with support from communitys and companys. this does effect some big companys directly dealing with paintball, draxxus, PMI, and some others, they have money and can fight it. I am sure other paintball comanys not in IL know and will support tehm to keep it from passing and spreading, Smart Parts has mega money. and other big name companys have interest if not investment like ESPN and Disney. and celebritys play too, off the top of my head, Shattner, Vin Desiel, Mel Gibson. I am sure anybody who is anybody who plays, and even people who don't play but know players will know, and fast. I play, my girlfriend dosn't and you can bet she is going to get an ear-full. and possably tell her friends (be it good or bad) and so on, people will know, and it is on every PB related site I have been on today. everyone has at least one dollar. $1 times millions is what?

honestly I am not too worried about it.

and another idea, call NBC, CBS, ABC any local news station and give an interesting story one they might take a bite on. not "hey, their banning paintball in IL, do a story on it." but give a good interesting story about who/what/where/when/why/how. and i can't think of anyway better to control polititions then media covrage and twists and warming stories. what person for the people is going to ban a friendly safe sport they the kids of the comunity play? all races, sexes, and cultures alike all getting along and having fun?

but keep the tourni scene out of the light, then it might back fire...

02-01-2006, 07:17 AM
The key here is that the language of the bill is "bad", and needs to be changed to specifically exclude paintball / airsoft. The law has a basis in good intention, but we all know about the "road to hell".

Chris Rahel posted in the thread This link (http://www.paintball-players.org/) which says that a group called 'American Paintball Players Association' will be trying to lobby for this change. I don't like the idea of sitting back and doing nothing, so I already contacted my government representatives myself. A "drop in a bucket" is nothing, 10,000 drops adds up.

As the proposed law is written now, it could ban anything that MIGHT be a replica firearm. And as ambiguous as the language is, this could be anything with a barrel, a body and a grip. Even the "space guns" could be considered replicas, if a judge has a mean streak in them. So this portion needs to either be reworded or removed. It's also a problem for the mil-sim players and the scenario players, as the proposed law as worded could put a ban on Camo colored nerf football launchers among other things.

Don't just be angry, be active.


highlight from Tyger's link:

HB2414 relates to firearms, and has no bearing on paintball. According to Illinois law, a paintball gun is NOT A FIREARM. (430 ILCS 65/1.1) states:

"Firearm" means any device, by whatever name known, which is designed to expel a projectile or projectiles by the action of an explosion, expansion of gas or escape of gas; excluding, however:

any pneumatic gun, spring gun, paint ball gun or B.B gun which ... expels ... breakable paint balls containing washable marking colors;

Cow hunter
02-01-2006, 07:24 AM
wait, wait..... how is that LEGAL?? there is the second amendment! it would be unconstitutonal for them to pass this law! i believe warbreak had the best idea, to shower them with emails about the economy and american jobs. but seriously, if this goes through, it should exclude paintball, for many many good reasons. also other states might like the idea and follow through, which might kill the whole paintball industry!!!

02-01-2006, 07:46 AM
This is why your Republican, Conserative vote is so important. Take all the guns away from all law abiding citizens, so that only criminals will have guns in the end. Join the NRA...now. ;)
lol. :cheers: :headbang:

02-01-2006, 08:26 AM
24 (iv) a manufactured weight of 50 ounces or more
25 when the pistol is unloaded;

This should keep it away from paintball shouldnt it? no paintball gun weights in at 50 ounces unloaded. :dance:

It is a horible law though, just trying to show some hope for us.

02-01-2006, 08:33 AM
Someone should write something to APG...or any other magazine similar too. That would probably get the word out REALLY quick.

02-01-2006, 08:35 AM
wait, wait..... how is that LEGAL?? there is the second amendment! it would be unconstitutonal for them to pass this law!

This is dangerous, now your lumping paintball markers in with firearms and other weapons meant to secure our freedom. That would make it much easier to ban the sport, and is infact why some many people adamantly refer to them as "markers".

My reaction to these laws is more subdued than the rest, while I feel it is important to remind our legislators that we elected them, and our opinions matter, this strikes me as just another attention getter. I can't see how this would possibly pass, and paintball won't make a bit of difference, it will in fact be the real Gun manufacturers who pull this down. We should by all means write our letters, but remember that we aren't the only ones affected and other people have a much larger stake in it.

And the only thing your republican vote will get you is a more wealthy .01% of the population.

Then again the only thing your Democratic vote will get you is a more lazy 50% of the population.

Greedy politicians...

02-01-2006, 09:01 AM
Could and would are entirely different things. Under a strict interpertation of the statute as written in Michigan all paintball markers are firearms, and discharging them at one another falls under dueling statutes. We've had this discussion before. The fact of the matter is the law is never enforced. Well I'm concerned about the possibility of it being enforced, the legislature never intended, with that law, to ban reasonably safe, consentual activities that did not involve something intended to be used as a weapon.

02-01-2006, 10:41 AM
The key here is that the language of the bill is "bad", and needs to be changed to specifically exclude paintball / airsoft. The law has a basis in good intention, but we all know about the "road to hell".

Chris Rahel posted in the thread This link (http://www.paintball-players.org/) which says that a group called 'American Paintball Players Association' will be trying to lobby for this change. I don't like the idea of sitting back and doing nothing, so I already contacted my government representatives myself. A "drop in a bucket" is nothing, 10,000 drops adds up.
As the proposed law is written now, it could ban anything that MIGHT be a replica firearm. And as ambiguous as the language is, this could be anything with a barrel, a body and a grip. Even the "space guns" could be considered replicas, if a judge has a mean streak in them. So this portion needs to either be reworded or removed. It's also a problem for the mil-sim players and the scenario players, as the proposed law as worded could put a ban on Camo colored nerf football launchers among other things.

Don't just be angry, be active.


people, we know whats to be done....simple fact you play you are affected, talk is cheap.....time for all of to unite and protect what we all have in common!!!!!!!!! Tyger 10000 is good, but there is 9 million of us there should be more in the bucket!!!!!

02-01-2006, 10:45 AM
House Members

Illinois General Assembly

Edward J. Acevedo - District 2
109 Capitol 2021 W. 35th St.
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60609
(217) 782-2855 (773) 843-1200
(217) 782-7762 (FAX) (773) 843-9500 (FAX)

Suzanne Bassi - District 54
211-N Stratton Office Building 110 W. Northwest Highway
Springfield, IL 62706 Palatine, IL 60067
(217) 782-8026 (847) 776-1880
(217) 782-5257 (FAX) (847) 776-1925 (FAX)

Mark H. Beaubien, Jr. - District 52
314 Capitol Building 124-A E. Liberty Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Wauconda, IL 60084
(217) 782-1517 (847) 487-5252
(217) 782-7012 (FAX) (847) 487-0956 (FAX)

Daniel V. Beiser - District 111
282-S Stratton Office Building 2 Terminal Drive, Suite 18B
Springfield, IL 62706 East Alton, IL 62024
(217) 782-5996 (618) 259-4934
(217) 558-0493 (FAX) (618) 259-5043 (FAX)

Patricia R. Bellock - District 47
227-N Stratton Office Building 1 S. Cass Ave.
Westmont Centre, Suite 205
Springfield, IL 62706 Westmont, IL 60559
(217) 782-1448 (630) 852-8633
(217) 782-2289 (FAX) (630) 852-6530 (FAX)

Maria Antonia Berrios - District 39
200-3S Stratton Office Building 2058 N. Western Ave.
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60647
(217) 558-1032 (773) 235-3939
(217) 558-7112 (FAX) (773) 278-2541 (FAX)

Bob Biggins - District 41
207-N Stratton Office Building 114 W. Valette
Springfield, IL 62706 Elmhurst, IL 60126
(217) 782-6578 (630) 941-1278
(217) 782-5257 (FAX) (630) 941-1285 (FAX)

William B. Black - District 104
314 Capitol Building 7 E. Fairchild
Springfield, IL 62706 Danville, IL 61832
(217) 782-4811 (217) 431-1986
(217) 782-1873 (FAX) (217) 431-2088 (FAX)

Mike Boland - District 71
243-E Stratton Office Building 4416 River Drive
Springfield, IL 62706 Moline, IL 61265
(217) 782-3992 (309) 736-3360
(217) 782-5201 (FAX) (309) 736-3478 (FAX)

Mike Bost - District 115
202-N Stratton Office Building 300 E. Main
Springfield, IL 62706 Carbondale, IL 62901
(217) 782-0387 (618) 457-5787
(217) 557-7213 (FAX) (618) 457-2990 (FAX)

John E. Bradley - District 117
265-S Stratton Office Building 501 W. DeYoung, Suite 5
Springfield, IL 62706 Marion, IL 62959
(217) 782-1051 (618) 997-9697
(217) 782-0882 (FAX) (618) 997-9807 (FAX)

Richard T. Bradley - District 40
286-S Stratton Office Building 3520 North Pulaski Road
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60641
(217) 782-8117 (773) 794-9444
(217) 558-6369 (FAX) (773) 794-9450 (FAX)

Dan Brady - District 88
200-8N Stratton Office Building 2416 E. Washington Street, Suite G
Springfield, IL 62706 Bloomington, IL 61704
(217) 782-1118 (309) 662-1100
(217) 558-6271 (FAX) (309) 662-1150 (FAX)

Rich Brauer - District 100
E 1 Stratton Office Building E 1 Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0053 (217) 782-0053
(217) 782-0897 (FAX) (217) 782-0897 (FAX)

James D. Brosnahan - District 36
277-S Stratton Office Building 5311 W. 95th St.
Springfield, IL 62706 Oak Lawn, IL 60453
(217) 782-0515 (708) 499-2810
(217) 789-4899 (FAX) (708) 499-3991 (FAX)

Daniel J. Burke - District 23
233-E Stratton Office Building 2650 W. 51st Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60632
(217) 782-1117 (773) 471-2299
(217) 782-0927 (FAX) (773) 471-1648 (FAX)

Linda Chapa LaVia - District 83
235-E Stratton Office Building 8 E. Galena Blvd. Suite 240
Springfield, IL 62706 Aurora, IL 60506
(217) 558-1002 (630) 264-6855
(217) 782-0927 (FAX) (630) 264-6752 (FAX)

Michelle Chavez - District 24
252- W Stratton Office Building 2138 South 61st Court
Springfield, IL 62706 Cicero, IL 60804
(217) 782-8173 (708) 863-1766
(708) 863-1768 (FAX)

Robert W. Churchill - District 62
630 Capitol Building 148 Center Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Grayslake, IL 60030
(217) 782-7320 (847) 231-6262
(217) 557-0571 (FAX) (847) 231-6264 (FAX)

Annazette Collins - District 10
262-W Stratton Office Building 259 North Pulaski Road
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60624
(217) 782-8077 (773) 533-0010
(217) 557-7643 (FAX) (773) 533-1971 (FAX)

Marlow H. Colvin - District 33
200-8S Stratton Office Building 8539 South Cottage Grove
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60619
(217) 782-8272 (773) 783-8492
(217) 782-2404 (FAX) (773) 783-8625 (FAX)

Elizabeth Coulson - District 17
220-N Stratton Office Building 3801 West Lake Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Glenview, IL 60025
(217) 782-4194 (847) 724-3233
(217) 782-1275 (FAX) (847) 724-8682 (FAX)

Tom Cross - District 84
316 Capitol Building 530 W. Lockport St.
Suite 204
Springfield, IL 62706 Plainfield, IL 60544
(217) 782-1331 (815) 254-0000
(217) 782-7012 (FAX) (815) 609-3994 (FAX)

Shane Cultra - District 105
230-N Stratton Office Building 104 West Lincoln Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Onarga, IL 60955
(217) 558-1039 (815) 268-4090
(815) 268-7245 (FAX)

Barbara Flynn Currie - District 25
300 Capitol Building 1303 E. 53rd Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60615
(217) 782-8121 (773) 667-0550
(217) 524-1794 (FAX) (773) 667-3010 (FAX)

John D'Amico - District 15
284-S Stratton Office Building 4404 W. Lawrence Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60630
(217) 782-8198 (773) 736-0218
(217) 782-2906 (FAX) (773) 736-2333 (FAX)

Lee A. Daniels - District 46
200-5N Stratton Office Building 105 S. York Road Suite 550
Springfield, IL 62706 Elmhurst, IL 60126
(217) 782-4014 (630) 530-2700
(217) 558-0000 (FAX) (630) 279-8660 (FAX)

Monique D. Davis - District 27
241-E Stratton Office Building 1234 West 95th Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60643
(217) 782-0010 (773) 445-9700
(217) 782-1795 (FAX) (773) 445-5755 (FAX)

William Davis - District 30
246-W Stratton Office Building 1912 W 174th Street
Springfield, IL 62706 East Hazel Crest, IL 60429
(217) 782-8197 (708) 799-7300
(217) 782-3220 (FAX) (708) 799-7377 (FAX)

William Delgado - District 3
264-S Stratton Office Building 4150 W. Armitage Ave.
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60639
(217) 782-0480 (773) 292-0202
(217) 557-9609 (FAX) (773) 292-1903 (FAX)

Lisa M. Dugan - District 79
260-W Stratton Office Building 135 S. Schuyler Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Kankakee, IL 60901
(217) 782-5981 (815) 939-1983
(217) 557-7643 (FAX) (815) 939-0081 (FAX)

Kenneth Dunkin - District 5
290-S Stratton Office Building 1520 N. Wells
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60610
(217) 782-4535 (312) 266-0340
(217) 782-4213 (FAX) (312) 266-0699 (FAX)

Joe Dunn - District 96
200-3N Stratton Office Building 552 S. Washington #119
Springfield, IL 62706 Naperville, IL 60540
(217) 782-6507 (630) 355-4113
(217) 782-1275 (FAX) (630) 355-2847 (FAX)

Jim Durkin - District 82

Springfield, IL 62706 , IL
(217) -217 ( ) -

Roger L. Eddy - District 109
222-N Stratton Office Building 108 South Main
P.O. Box 125
Springfield, IL 62706 Hutsonville, IL 62433
(217) 558-1040 (618) 563-4128
(618) 563-4129 (FAX)

Sara Feigenholtz - District 12
254-W Stratton Office Building 1051 W. Belmont
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60657
(217) 782-8062 (773) 296-4141
(217) 557-7203 (FAX) (773) 296-0993 (FAX)

Robert F. Flider - District 101
200-5S Stratton Office Building 132 South Water
Suite 628
Springfield, IL 62706 Decatur, IL 62523
(217) 782-8398 (217) 428-2708
(217) 782-2528 (FAX) (217) 428-3419 (FAX)

Mary E. Flowers - District 31
251-E Stratton Office Building 2525 W. 79th Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60652
(217) 782-4207 (773) 471-5200
(217) 782-1130 (FAX) (773) 471-1036 (FAX)

Jack D. Franks - District 63
249-E Stratton Office Building 1193 South Eastwood Drive
Springfield, IL 62706 Woodstock, IL 60098
(217) 782-1717 (815) 334-0063
(217) 557-2118 (FAX) (815) 334-9147 (FAX)

John A. Fritchey - District 11
200-7S Stratton Office Building 2539 North Southport Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60614
(217) 782-2458 (773) 871-4000
(217) 557-7214 (FAX) (773) 871-4012 (FAX)

Paul D. Froehlich - District 56
232-N Stratton Building 15 W. Weathersfield Way
Springfield, IL 62706 Schaumburg, IL 60193
(217) 782-3725 (847) 985-9210
(217) 782-1336 (FAX) (847) 891-8772 (FAX)

Calvin L. Giles - District 8
274-S Stratton Office Building 4909 W. Division
Lower Level, Suite 12
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60651
(217) 782-5962 (773) 287-6700
(217) 782-2779 (FAX) (773) 287-6703 (FAX)

Esther Golar - District 6
250-W Stratton 5012 S. Ashland
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60609
(217) 782-5971 ( ) -
(217) 558-6370 (FAX)

Careen M Gordon - District 75
276-S Stratton Office Building 760 East Division
Springfield, IL 62706 Coal City, IL 60416
(217) 782-5997 (815) 634-3096
(217) 782-7631 (FAX) (815) 634-3137 (FAX)

Deborah L. Graham - District 78
268-S Stratton Office Building 6101 1/2 W. North Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Oak Park, IL 60302
(217) 782-6400 (708) 445-9520
(217) 558-1054 (FAX) (708) 445-9521 (FAX)

Kurt M. Granberg - District 107
300 Capitol Building 100 N. Locust
Springfield, IL 62706 Centralia, IL 62801
(217) 782-0066 (618) 533-0296
(217) 557-7598 (FAX) (618) 533-2153 (FAX)

Julie Hamos - District 18
256-W Stratton Office Building 820 Davis Street
Suite 103
Springfield, IL 62706 Evanston, IL 60201
(217) 782-8052 (847) 424-9898
(217) 557-7204 (FAX) (847) 424-9828 (FAX)

Gary Hannig - District 98
300 Capitol Building 218 S. Macoupin Street
P.O. Box 8
Springfield, IL 62706 Gillespie, IL 62033
(217) 782-8071 (217) 839-2859
(217) 524-1794 (FAX) (217) 839-4833 (FAX)

Brent Hassert - District 85
217-N Stratton Office Building 1408 Joliet Road
Suite 102
Springfield, IL 62706 Romeoville, IL 60446
(217) 782-4179 (630) 739-7063
(217) 782-5257 (FAX) (630) 739-4055 (FAX)

Jay C. Hoffman - District 112
263-S Stratton Office Building 126 Vandalia
Suite 1
Springfield, IL 62706 Collinsville, IL 62234
(217) 782-8018 (618) 345-2176
(217) 557-2763 (FAX) (618) 345-3338 (FAX)

Thomas Holbrook - District 113
267-S Stratton Office Building 9200 West Main Suite 4
Springfield, IL 62706 Belleville, IL 62223
(217) 782-0104 (618) 394-2211
(217) 782-1333 (FAX) (618) 394-2210 (FAX)

Constance A. Howard - District 34
270-S Stratton Office Building 8729 S. State Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60619
(217) 782-6476 (773) 783-8800
(217) 782-0952 (FAX) (773) 783-8773 (FAX)

Randall M. Hultgren - District 95
225-N Stratton Office Building 27 W140 Roosevelt Road
Suite 101
Springfield, IL 62706 Winfield, IL 60190
(217) 782-1653 (630) 682-8100
(217) 558-3472 (FAX) (630) 682-8108 (FAX)

Naomi D. Jakobsson - District 103
257-S Stratton Office Building 206 N. Randolph
Suite 120
Springfield, IL 62706 Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 558-1009 (217) 373-5000
(217) 557-7680 (FAX) (217) 373-8679 (FAX)

Charles E. Jefferson - District 67
281-S Stratton Office Building 200 S. Wyman #304
E.J. "Zeke" Giorgi Center
Springfield, IL 62706 Rockford, IL 61101
(217) 782-3167 (815) 987-7433
(217) 557-7654 (FAX) (815) 987-7225 (FAX)

Roger Jenisch - District 45
208-N Stratton Office Building 1701 Bloomingdale Rd. Suite 100
Springfield, IL 62706 Glendale Heights, IL 60139
(217) 782-8158 (630) 653-4545
(217) 782-5257 (FAX) (630) 653-4507 (FAX)

Lovana Jones - District 26
109 Capitol Building 435 East 35th St.
1st Floor
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60616
(217) 782-2023 (773) 373-9400
(217) 782-8569 (FAX) (773) 373-9787 (FAX)

Kevin Joyce - District 35
269-S Stratton Office Building 6965 W. 111th Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Worth, IL 60482
(217) 782-8200 (708) 448-3518
(217) 782-0945 (FAX) (708) 448-3535 (FAX)

Robin Kelly - District 38
275- S Stratton Office Building 600 Holiday Plaza Dr. Suite 535
Springfield, IL 62706 Matteson, IL 60443
(217) 558-1007 (708) 283-0400
(217) 557-1664 (FAX) (708) 283-0440 (FAX)

Renee Kosel - District 81
221-N Stratton Office Building 19201 South LaGrange Rd
Suite 204 B
Springfield, IL 62706 Mokena, IL 60448
(217) 782-0424 (708) 479-4200
(217) 557-7249 (FAX) (708) 479-7977 (FAX)

Carolyn H. Krause - District 66
203-N Stratton Office Building 200 E. Evergreen Ave.
Suite 122
Springfield, IL 62706 Mount Prospect, IL 60056
(217) 782-3739 (847) 255-3100
(217) 557-7208 (FAX) (847) 255-3184 (FAX)

Lou Lang - District 16
109 Capitol Building 4528 W. Oakton St.
Springfield, IL 62706 Skokie, IL 60076
(217) 782-1252 (847) 673-1131
(217) 782-9903 (FAX) (847) 982-0393 (FAX)

David R. Leitch - District 73
220 Capitol Building 3114 North University
Springfield, IL 62706 Peoria, IL 61604
(217) 782-8108 (309) 685-3900
(217) 557-3047 (FAX) (309) 685-3936 (FAX)

Patricia Reid Lindner - District 50
234-N Stratton Office Building 32 Main Street
Suite A
Springfield, IL 62706 Sugar Grove, IL 60554
(217) 782-1486 (630) 466-9791
(217) 558-1068 (FAX) (630) 466-7124 (FAX)

Joseph M. Lyons - District 19
229-E Stratton Office Building 5205 N. Milwaukee
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60630
(217) 782-8400 (773) 286-1115
(217) 557-1934 (FAX) (773) 545-7106 (FAX)

Michael J. Madigan - District 22
300 Capitol Building 6500 South Pulaski Road
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60629
(217) 782-5350 (773) 581-8000
(217) 524-1794 (FAX) (773) 581-9414 (FAX)

Sidney H. Mathias - District 53
200-1N Stratton Office Building 4256 N. Arlington Hts. Rd
Suite 104
Springfield, IL 62706 Arlington Heights, IL 60004
(217) 782-1664 (847) 222-0061
(217) 782-1275 (FAX) (847) 222-0062 (FAX)

Frank J. Mautino - District 76
259-S Stratton Office Building 108 West St. Paul Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Spring Valley, IL 61362
(217) 782-0140 (815) 664-2717
(217) 557-7680 (FAX) (815) 663-1629 (FAX)

Karen May - District 58
255-S Stratton Office Building 210 Skokie Valley Road
Suite 12
Springfield, IL 62706 Highland Park, IL 60035
(217) 782-0902 (847) 831-5858
(217) 557-7214 (FAX) (847) 831-3454 (FAX)

Michael P. McAuliffe - District 20
242-W Stratton Office Building 6650 N. Northwest Hwy.
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60631
(217) 782-8182 (773) 792-0749
(217) 558-1073 (FAX) (773) 792-1997 (FAX)

Kevin A. McCarthy - District 37
271-S Stratton Office Building 8951 W. 151st. St.
Springfield, IL 62706 Orland Park, IL 60462
(217) 782-3316 (708) 226-1999
(217) 789-6250 (FAX) (708) 226-9068 (FAX)

Jack McGuire - District 86
239-E Stratton Office Building 121 Springfield Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Joliet, IL 60435
(217) 782-8090 (815) 730-8600
(217) 557-6465 (FAX) (815) 730-8121 (FAX)

Larry McKeon - District 13
279-S Stratton Office Building 1967 West Montrose Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60613
(217) 782-3835 (773) 348-3434
(217) 557-6470 (FAX) (773) 348-3475 (FAX)

Susana A Mendoza - District 1
200-1S Stratton Office Building 2500 South Millard
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60623
(217) 782-7752 (773) 277-7711
(217) 782-8917 (FAX) (773) 277-6196 (FAX)

James H. Meyer - District 48
634 Capitol Building 1112 Washington St.
Suite 10
Springfield, IL 62706 Naperville, IL 60540
(217) 782-8028 (630) 717-7141
(217) 557-7213 (FAX) (630) 717-7262 (FAX)

David E. Miller - District 29
278-S Stratton Office Building 1350 East Sibley Blvd.
Springfield, IL 62706 Dolton, IL 60419
(217) 782-8087 (708) 201-8000
(217) 558-6433 (FAX) (708) 201-8200 (FAX)

Bill Mitchell - District 87
240-W Stratton Office Building 332 W. Marion
Suite N-1
Springfield, IL 62706 Forsyth, IL 62535
(217) 782-8163 (217) 876-1968
(217) 782-1139 (FAX) (217) 876-1973 (FAX)

Jerry L. Mitchell - District 90
209-N Stratton Office Building 100 E. 5th St.
Springfield, IL 62706 Rock Falls, IL 61071
(217) 782-0535 (815) 625-0820
(217) 782-5257 (FAX) (815) 625-0839 (FAX)

Donald L. Moffitt - District 74
223-N Stratton Office Building #5 Weinberg Arcade
Springfield, IL 62706 Galesburg, IL 61401
(217) 782-8032 (309) 343-8000
(217) 557-0179 (FAX) (309) 343-2683 (FAX)

Robert S. Molaro - District 21
245-E Stratton Office Building 6245 S. Archer Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60638
(217) 782-5280 (773) 838-1212
(708) 354-0743 (FAX)

Rosemary Mulligan - District 65
218-N Stratton Office Building 932 Lee Street
Suite 201
Springfield, IL 62706 Des Plaines, IL 60016
(217) 782-8007 (847) 297-6533
(217) 782-4533 (FAX) (847) 297-2978 (FAX)

Ruth Munson - District 43
204-N Stratton Office Building 1112 South Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Elgin, IL 60123
(217) 782-8020 (847) 622-1048
(847) 622-0948 (FAX)

Richard P. Myers - District 94
200-7N Stratton Office Building 331 N. Lafayette St.
Springfield, IL 62706 Macomb, IL 61455
(217) 782-0416 (309) 836-2707
(217) 782-5257 (FAX) (309) 836-2231 (FAX)

Elaine Nekritz - District 57
258-W Stratton Office Building 24 S. Des Plaines River Road
Suite 200
Springfield, IL 62706 Des Plaines, IL 60016
(217) 558-1004 (847) 257-0450
(217) 557-7204 (FAX) (847) 257-0452 (FAX)

JoAnn D. Osmond - District 61
201-N Stratton Office Building 976 Hillside Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Antioch, IL 60002
(217) 782-8151 (847) 838-6200
(217) 557-7207 (FAX) (847) 838-2060 (FAX)

Harry Osterman - District 14
273-S Stratton Office Building 5535 North Broadway
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60640
(217) 782-8088 (773) 784-2002
(217) 782-6592 (FAX) (773) 784-2060 (FAX)

Terry R. Parke - District 44
220 Capitol Building 837 West Higgins Road
Springfield, IL 62706 Schaumburg, IL 60195
(217) 782-0347 (847) 882-0270
(217) 782-3189 (FAX) (847) 884-6885 (FAX)

Milton Patterson - District 32
266- S Stratton Office Building 2834 W. 63rd Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60629
(217) 782-1702 (773) 434-7500
(217) 557-0543 (FAX) (773) 434-7501 (FAX)

Brandon W. Phelps - District 118
292-S Stratton Office Building 2 N. Vine, 5th Floor
Springfield, IL 62706 Harrisburg, IL 62946
(217) 782-5131 (618) 253-4189
(618) 253-3136 (FAX)

Sandra M. Pihos - District 42
214-N Stratton Office Building 799 E. Roosevelt Road
Building 2, Suite 111
Springfield, IL 62706 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
(217) 782-8037 (630) 858-8855
(217) 558-1072 (FAX) (630) 858-8857 (FAX)

Raymond Poe - District 99
E-1 Stratton Office Building E-1 Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706 Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0044 (217) 782-0044
(217) 782-0897 (FAX) (217) 782-0897 (FAX)

Robert W. Pritchard - District 70
212-N Stratton Building 2600 DeKalb Avenue, Suite C
Springfield, IL 62706 Sycamore, IL 60178
(217) 782-0425 (815) 748-3494
(217) 557-7205 (FAX) (815) 748-4630 (FAX)

Harry R. Ramey, Jr. - District 55
213-N Stratton Office Building 1883 N. Neltnor Blvd (Rte.59)
Springfield, IL 62706 West Chicago, IL 60185
(217) 558-1037 (630) 876-0703
(217) 558-3539 (FAX) (630) 231-3742 (FAX)

David Reis - District 108
228-N Stratton Building 219 E. Main
P.O. Box 189
Springfield, IL 62706 Olney, IL 62450
(217) 782-2087 (618) 392-0108
(217) 782-1336 (FAX) (618) 392-0107 (FAX)

Dan Reitz - District 116
200-9S Stratton Office Building 128 A West Main
Springfield, IL 62706 Sparta, IL 62286
(217) 782-1018 (618) 443-5757
(217) 782-0945 (FAX) (618) 443-3800 (FAX)

Robert Rita - District 28
247-E Stratton Office Building 13543 Cicero Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Crestwood, IL 60445
(217) 558-1000 (708) 396-2822
(217) 558-1091 (FAX) (708) 396-2898 (FAX)

Chapin Rose - District 110
200-2N Stratton Office Building 1113 Lincoln Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 558-1006 (217) 348-7673
(217) 557-0530 (FAX) (217) 348-7677 (FAX)

Kathleen A. Ryg - District 59
231-E Stratton Office Building 50 Lakeview Parkway
Suite 114
Springfield, IL 62706 Vernon Hills, IL 60061
(217) 782-0499 (847) 680-5909
(217) 557-1934 (FAX) (847) 680-5960 (FAX)

Jim Sacia - District 89
210-N Stratton Office Building 19 S. Chicago Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Freeport, IL 61032
(217) 782-8186 (815) 232-0774
(217) 558-7016 (FAX) (815) 232-0777 (FAX)

Angelo Saviano - District 77
314 Capitol Building 8153 W. Grand Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 River Grove, IL 60171
(217) 782-3374 (708) 453-7547
(217) 557-7211 (FAX) (708) 453-7594 (FAX)

Timothy L. Schmitz - District 49
224-N Stratton Office Building 127 Hamilton Street
Suite D
Springfield, IL 62706 Geneva, IL 60134
(217) 782-5457 (630) 845-9590
(217) 782-1138 (FAX) (630) 845-9592 (FAX)

Aaron Schock - District 92
226-N Stratton Office Building 741 W. Main St.
Springfield, IL 62706 Peoria, IL 61606
(217) 782-3186 (309) 672-9292

George Scully, Jr. - District 80
237-E Stratton Office Building 722 West Exchange, Suite 4
Springfield, IL 62706 Crete, IL 60417
(217) 782-1719 (708) 672-0200
(708) 672-0700 (FAX)

Michael K. Smith - District 91
253-S Stratton Office Building 45 East Side Square
Suite 301
Springfield, IL 62706 Canton, IL 61520
(217) 782-8152 (309) 647-7479
(217) 557-4415 (FAX) (309) 647-7482 (FAX)

Keith P. Sommer - District 106
216-N Stratton Office Building 121 W. Jefferson
Springfield, IL 62706 Morton, IL 61550
(217) 782-0221 (309) 263-9242
(217) 782-1275 (FAX) (309) 263-8187 (FAX)

Cynthia Soto - District 4
288-S Stratton Office Building 2615 W. Division St.
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60622
(217) 782-0150 (773) 252-0402
(217) 557-7210 (FAX) (773) 342-3860 (FAX)

Ron Stephens - District 102
632 Capitol Building 112A Executive Drive
P.O. Box 190
Springfield, IL 62706 Highland, IL 62249
(217) 782-6401 (618) 651-0405
(618) 651-0413 (FAX)

Ed Sullivan, Jr. - District 51
206-N Stratton Office Building 506 E. Hawley Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Mundelein, IL 60060
(217) 782-3696 (847) 566-5115
(217) 558-3539 (FAX) (847) 566-5155 (FAX)

Art Tenhouse - District 93
215-N Stratton Office Building 640 Maine Street
P.O. Box 1161
Springfield, IL 62706 Quincy, IL 62301
(217) 782-8096 (217) 223-0833
(217) 782-5257 (FAX) (217) 223-1565 (FAX)

Michael Tryon - District 64
244-W Stratton Office Building 1 N. Virginia St.
Springfield, IL 62706 Crystal Lake, IL 60014
(217) 782-0432 (815) 459-6453
(217) 782-1275 (FAX) (815) 455-8284 (FAX)

Arthur L. Turner - District 9
300 Capitol Building 3849 W. Ogden Avenue
Springfield, IL 62706 Chicago, IL 60623
(217) 782-8116 (773) 277-4700
(217) 782-0888 (FAX) (773) 277-4703 (FAX)

Patrick J Verschoore - District 72
250-W Stratton Building 303 - 18th Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Rock Island, IL 61201
(217) 782-5970 (309) 793-4716
(217) 558-1253 (FAX) (309) 793-4764 (FAX)

Ronald A. Wait - District 69
219-N Stratton Office Building 411 S. State Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Belvidere, IL 61008
(217) 782-0548 (815) 547-7771
(217) 782-5257 (FAX) (815) 547-7767 (FAX)

Eddie Washington - District 60
280-S Stratton Office Building 141 A Genesee St.
Springfield, IL 62706 Waukegan, IL 60085
(217) 558-1012 (847) 623-0060
(847) 623-6078 (FAX)

Jim Watson - District 97
200-4N Stratton Office Building 220 West State Street
Springfield, IL 62706 Jacksonville, IL 62650
(217) 782-1840 (217) 243-6221
(217) 782-2289 (FAX) (217) 245-2071 (FAX)

Dave Winters - District 68
238-W Stratton Office Building 3444 N. Main, Suite 80
Springfield, IL 62706 Rockford, IL 61103
(217) 782-0455 (815) 282-0083
(217) 782-1139 (FAX) (815) 282-0085 (FAX)

Karen A. Yarbrough - District 7
272-S Stratton Office Building 2305 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Springfield, IL 62706 Broadview, IL 60155
(217) 782-8120 (708) 615-1747
(708) 615-1745 (FAX)

Wyvetter H. Younge - District 114
261-S Stratton Office Building 4700 State Street, Suite 2
Springfield, IL 62706 East St. Louis, IL 62205
(217) 782-5951 (618) 875-1691
(217) 782-8794 (FAX) (618) 875-6323 (FAX)

02-01-2006, 12:10 PM
highlight from Tyger's link:

HB2414 relates to firearms, and has no bearing on paintball. According to Illinois law, a paintball gun is NOT A FIREARM. (430 ILCS 65/1.1) states:

"Firearm" means any device, by whatever name known, which is designed to expel a projectile or projectiles by the action of an explosion, expansion of gas or escape of gas; excluding, however:

any pneumatic gun, spring gun, paint ball gun or B.B gun which ... expels ... breakable paint balls containing washable marking colors;

I guess this kills Tippmann with their C3 and any other propaine gas guns they might have.

The gun may be safe to use but it requires a "explosion" to fire the ball.

02-01-2006, 12:55 PM
And the only thing your republican vote will get you is a more wealthy .01% of the population.

Then again the only thing your Democratic vote will get you is a more lazy 50% of the population.

Greedy politicians...

LMAO...simply amazing. :headbang:

02-01-2006, 01:05 PM
It is great that people are calling!!! I have been calling reps all morning and i feel i made a little impact, but when i spoke with rep Edward J. Acevedo office i was told that people are wrong that it will not effect paintball and how he has kids and they are all supporters of paintball!!! Now i dont know how true this is but i would like to think it is, that Edward J. Acevedo is aware of this and that is highly possible that there will be a clause in th ebill that will state that this excludes paintball!!!! That it doesnt even effect paintball because it "shoots paint". Like i have said i dont know how true this is i would like to think everything will be ok, but it is a government offical so i dont know if it is a decoy and a lie or if it is really true?

One thing is sure dont stop calling, voice yourself!!!!! Lets be sure before we do nothing!!!!

02-01-2006, 02:02 PM
The key here is that the language of the bill is "bad", and needs to be changed to specifically exclude paintball / airsoft. The law has a basis in good intention, but we all know about the "road to hell".

Chris Rahel posted in the thread This link (http://www.paintball-players.org/) which says that a group called 'American Paintball Players Association' will be trying to lobby for this change. I don't like the idea of sitting back and doing nothing, so I already contacted my government representatives myself. A "drop in a bucket" is nothing, 10,000 drops adds up.

As the proposed law is written now, it could ban anything that MIGHT be a replica firearm. And as ambiguous as the language is, this could be anything with a barrel, a body and a grip. Even the "space guns" could be considered replicas, if a judge has a mean streak in them. So this portion needs to either be reworded or removed. It's also a problem for the mil-sim players and the scenario players, as the proposed law as worded could put a ban on Camo colored nerf football launchers among other things.

Don't just be angry, be active.

...he da man, they changed the wording as of 2/1/06

02-01-2006, 02:28 PM
I see people still posting phone numbers, so let me draw a little more attention to this.


Go there, it states that as of 1 February 2006 the bill was amended to exclude paintball. Huzzah!

02-01-2006, 04:03 PM
Opa! *Drinks some ouzo*

Ok ok, I'm not Greek. Mediterranean, but not Greek.

This is a great victory for the paintball community. Today, our voice was heard. Yeeeeeeehhaaaaaaaaaaaw! That was just to balance out your huzzah chewy. If you're gonna huzzah, then you have to have the rebel yell too lol...

Scott Hudnall
02-01-2006, 04:15 PM
Does anyone recall a thing called the "first amendment?"

This is exactly what the voters in the "BLUE" states deserve. screwed up legislation.

Actually...no one deserves this, whether paintballer or firearms enthusiast, gun collector, or an ordinary citizen who wants his constitutional rights preserved.

I would bet this whole issue is NOT under the NRA's radar.

02-01-2006, 04:23 PM
What do you expect. Most of the actions made by state and federal legislators right now are unconstitutional. The entire legislative body of this country is screwed up. We really need to clean house. Especially of these damned bickering idiots who think the point of the party system to have two armed camps ready to attack each other. They don't understand compromise, free expression of ideas, or maturity. The ideals that this country was built on have been abandoned as far as I'm concerned. We're headed in a pretty bad direction if we don't get more moderate politicians into power. The radical conservatives and radical liberals are dismantling our government peice by peice. We need objective thinkers running this country, not biased, argumentative fools.

02-01-2006, 05:47 PM
We need objective thinkers running this country, not biased, argumentative fools.


Thankfully here in Canda the continued influence of the NDP and Bloc Quebecois has at least tempered the Liberals and Conservatives from devolving into the bickering of Republican vs. Democrat.

But, the same rot is infecting both our systems.

02-01-2006, 05:49 PM
In fact, I'm surprised they're not already on it.

There’s a simple reason why the NRA doesn’t want to get involved in either paintball or airsoft. Both involve games in which the participants shoot each other which is completely against basic gun/firearm safety. Not something the NRA wants to touch. Nor should any self respecting paintballer want to get paintball markers inseparably linked to real firearms.

The defense of ownership of paintball equipment should be the same as defense of the ownership of baseball, football, or golf equipment. The right of citizens to participate in sports and activities that do not endanger the general public when practiced by average individuals following the rules and regulations of the sport.

As for these specific laws, what happened in Illinois to bring them up? I would figure a knee jerk reaction to the teen that got shot in the school yard with a replica Beretta. But what was the intent?

Personally, I’m all for gun and gun owner control legislation. Required training and licensing, registration of firearms, storage requirements, transportation restrictions, and classification and control based on length, size, and power. However, I find limitations on replicas ridiculous.

Under the firearm power definition, airsoft and paintball guns are exempt from the firearms control act in Canada.

“Replica firearms” are banned in Canada. But the application of the law seems to be VERY haphazard. Standard Airsoft weapons are NOT allowed. Only clear plastic bodied ones are. Yet, replica airguns mimicking various Walther, Beretta, S&W and other handguns are freely available. So I can go into a Canadian Tire Store, and alongside the ammo (but no actual firearms), the air rifles, and air target pistols, are replica PPKs and CPSport (P99 based) handguns.

IMO, replica firearms should be sold with a warning that their use or display in public will result in firearms charges. After that, if you’re dumb enough to use it in public, you deserve to be shot by a nervous cop.

wait, wait..... how is that LEGAL?? there is the second amendment! it would be unconstitutonal for them to pass this law!

That’s funny. The discussion is VERY detailed in the threads about the Tippmann C3, but the jist is absolutely every firearm except for shotguns for “sporting” purposes could be banned federally in the US. Gun Control Act of 1932.

Does anyone recall a thing called the "first amendment?"

Freedom of religion, press, and expression?!? :confused: lol

But now that it has been reworded, I guess the issue is moot. Despite the anti-liberal and anti-government hysteria to the contrary, democracy can work.

02-01-2006, 06:29 PM

Thankfully here in Canda the continued influence of the NDP and Bloc Quebecois has at least tempered the Liberals and Conservatives from devolving into the bickering of Republican vs. Democrat.

But, the same rot is infecting both our systems.

Cool, someone agrees with me!

You're right, gun laws that restrict what kind of people are able to own firearms are constitutional and should be enforced. However, a law simply banning anything resembling a gun is ludicrous. There is no reasonable basis for this action. Paintball and airsoft guns should be considered sports equipment. BB guns, air guns, pellet guns, etc should be restricted lightly. But banning these items all together is pointless and unnecesary.

02-01-2006, 07:36 PM
Paintball was never mention in the law or were guns. And one kids state rep said he thinks it would include paintball guns. His opinion is hardly a legal interpretation. I think a lot of people were making fools out of themselves by over reacting!

02-01-2006, 07:57 PM
No, the American legislatures ARE really out of control. Not just because of this. And actually, it might have included paintball markers. All it would take is for one radical judge to make that call.

02-01-2006, 08:48 PM
There’s a simple reason why the NRA doesn’t want to get involved in either paintball or airsoft. Both involve games in which the participants shoot each other which is completely against basic gun/firearm safety. Not something the NRA wants to touch. Nor should any self respecting paintballer want to get paintball markers inseparably linked to real firearms.

I was talking about why they hadn't been opposing the whole law, as it pertains to firearms also, but I was informed earlier that they are indeed lobbying against it.

02-01-2006, 08:56 PM
Come on guys you are retarted if you think that paintball guns are included in military replicas, other than the military sim designed guns, paintball guns dont resemble any sort of manufactured gun, airsoft definatly does, but a ego , dm6, is nothing at all like a real rifle/pistol, and its insane to think that they would be able to ban all paintball guns. They are refering to exact replicas, toy guns, props etc, not your acid pink ule automag.

Cow hunter
02-01-2006, 09:13 PM
This is dangerous, now your lumping paintball markers in with firearms and other weapons meant to secure our freedom. That would make it much easier to ban the sport, and is infact why some many people adamantly refer to them as "markers".

i was refering more to the fact of the law in general, not paintball, so IN GENERAL, it would be unconctitutional to pass a law against guns, and even if they do, our "markers" are not firearms and therefore cannot be included in this law

02-01-2006, 09:28 PM
I was talking about why they hadn't been opposing the whole law, as it pertains to firearms also, but I was informed earlier that they are indeed lobbying against it.
They cetainly are, in fact I just recieved their NRA-ILA form letters to send to my reps and a letter about exactly what the bill covers

02-01-2006, 09:36 PM
I read most of the first page, and couldn't be bothered to read the rest, so if I repeat something, I apologize.

In Canada we have been fighting with laws like this for ages; specifically related to airsoft. Paintball has never been an issue, because by Canadian law paintball guns clearly fall under the laws pertaining to airguns. Now I am not that familiar with American law, but I imagine it clearly defines firearms VS airguns. If it does, it will be very very hard to say a paintball gun is a firearm. Nor will you really be able to call it a replica. Atleast in Canada; Canadian law defines a replica as a device that is designed to look exactly like a real firearm, but does not discharge a projectile. While an airgun is defined as a device designed to fire a projectile up to 500FPS. Anything over 500FPS is considered a firearm under Canadian law.

Now with all that Canadian law stuff said, I cannot imagine American law is that different from ours, atleast in definitions of firearms, replicas, and airguns. It would be next to impossible to say a paintball gun is a firearm, even the milsim stuff would be hard to call a replica, aside from the RAP4 stuff.

02-01-2006, 10:23 PM
from paintball-players.org


Illinois Legislaton Update - Paintball is Fine!
We have spoken with Representative Daniel J. Burke's office. Burke is the sponsor of HB4132, which originally had some language of potential concern to paintball players. As we previously stated, the goal of the legislation was clearly not to impact paintball, and as of Feb 1, the bill has been amended to merely prohibit using look-alilke weapons in a threatening manner. You can have them, display them, use them in your paintball scenario games, just don't use them in a robbery.

For your reference, the new text of the HB4132 reads: (Direct Link to IL Legislature Website)

"Section 5. The Criminal Code of 1961 is amended by adding
Section 24-11 as follows:

(720 ILCS 5/24-11 new)
Sec. 24-11. Replica military style weapons.
(a) It is unlawful for any person to use any replica rocket propelled grenade launcher, bazooka, artillery piece, grenade, mine, bomb, or items similar to weapons designed and manufactured for military purposes or replicas of those items in a threatening manner.
(b) Sentence. A violation of this Section is a Class A misdemeanor.".

As stated below, the other bill, HB2414, never did, and still does not, have any bearing on paintball. HB2414 only affects real firearms, and paintball markers are not firearms under Illinois law. (See: (430 ILCS 65/1.1))
Pending Legislation in Illinois
Many players have brought to our attention two bills currently pending in the Illinois legislature, HB2414 and HB4132, and many people are quoting the synopsis of the bills. While we, as paintball players, must always diligently act to make sure our sport is protected from an undue legislative burden, it is also not productive to have an unwarrented response to pending legislation, and prudent to read and understand the actual full text of proposed legislation.

HB2414 relates to firearms, and has no bearing on paintball. According to Illinois law, a paintball gun is NOT A FIREARM. (430 ILCS 65/1.1) states:

"Firearm" means any device, by whatever name known, which is designed to expel a projectile or projectiles by the action of an explosion, expansion of gas or escape of gas; excluding, however:

1. any pneumatic gun, spring gun, paint ball gun or B.B gun which ... expels ... breakable paint balls containing washable marking colors;

That leaves us with HB4132. The actual text of the bill may be shorter than the synopsys, so we've reproduced it here: (Full Text from Illinois Legislature Website)

Section 5. The Criminal Code of 1961 is amended by adding Section 24-11 as follows:

(720 ILCS 5/24-11 new)
Sec. 24-11. Replica military style weapons.
(a) It is unlawful for any person to purchase, possess, use, sell, give away, or otherwise transfer, or to engage in the business of selling, or to exhibit for sale, any replica rocket propelled grenade launcher, bazooka, artillery piece, grenade, mine, bomb, or items similar to weapons designed and manufactured for military purposes or replicas of those items.
(b) Sentence. A violation of this Section is a Class A misdemeanor.

This bill also doesn't affect paintball markers, but the bill is rather poorly drafted with regards to paintball and it is possible that someone may have to go through a court case to clarify the ambiguous language. Specifically, when things like grenades, mines and bombs are explicitly listed and guns are not, guns are likely not intended to be included, but the verbage "or items similar to weapons designed and manufactured for military purposes or replicas of those items" is does introduce some ambiguity, although clearly the majority of firearms are not manufactured for military purposes. We also understand that the bill's effect on props commonly used in paintball scenario games is of greater concern. APPA will work with legislators to amend the language to be more clear or kill the bill in committee.

It is most important to note here that, unlike many times in the past, the goal of the legislation is clearly NOT to negatively impact paintball. The problem is merely that those who drafted the bill are not familiar with all facets of the sport and merely need to be calmly informed of the consequences the bill has on our sport as written so that those consequences can be remedied.

02-01-2006, 10:48 PM
from paintball-players.org


Illinois Legislaton Update - Paintball is Fine!
We have spoken with Representative Daniel J. Burke's office. Burke is the sponsor of HB4132, which originally had some language of potential concern to paintball players. As we previously stated, the goal of the legislation was clearly not to impact paintball, and as of Feb 1, the bill has been amended to merely prohibit using look-alilke weapons in a threatening manner. You can have them, display them, use them in your paintball scenario games, just don't use them in a robbery.

For your reference, the new text of the HB4132 reads: (Direct Link to IL Legislature Website)

"Section 5. The Criminal Code of 1961 is amended by adding
Section 24-11 as follows:

(720 ILCS 5/24-11 new)
Sec. 24-11. Replica military style weapons.
(a) It is unlawful for any person to use any replica rocket propelled grenade launcher, bazooka, artillery piece, grenade, mine, bomb, or items similar to weapons designed and manufactured for military purposes or replicas of those items in a threatening manner.
(b) Sentence. A violation of this Section is a Class A misdemeanor.".

As stated below, the other bill, HB2414, never did, and still does not, have any bearing on paintball. HB2414 only affects real firearms, and paintball markers are not firearms under Illinois law. (See: (430 ILCS 65/1.1))
Pending Legislation in Illinois
Many players have brought to our attention two bills currently pending in the Illinois legislature, HB2414 and HB4132, and many people are quoting the synopsis of the bills. While we, as paintball players, must always diligently act to make sure our sport is protected from an undue legislative burden, it is also not productive to have an unwarrented response to pending legislation, and prudent to read and understand the actual full text of proposed legislation.

HB2414 relates to firearms, and has no bearing on paintball. According to Illinois law, a paintball gun is NOT A FIREARM. (430 ILCS 65/1.1) states:

"Firearm" means any device, by whatever name known, which is designed to expel a projectile or projectiles by the action of an explosion, expansion of gas or escape of gas; excluding, however:

1. any pneumatic gun, spring gun, paint ball gun or B.B gun which ... expels ... breakable paint balls containing washable marking colors;

That leaves us with HB4132. The actual text of the bill may be shorter than the synopsys, so we've reproduced it here: (Full Text from Illinois Legislature Website)

Section 5. The Criminal Code of 1961 is amended by adding Section 24-11 as follows:

(720 ILCS 5/24-11 new)
Sec. 24-11. Replica military style weapons.
(a) It is unlawful for any person to purchase, possess, use, sell, give away, or otherwise transfer, or to engage in the business of selling, or to exhibit for sale, any replica rocket propelled grenade launcher, bazooka, artillery piece, grenade, mine, bomb, or items similar to weapons designed and manufactured for military purposes or replicas of those items.
(b) Sentence. A violation of this Section is a Class A misdemeanor.

This bill also doesn't affect paintball markers, but the bill is rather poorly drafted with regards to paintball and it is possible that someone may have to go through a court case to clarify the ambiguous language. Specifically, when things like grenades, mines and bombs are explicitly listed and guns are not, guns are likely not intended to be included, but the verbage "or items similar to weapons designed and manufactured for military purposes or replicas of those items" is does introduce some ambiguity, although clearly the majority of firearms are not manufactured for military purposes. We also understand that the bill's effect on props commonly used in paintball scenario games is of greater concern. APPA will work with legislators to amend the language to be more clear or kill the bill in committee.

It is most important to note here that, unlike many times in the past, the goal of the legislation is clearly NOT to negatively impact paintball. The problem is merely that those who drafted the bill are not familiar with all facets of the sport and merely need to be calmly informed of the consequences the bill has on our sport as written so that those consequences can be remedied.

I do believe we are safe now. They added in a new clause stating that it will only effect it if used in a threatening manor, so we are all fine unless we try to rob someone. It has all happened thanks to the support of everyone. Thank you all for any way you may have helped.

02-02-2006, 04:40 AM
The defense of ownership of paintball equipment should be the same as defense of the ownership of baseball, football, or golf equipment. The right of citizens to participate in sports and activities that do not endanger the general public when practiced by average individuals following the rules and regulations of the sport.

First note this is true coming from a U.S Marine you can easliy kill a man with a golf club to a rifle given the right situaution or a using a saw's all against a robber if you will.

And I'm sry to say this 'cause I grew up in a time when we could play cops and robber's (whatever) with T O Y guns that look damn near real. For police (sry again I really am not Anti)
to not tell the diference between the two is pure laziness. They should be able to just take a glimse at a M4 vs. tricked out 98C and tell the difference.

And another with all these anti firearm liberals running around is like we turned into a bunch of Freaking wussie's. I believe in gun control, should I know that my crazy psycho neighbor is running around with a .44 magnum in his apartment. Yes because I have children ( a son that is 2 and a daughter on the way) But I don't believe in banning cause it will just make people want to break the law. I.E. like underage drinking yes it is set a 21 but what will happen to all those that are 21 and the government bumps it up to 22.

But any who :cheers: to you all and have a good fight

02-02-2006, 02:44 PM
I see people still posting phone numbers, so let me draw a little more attention to this.


Go there, it states that as of 1 February 2006 the bill was amended to exclude paintball. Huzzah!



02-02-2006, 07:14 PM
There is a big difference between a "replica" and something that looks like a gun. Now anything that has a pistol grip under the action of the gun is considered a semi automatic rifle....so I have seen most nail guns used in construction having a "pistol like" grip, so these would be illegal to?
Also my nice neon green see through water gun with a pistol grip under the action of the gun will also be illegal?
How about my fancy penny launcher with a pistol grip under the action?? :P

I guess the bottom line is hold your gun sideways so that the pistol grip is not "under the action of the gun" :P

02-03-2006, 10:40 PM
There is a big difference between a "replica" and something that looks like a gun. Now anything that has a pistol grip under the action of the gun is considered a semi automatic rifle....so I have seen most nail guns used in construction having a "pistol like" grip, so these would be illegal to?
Also my nice neon green see through water gun with a pistol grip under the action of the gun will also be illegal?
How about my fancy penny launcher with a pistol grip under the action?? :P

I guess the bottom line is hold your gun sideways so that the pistol grip is not "under the action of the gun" :P

LMAO, that reminds me of one of the The Whiteboard strips, linky (http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autowb504.html).

But I'm getting off topic here. The important thing, is that we may have stopped it this time, but that's not to say someone, somewhere, won't try it again. So we just have to be ready and aware.

02-04-2006, 09:38 PM
I have to say, I was a little interested after reading the first post...but as I continued...I started realizing more and more that this wasn't going to happen. I almost bought it because Illinois is very anti-gun...probably second only to California and Wash. DC...but there's no way they'd go that far.

As I read more and more...I started seeing the thread turn into conservative vs. liberal and that would be a quick way to get the thread out of control.

Glad to see it doesn't involve paintball...I like AGD...and I was thinking of maybe going to a scenario game out Illinois way one of these seasons. :)

02-05-2006, 12:46 AM
good god, I leave this site for awhile and everybody freaks out over something that won't ever happen...do just a little research people! :rolleyes:

We have spoken with Representative Daniel J. Burke's office. Burke is the sponsor of HB4132, which originally had some language of potential concern to paintball players. As we previously stated, the goal of the legislation was clearly not to impact paintball, and as of Feb 1, the bill has been amended to merely prohibit using look-alilke weapons in a threatening manner. You can have them, display them, use them in your paintball scenario games, just don't use them in a robbery.

02-07-2006, 08:45 AM
You can have them, display them, use them in your paintball scenario games, just don't use them in a robbery.

which would already be illegal

If i walk into the 7-11 with a Louisville Slugger and BRANDISH it to commit a robbery...

What we have here, is an anti gun agenda looking for a toe hold.
The "representatives" knew the impact of their initial trial balloon.
I would not be surprised if they had some national help in the crafting of the the language.

Now that the language has been adjusted, alot of y'all might want to say "good, now its's all over" and put your head back in the sand until the next time.

A thinking man might keep an eye on the reelection campaign of the sponsor and send a donation to his opposition.

"Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted and you create a nation of law-breakers and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."
('Atlas Shrugged' 1957)

02-07-2006, 10:08 AM
What we have here, is an anti gun agenda looking for a toe hold.
The "representatives" knew the impact of their initial trial balloon.
I would not be surprised if they had some national help in the crafting of the the language.

Now that the language has been adjusted, alot of y'all might want to say "good, now its's all over" and put your head back in the sand until the next time.

Or how about a REALISTIC approach? I never was in fear from the moment I saw the announcement. Why? Because we have seen these types of things over and over and over throughout the years. And NONE of them caused paintball to collapse.

This is not saying that they are not to be paid great attention to and that folks don’t need to do anything. But to over react is silly and we see it time and again.

There is a system in place to correct these situations. And calm, level headed action using that system has won out every time. That is what it is there for.

So once again I say “good, now it’s over” in THIS situation, but will not put my head in the sand until next time. However, when it comes up again someplace else I will also not run around yelling “the sky is falling, the sky is falling” or any number of “doom for paintball” things we see folks who simply want (IMHO) others to get worked up over saying. There IS a middle ground where folks can both acknowledge the “potential” damage to the sport these laws can create, but not fly off the deep end acting like the world is coming to an end every time they pop up.

02-07-2006, 10:27 AM
Or how about a REALISTIC approach? I never was in fear from the moment I saw the announcement. Why? Because we have seen these types of things over and over and over throughout the years. And NONE of them caused paintball to collapse.

This is not saying that they are not to be paid great attention to and that folks don’t need to do anything. But to over react is silly and we see it time and again.

There is a system in place to correct these situations. And calm, level headed action using that system has won out every time. That is what it is there for.

So once again I say “good, now it’s over” in THIS situation, but will not put my head in the sand until next time. However, when it comes up again someplace else I will also not run around yelling “the sky is falling, the sky is falling” or any number of “doom for paintball” things we see folks who simply want (IMHO) others to get worked up over saying. There IS a middle ground where folks can both acknowledge the “potential” damage to the sport these laws can create, but not fly off the deep end acting like the world is coming to an end every time they pop up.

Theres a point here. If we paniced, MI law as written, ends paintball today in MI, the sale of markers, and there use. Of course, it also eliminates nail guns among other things.

02-07-2006, 11:42 AM
Theres a point here. If we paniced, MI law as written, ends paintball today in MI, the sale of markers, and there use. Of course, it also eliminates nail guns among other things.

Yes, but Doc Zox's form of paranoia is counter productive. Laws and society are all about defining the hazy line that separates acceptable behaviour in society from the unacceptable.

While a law may be further towards a certain view point than you'd like, it is no reason to get all in a lather about all laws on that subject. Democracy writes laws, democracy can change laws. To get all conspiratorial and think that one side of any issue has a back door to the process and that if they get one law in they win and will get all the laws they want is ludicrous.

02-07-2006, 11:58 AM
Looks like you guys might have to win this one on technicalities, and AGD may have to move to another location if that is possible....


02-07-2006, 12:10 PM
Looks like you guys might have to win this one on technicalities, and AGD may have to move to another location if that is possible....


What in the world are you talking about??? This has already been determined to not affect paintball markers/guns. Read the whole thread next time before you comment :rolleyes:

02-07-2006, 02:09 PM
heck, i'm not paranoid
my elephant deflector has been keeping my basement clear from pachyderms for years now.


i regularly show up to watch Maryland's legislature make laws

some of the legiscritters are quite gung-ho to enact more laws on top of laws that have no enforcement

If i showed up at the 7-11 with a marker to commit a robbery
They already have enough things to charge me with.

i kind of doubt the police of Chicago when facing a terroristic threat from a guy with a fake Bazooka
are lacking in the ability to charge and detain the perp.

02-07-2006, 03:15 PM
What we have here, is an anti gun agenda looking for a toe hold.
The "representatives" knew the impact of their initial trial balloon.I would not be surprised if they had some national help in the crafting of the language.

That’s the paranoia I was talking about. While jurisprudence and previously enacted laws may grease the passage of similar laws, it is by no means a “toe hold” that needs to be fought.

Don’t think EVERY law has some “national help”? And what’s wrong with citizens or citizen’s groups helping draft legislation they favour?

Is every traffic law wrong because ultimately they’re all leading to banning cars? No. In the same way that every gun control measure isn’t a drive to ban all guns.

The basic hypocrisy of lamenting “national help” when it is against your held views while you undoubtably endorse and encourage national groups that support your views is fundamental to the problems with your line of argument.

Now that the language has been adjusted, alot of y'all might want to say "good, now its's all over" and put your head back in the sand until the next time.
A thinking man might keep an eye on the reelection campaign of the sponsor and send a donation to his opposition.

That’s the rub though. Ain’t it? If a majority elect the representative, democracy has chosen. No matter how much you personally disagree with their “agenda”. It’s also hypocritical because you’d undoubtably applaud the election of representatives who with the help of “national help” would trample the wishes of those you are against.

It is insulting and beneath the dignity of civilized discussion to insinuate a supporter of any legislation you disagree with is not a “thinking man”. Unless it’s about killing healthy children, “thinking” people will represent a broad difference in opinion. It’s a difference in opinion and view point, not a difference in intellect.

some of the legiscritters are quite gung-ho to enact more laws on top of laws that have no enforcement

Which is true of politicians and citizen’s groups of ALL political, socio-economic, and religious leanings. Which doesn’t make them wrong necessarily. After all they have to respond to the vagarious nature of the voting public as a group. Even the simplest of issues gets clouded by public debate.

For example: Locally, a mother was killed while walking their child on a busy stretch of road where drivers regularly speed. IMO, the simple solution is to put police on the road more often and issue the maximum number of tickets possible. Or, better yet, just install speed cameras. But, then you have the hue-and-cry of people who claim tickets are the agenda for hidden taxes, that education should be given first, that speed bumps or stop signs are the better solution. The differences in opinion do not easily split into an US vs. THEM. Someone who is all for capital punishment and a harsh law-and-order candidate gets strangely offended when it comes to government imposition of traffic cameras to catch their particular crimes.

Each opinion has its reasons and justifications. Some logical, some emotional. The best solution is a compromise that addresses a number of concerns and negatively affects the least number possible.

But if you insult those that don’t agree with you or have th same view point as you and show them the disdain and disrespect that is so obvious in your posts here, is it any wonder they wouldn’t listen to you or your position?

Change happens for the better when calm heads prevail on ALL (and invariably there’s always more than two) sides of an issue. Often, that translates into leaving the heavy artillery and frevent indignation for when they are really called for. Continuous insult, belittling, and cries of having one’s rights trampled just diminishes the force of your arguments (as the boy who cried wolf) in the minds of the majority.

But even at the best of times making laws can resemble making sausages. Both can end with good results, but you don’t necessarily want to know the details of either.

02-07-2006, 04:28 PM
From all of the bickering about politics, as well as thrashing one another ideals, going on in this thread you guys could have written a page to every rep posted and actually accomplished something. Way to go :rolleyes:

02-07-2006, 04:57 PM
From all of the bickering about politics, as well as thrashing one another ideals, going on in this thread you guys could have written a page to every rep posted and actually accomplished something. Way to go :rolleyes:

Well, something WAS accomplished.

The bill HB4132 was ammended to:

7 Sec. 24-11. Replica military style weapons.
8 (a) It is unlawful for any person to use any replica rocket
9 propelled grenade launcher, bazooka, artillery piece, grenade,
10 mine, bomb, or items similar to weapons designed and
11 manufactured for military purposes or replicas of those items
12 in a threatening manner.
13 (b) Sentence. A violation of this Section is a Class A
14 misdemeanor.".

Which seems eminently reasonable. But it would seem it is being held or is not to be passed "2/1/2006 House Do Pass as Amended / Short Debate Judiciary II - Criminal Law Committee; 016-000-000"

Could it be because the "legiscritters" can actually do their jobs correctly?

HB2414 may be of more interest to those seeking to maintain their "rights" to own firearms. But the gist is to define and ban 50 calibre semi-automatics.

From a technical standpoint I have a problem with the way it's worded, but I don't live there so...

02-07-2006, 08:15 PM
heres what an RKBA activist from IL had to say:

Started to say I couldn't believe how dumb this is, then I saw "Burke" and "Acevedo." That explains it. A few years ago, Acevedo was one of the Reps who was supposedly the author and sponsor of a gun control bill--only, of course, it was one of the Daley bills. That wasn't even an open secret, it was openly acknowledged that Daley's office had written these bills (there was a package of ten that year.) However, Acevedo didn't even READ the bill he was supposedly so dedicated to passing, and when he testified for it in committee he was forced to tell the committee that he didn't know the simplest things about "his" own bill!

heres my favorite IL politician at a paintball event:

Thats Alan Keyes who ran against Barack Obama, brandishing a scenario LAW rocket

Alan showed up at shatner ball and was filmed firing a marker at the chrony range


02-07-2006, 11:39 PM
I guess we never thought how silly it is for a state to ban paintball. However if they somehow manage to classify it as a dangereous or unlawful equipment/toy/gun, we have to get permits to purchase and play which means more money and a lot less people playing. That will not help the sport.
As for some calling and yelling at the Reps or thier office, it might be uncalled for but sometimes you need it to soften them up :)

02-08-2006, 04:57 PM
Just ask anyone in Australia how fun it is to play paintball in their country. Here's a thread on Spec Ops (http://forum.specialopspaintball.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=36301&view=findpost&p=394039) from an Australian who talks about the joys of, among other things, getting a permit to own a paintgun and installing a gun safe to lock your paintguns up between games.

So it wouldn't be UNHEARD of, just not in this country.

02-09-2006, 04:00 PM
I know paintball is very safe sport but more is better and this is a step that will evenanutally happen. I believe any player under the age of 18 or over should go through a weapons handling course i.e hunters safety or something. I'm not saying that players are dumb its just good knowledge to have. I'm a hunter and I went through the course. And to tell you the truth alot of it is common sense.

"Always point muzzle in a safe direction, Never point a weapon at anything you do not attend to shoot, keep finger straight and off the trigger until ready to fire, safety is a mechanical device and it will fail!!"

I went to a extend hunter's safety cause of my age. but you could still sum up hunters safety in a weekend. and have it run once a month by local townships.

P.S. one other thing oboviously cost shouldn't exceed 30 dollars which I think is fair

02-09-2006, 08:12 PM
I just want to add as other members have mentioned --- To ensure the sport of Paintball has a long life, we need to be very careful in our daily routine concerning Markers. Use proper safety when practicing in your back yards for example. If they do ever go after paintball, it'll most likely be because of stupidity like "drive by paintings" and accidents causing injuries off the field. It's ours to loose, so crack down on the idiots out there guys. We can keep things safe and legal. :cheers:
