View Full Version : Paintball Offseason

02-06-2006, 12:55 AM

Being located in the North...and not really having any affordable indoor options in the general area...December through February is really my "paintball offseason".

Anybody else in the Northern regions waiting around for the weather to warm up...the fields to open back up...etc...?

I didn't really miss it until this month. I usually need a couple months to take a break from it anyways. If it's a year where I play often, like last year, I really start to get burnt out by the end of the season.

Actually...that's probably not accurate...if I had the money, time, and a place to play in the winter...I'd probably play all the time. I think the reason I got burnt out this last season was in the time between playing, I was doing a ton of work on my guns...I did alot of upgrades/repairs and also I often lent my guns to friends to use so I cleaned alot of guns...and when I clean them...I pretty much take every part out...clean it...oil it...I take it pretty seriously.

Not to mention, the last game I played...it was a pretty bad outing :( The field paint (FPO @#%!) they made us use was end of the season crud. I ended up hitting two guys on my own team because the paint curved about 35 degrees shortly after leaving your barrell. Certain guns my friend was using wouldn't even shoot it...it would just break. The general consensus was that the particular brand of paint did not like the cool temperatures we were playing in..far too brittle. The blowbacks were having trouble...probably because of the bolt hitting the ball or the jerkyness of the system...I don't know. The blow forwards seemd to work much better...my friend used my old Pro-Lite and I used my Mag and we had very little breaking after the gun switch. The accuracy was still horrible though.

I got like 2-3 kills the whole day...and in the last game...my mask fogged up so bad that all I could do was hide behind a tree and hope the rest of my team won. Well, that didn't happen...and I got beaned from what felt like 4 feet away 3 times in the chest. The guy kept shooting me because my mask was fogged so bad I couldn't find my barrell plug to put in the barrel to surrender.

Needless to say...I have new thermal lenses now.

One other point worth mentioning is that one kid in particular showed up and apparently has no remorse whatsoever about wiping. I had this kid pinned down in a bunker...every time he popped up...I nailed him with 1-3 shots. Each time...he disappeared into the bunker...came out 20 seconds later and started firing again. This kept going on and the refs were too far away for me to call for a paint check. Finally, I just went to a different position because it was a waste of paint. I saw the kid after the game and he was wearing a gray sweatshirt that was covered in wiped paint. It wasn't too hard to figure out that he was wiping...smeared paint all over everything. And the thing that really made me mad was he was talking trash about how great he is that he hasn't been "called out" yet. Little jerk. :mad:

Sorry about the long, pointless story...just bored and waiting for March... :cry: :( :cry:

02-06-2006, 01:13 AM
This is actually my time of season to play bc down here it easily gets to 100 down here. I do not know of any indoor fields here in Houston so if I want to play I have to put up with the heat :eek:

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-06-2006, 01:49 AM
pretty affordable in the illinois area. $10-$25 admission, byop on certain days (wednesdays and thursdays mainly) and on field paint only days the paint is around $80 a case with a decreased entrance fee.

02-06-2006, 07:13 AM
One other point worth mentioning is that one kid in particular showed up and apparently has no remorse whatsoever about wiping. I had this kid pinned down in a bunker...every time he popped up...I nailed him with 1-3 shots. Each time...he disappeared into the bunker...

I love stories that go like this. So everytime he popped out you were able to put 1-3 balls on him.

Not to mention, the last game I played...it was a pretty bad outing The field paint (FPO @#%!) they made us use was end of the season crud. I ended up hitting two guys on my own team because the paint curved about 35 degrees shortly after leaving your barrell.

The general consensus was that the particular brand of paint did not like the cool temperatures we were playing in..far too brittle.

The accuracy was still horrible though.

Dang, I wish when I got bad paint it was good enough I could put 1-3 balls on someone everytime they popped up....

02-06-2006, 08:39 AM
I would like to mention that at least in Ma. the last couple of months have been just about perfect for paintball, its high 40's out right now. No snow. And the sun is shining.

02-06-2006, 09:09 AM
This time of year is perfect. It is a little chilly so you don't overheat and in the summer we don't play because we are all taking time to do other things like surf and make money.

02-06-2006, 09:33 AM
I tend to play more in the Winter (Indoors) than in the summer. Got's plenty of other things to do when it's warm out.

02-06-2006, 05:40 PM
i live in Vermont, so i have a huge off season. there isnt a single indoor field in all of vermont so i cant play at all. but this year its really warm so we'll be able to play earlier. im real excited for the spring cause we were building afield but had stop cause of teh snow and cold weather.

02-06-2006, 06:24 PM

i play there alot, reball on the weekdays/friday nights, $35 unlimited air and such.

02-07-2006, 09:40 AM
I love stories that go like this. So everytime he popped out you were able to put 1-3 balls on him.

Dang, I wish when I got bad paint it was good enough I could put 1-3 balls on someone everytime they popped up....

Leave it to Lohman to try and "find holes" in even the least controversial posts. :tard:

Maybe it's my fault for not going into this in greater detail...but I was just rambling at the time...not trying to give play-by-play... :argh:

To answer both your remarks...I was 15 ft from the guy. While the rest of my team was trying the futile strategy of shooting from the elevated tree line (at distances that you would really have to get lucky to hit someone), I made a bold move (I think I just got bored trying to lob balls at people) to slide down the hill and get behind some cover. I figured I'd get shot...but it turned out, once I was down at the base of the hill, it was sort of a valley and the other team was just over a smaller hill and couldn't see me. This allowed me to get about 10 feet from their front line and about 15 feet from the kid in the bunker. :shooting:

Yes, the paint was bad. But at 15 feet with a Mag, I could have hit the kid with 3 out of 5 shots with Brass Eagle paint. I wasn't trying to claim to be a great shot...I was pretty much too close to miss. The kid never saw me and the rest of his team didn't either. Once I gave up my position (because he was wiping), I got nailed by the rest of his team as I tried to find some decent cover. It turned out that part of his team had got behind me (that's how far forward I was) on my right and hit me from my blind side. :hail:

So Lohman...whether the post annoyed you because you like to wipe or because (as usual) you feel you must defend every paintball field from negative comments (overpriced, bad paint, etc...)...that was the situation. You want proof...ask the two kids (on my team) that earlier in the day I beaned in the back of the head from 25-30 feet...or the fat dude with his butt half out of his bunker that I wasted about 50 shots on and never ended up hitting because at 50 feet or so it looked like he had a force shield around him (or the paintballs were afraid of him.) Or you can ask the guy that left during the morning session in disgust. The field gave him his money back and everything...and believe me, at that point in the day, I was tempted to join him...had I not driven so far to get there, I might have.

And Lohman...I'm really not ripping the field. I think in warmer weather, the balls would have been fine. They just weren't good cold weather balls...far too brittle. Why they went crazy after 15 feet...I don't know. It wasn't my gun (finally!)...other people were having the same problem. The only comment I'll make is that if fields are going to require you to use their paint, you should be able to have a good game of paintball with it. If their brand isn't good in 40-50 degree weather, late season should be a time to switch to BYOP. There are so many good paintball suppliers out there, a few make good cold weather balls...it's a shame that I can't take advantage of that. (Here's where Lohman says I can, I just have to play in my backyard :rolleyes: ) Was it fair...sure...everybody used the same garbage field paint. But just because it was "fair", doesn't necessarily make it "fun" in this case. :cheers:

02-07-2006, 09:43 AM
Nah, I was bored and had time to look :D

02-07-2006, 09:47 AM

i play there alot, reball on the weekdays/friday nights, $35 unlimited air and such.

Well, I don't play reball and $80 + paint is pretty pricey. The player fee ($15) is fine...I'd even pay $25...but tacking on $65 for air and the "right" to BYOP is a little much. :eek:

I guess I'll wait for spring/summer. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: