View Full Version : On the Risk of Sounding like Warped1....

02-04-2006, 10:24 PM
Olliver Lang Leaves Dynasty and signs with Dye and the IronMen



02-04-2006, 10:32 PM
news like this makes paintball interesting.

02-04-2006, 10:37 PM
i was gonna say, youre dye's warped1.

/except cool?

02-04-2006, 10:37 PM
Damn, i thought they were going to ask you for sure, Bill.

02-04-2006, 10:44 PM
Damn, i thought they were going to ask you for sure, Bill.
you mean hes not ollie lang? :eek:

02-04-2006, 10:58 PM
oh they did ask me, but i was like, nah, i got skool and such, and i dont want to make the rest of the team look bad, just continue sponsoring me for the ogd and we will call it cool.

but yea, i just thought it was interesting. I dont really care either way, i dont personally like ollie, i think he can be a real prick, and im not really a fan of the iron men, i find trauma to be a much more interesting team. I just think its funny that all the dynasty kiddies are like OH KNOES DYNASTY IS DONZORZ.

Or oh dynasty must hate him now, and must be kicking em out of the house and stuff, when clearly, most of dynasty played for other teams for a while. Yosh was playing for the ironmen, todd martinez played for shock for a few seasons etc.

Be prepared for a huge rise in dm6 popularity, as if it wasnt popular enough already. Now i can be like ollie lang too!

02-04-2006, 11:06 PM
I really dislike Ollie too, but he's not a bad player. He's a prick lol, but he can play. So, maybe by taking a key element out of Dynasty they can start to crush the evil empire!

02-04-2006, 11:16 PM
I think it's funny how SP is buying teams but losing players.

02-04-2006, 11:22 PM
I think that rocks!!! Good for Ollie!!!!!

02-04-2006, 11:36 PM
I dont like lang. i dont like pro players. they all cheat.

02-05-2006, 12:13 AM
Troen, get over it. im sure everyone cheats right? lets see, show me russian legion cheating?

02-05-2006, 12:53 AM
Lordy some people are clue***** on that board that are adding messages.
Calling OL a sellout? Um, didn't Ollie and Dynasty start with WDP and get offered good pay to go SP?
DYE may as well buy up the most current recognized tournament pro. Just as much face as the rest of the team combined.
I can care less what its going to do to the tournament scene and any shifting 'power', anyone attacking him on anything but his personality are up a tree whacked.

/Gee Bob, you can stay here and flip burgers with your pals, or run a Fortune 500 company as CEO.

02-05-2006, 01:04 AM
Wow, my Ollie Lang jersey is now either worthless, or valuable beyond belief.

And check the irony in this:


"Hit the road Biatch, and we're keeping your crap!"

02-05-2006, 01:07 AM
Wow, the price came down a whole $1500 since the last time I checked.


02-05-2006, 01:11 AM
Actually, it used to be $6500, so its down $2K. At $4500 its a bargain. I mean, you just can't attach a value to Ollie Lang's genuine sweat stained clothing, worn out marker, container of prickly heat, and old hotel key cards.

02-05-2006, 02:38 AM
Actually, it used to be $6500, so its down $2K. At $4500 its a bargain. I mean, you just can't attach a value to Ollie Lang's genuine sweat stained clothing, worn out marker, container of prickly heat, and old hotel key cards.

I can't believe you were on myspace.

02-05-2006, 09:24 AM
news like this makes paintball interesting.


02-05-2006, 11:39 AM
Troen, get over it. im sure everyone cheats right? lets see, show me russian legion cheating?
i am a rl fan. but i could show you a video of federov in the snake, he shot the other guy but didnt take himself out but he must of been hit. Russian legion and Infamous cheat less then others.

02-05-2006, 11:47 AM
wow! im so happy about this. im just happy that sp is losing him, in the first place. and im glad that he's moving on to another team, especcially since its a dye team.

02-05-2006, 12:14 PM
rocky cagnoni > ollie lang.

02-05-2006, 12:43 PM
Federov > ollie lang.

02-05-2006, 12:53 PM
playing paintball> watching some "pro" play paintball.


02-05-2006, 04:29 PM

So uh.....myspace?

02-05-2006, 05:06 PM
I can't believe you were on myspace.

When was I on your space? And myspace is two words, duh.

02-05-2006, 05:16 PM
When was I on your space? And myspace is two words, duh.

That doesn't change the question.
What were you doing there?

02-05-2006, 05:24 PM
That doesn't change the question.
What were you doing there?

Oh, you know, hanging out with my peeps and such.


02-05-2006, 05:41 PM
Oh, you know, hanging out with my peeps and such.


I hate you for linking me to that.

02-05-2006, 05:51 PM
i wonder how many of the people who bash pro players play real tournements ?.

i cant help but feel good for oliver, not just because he is from around my area.
It gives a little more credibility to paintball.

And No, being a good player is not just wiping, i play D2 XPSL, half my players play PSP, and some of us may guest for BoneBrake this year at NPPL.

It is really nice to see players getting what they deserve, and to the people who say it's only a game, go play some Tournement league.

i Get some people arent intrested in news like this, don't post.
when people who don't play paintball hear about things liek this, they actaully see significance in what players do.
if you like recball, cool.
if you like Tournements then cool.

02-05-2006, 05:52 PM
i decide to go on the nation to see what agg players though, i thought id post this.
it's not agg, but its definatly right.

02-06-2006, 07:01 AM
I'm just confused as to why Dave Youngblood goes by Dave DeHaan... :confused:

02-06-2006, 08:59 AM
I'm just confused as to why Dave Youngblood goes by Dave DeHaan... :confused:

Wow you just made me feel old.

02-06-2006, 09:26 AM
I'm just confused as to why Dave Youngblood goes by Dave DeHaan... :confused:

I think that might be backwards. From the sound of the article, Dave DeHaan went by the Name Dave Youngblood.

Effective now, I am changing my last name to Bloodfist.

02-06-2006, 11:53 AM
I think that might be backwards. From the sound of the article, Dave DeHaan went by the Name Dave Youngblood.

Effective now, I am changing my last name to Bloodfist.

I thought you wanted to be 'Erik the Viking'?

/~I'm invisible!

02-06-2006, 05:37 PM
I sure would like to get paid six figures for playing paintball...but then again...I guess it would be nice to get paid a salary for ANY game.

I love where it says in the article that he was offered at least 6 figures....and then someone else is quoted as saying he got at least $100,000.......
...like DUH Capt Obvious!!!!

02-06-2006, 06:53 PM

Dave Dehaan= Dave Youngblood

just like

Tom Kotsiopolous= Tom Kaye

Youngblood was a nickname given to him, and he decided to continue with it, because it is what everyone in the industry knew him by at the time.

DYE= Dave Youngblood Enterprises

hope that sums it all up

02-06-2006, 07:10 PM


02-06-2006, 11:21 PM


The man speaks for himself.

I think DYE will make him as an individual more of a marketing force and let him control his own destiny and future much better. Break out the tuxedo print jersey and go nuts for fun.

02-07-2006, 01:41 AM

Dave Dehaan= Dave Youngblood

just like

Tom Kotsiopolous= Tom Kaye

Youngblood was a nickname given to him, and he decided to continue with it, because it is what everyone in the industry knew him by at the time.

DYE= Dave Youngblood Enterprises

hope that sums it all up
Yep. Clears it up. I've known of Dave Youngblood for a very long time--I've been playing for 13 years. I've just never heard of him by his real surname.

02-07-2006, 01:55 AM
The man speaks for himself.

I think DYE will make him as an individual more of a marketing force and let him control his own destiny and future much better. Break out the tuxedo print jersey and go nuts for fun.
What's funny is, in reading his post, he says it's the toughest decision he's ever had to make and it will change his life so dramatically. He needs to get over himself already! I mean really--he's getting paid $100k to PLAY PAINTBALL!!
It's not like he's joining the military and going off to fight a war with the possibility of never going home.

02-07-2006, 07:12 AM
I cant wait when the pb indusrty suddenly dries up and dies and all these "pro" kids have no where to go without a college degree or even a highschool diploma.

02-07-2006, 07:18 AM
I cant wait when the pb indusrty suddenly dries up and dies and all these "pro" kids have no where to go without a college degree or even a highschool diploma.

that would be the day I sit back and laugh :dance:

02-07-2006, 08:10 AM
I cant wait when the pb indusrty suddenly dries up and dies and all these "pro" kids have no where to go without a college degree or even a highschool diploma.

They have been big names in an extreme sport. They'll learn football or baseball and go work for ESPN.

02-07-2006, 09:32 AM
They have been big names in an extreme sport. They'll learn football or baseball and go work for ESPN.
do they have the charisma to do that?

02-07-2006, 10:45 AM
They have been big names in an extreme sport. They'll learn football or baseball and go work for ESPN.


They'll end up flipping burgers, washing floors, or pumping gas


02-07-2006, 12:20 PM
well, lets look at what happened to skate boarding back in the 80's. It almost completely died, much like agressive skating baisically has. Only the true hearted pros lasted through, while the others just baisically faded into oblivion. some of the big names persued other ventures, and others kept idle till the return of the sport and started companies etc.

who knows, but i think wishing poor fortune onto somone, hoping that they end up flipping burgers the rest of their life, is rather shortsighted and mean spirited of someone to say.

02-07-2006, 01:26 PM
What's funny is, in reading his post, he says it's the toughest decision he's ever had to make and it will change his life so dramatically. He needs to get over himself already! I mean really--he's getting paid $100k to PLAY PAINTBALL!!
It's not like he's joining the military and going off to fight a war with the possibility of never going home.

So growing up playing ball with your friends and creating the best team ever to step onto is a field is easy to give up in order to secure you, and your family, for the rest of your life? Get real, that is a hard choice. He made the right choice, Dye is giving him the cash and a real job to secure him for the next few years. It sucks to leave your friends but family comes first. He doesnt get the $100k just to step up and play and look pretty, he actually has a job off of the field as well as major benefits to cover him.

02-07-2006, 01:33 PM
What's funny is, in reading his post, he says it's the toughest decision he's ever had to make and it will change his life so dramatically. He needs to get over himself already! I mean really--he's getting paid $100k to PLAY PAINTBALL!!
It's not like he's joining the military and going off to fight a war with the possibility of never going home.

I like the way no one can respond to his statement..

02-07-2006, 01:48 PM
well, lets look at what happened to skate boarding back in the 80's. It almost completely died, much like agressive skating baisically has. Only the true hearted pros lasted through, while the others just baisically faded into oblivion. some of the big names persued other ventures, and others kept idle till the return of the sport and started companies etc.

who knows, but i think wishing poor fortune onto somone, hoping that they end up flipping burgers the rest of their life, is rather shortsighted and mean spirited of someone to say.

I can't seem to find the post where I wished that on them, or indicated that I hoped it would happen to them. I was just pointing out the more likely scenario. Frankly, I couldn't give a crap about professional players and their lives. I just thought it was amusing that someone would actually think that they could make the leap from paintball player to ESPN football commentator.

Professional paintball is a third-rate, or worse, sport right now. I think it is highly unlikely that, should something happen to the professional scene, the players would suddenly be able to find on ESPN commenting about other professional sports. I was being tongue in cheek (I guess only certain people are allowed to do that) about the possible employment outcomes, but there aren't a lot of opportunities for someone who has sunk their whole life into a sport that very few people consider to be anywhere close to mainstream.

02-08-2006, 09:18 PM
Two points for OL i say. At least it gives all the AGG kiddies something to cry about.


02-09-2006, 05:48 PM
I met Ollie (and Dynasty) once, and they all came across as just really nice kids, who are very very dangerous to play against :). Very polite and I could do nothing as they quizzed me about my Xmag (w00tw00t :headbang: ), when I was wanting to ask them stuff.

You could feel that Ollie just loves the game. Plain and simple. Now he has secured his paintball future, and many other talented players may be offered similar deals.

If I were his Mother, I would be proud.

02-09-2006, 07:11 PM
I cant wait when the pb indusrty suddenly dries up and dies and all these "pro" kids have no where to go without a college degree or even a highschool diploma.

I actually think Ollie, along with most of Dynasty, are graduates of San Diego State...I can't seem to remember what their degrees are in though...

02-09-2006, 11:43 PM
I actually think Ollie, along with most of Dynasty, are graduates of San Diego State...I can't seem to remember what their degrees are in though...

When this is all set and done and we want to pack it up, some people are going to have careers and financial security. I, on the other hand, do not have a college degree( which if i could go back and do it over I would have gotten an eduaction) nor well off parents. ALL I HAVE IS PAINTBALL!


02-10-2006, 08:58 AM

I stand corrected. :)
