View Full Version : Vlocity or Halo B?

02-06-2006, 04:50 PM
Like the title says, I heard that the Vlocity is better preformence wise, as in more settings and easier on paint, is this true? I just need a new hopper and my revi doesnt keep up. So which one will give me a better bang for my buck, and I know the vlcoity is lighter, but if I get some lithium batteries for my HALO B will it be almost as light?

02-06-2006, 05:04 PM
Like the title says, I heard that the Vlocity is better preformence wise, as in more settings and easier on paint, is this true? I just need a new hopper and my revi doesnt keep up. So which one will give me a better bang for my buck, and I know the vlcoity is lighter, but if I get some lithium batteries for my HALO B will it be almost as light?

The velocity must be something new. I haven't seen them before. I couldn't begin to give you a completely informed opinion. I'd think if I were you I'd swing for the Halo B. It has been out longer and is proven.

02-06-2006, 05:07 PM
I have both. My Vlocity doesn't work right, but for the testing I've done it could just be bad batteries.

I'm not going to tell you which one to buy because I don't have enough experience with the Vlocity but I can help you some.

First off... the Vlocity holds more. It also seems lighter, WITH batteries, than the Halo is WITHOUT batteries.

As far as the height thing goes... I chopped down the neck some... it really is nearly identical to the Halo's height. The difference is fairly minimal, even stock, and it LOOKS taller than it is becuase it's also squished lengthwise in terms of design. So really, not all that bad.

Supposedly the motor continually runs, which can make an annoying hum. And the thing is pretty ugly. And it sucks down batteries pretty badly from what I've read, which is contrary to what is being claimed by VL. I'd put it on par (perhaps even worse) than a halo on batteries.

I also don't like how it's a new product... which is unavoidable at this point, but I prefer proven technology. Halos have their problems (especially with that stupid stock drive cone breaking) but you know what you're getting into. The VLocity might very well be more reliable but we just don't know right now.

The big advantage is weight and capacity. Past that pick what you like.

02-06-2006, 05:29 PM
I have yet to actualyl use a vlocity, although, i have seen them being used and have held markers with them on.

In person, they are taller than halos, and definatley not as asthetically pleasing. Also, they seem to feel more brittle/fragile than halo's. The lid is kind of aquardly placed for reloading, and, the opening for paint is almost the exact same size as a pod, where, the opening on a halo is a bit larger, making it harder to reload with your gun up, and easier to accidentally spill paint with the vlocity.

With that said, they seem to work fine from what i have seen, no complaints from the people using them. But, for now, im sticking with my halo, it works, well.

02-06-2006, 05:34 PM
Hmmm, it is pretty ugly, but this guy wants to tell me his halo for 90 so I might just do that.

11 Bravo
02-06-2006, 05:47 PM
Or consider a Reloader B. Works and looks just like the Halo, but uses 4 batteries and is sound activated.

02-06-2006, 06:10 PM
Or consider a Reloader B. Works and looks just like the Halo, but uses 4 batteries and is sound activated.

i reccomend using 2 9v's in either a halo or reloader, cuts down on the weight, and saves $, i have been using the same rechargable 9v's for over a season now and still going strong

02-06-2006, 06:21 PM
Also, they seem to feel more brittle/fragile than halo's.

Duh, it's a Viewloader product!

02-06-2006, 06:27 PM
My brother bought one; tried it on my angel led (upgraded with eyes) that hates halos. Shoots fast with vlocity. no chops. If you have an angel that had issues with the halo i would suggest the vlocity. I need to buy one. :)

02-06-2006, 06:33 PM
If i were u i would get a halo or relober B. not only are they well known but you can find just about every part there is for thoes things. aloso i've taken many dives with my halo and i still have'nt broked it. I havent even see the vilocity loder, not even in turnaments yet. i personaly dont like vilocity loders i think they look like deformed shoes. if you get one take a couple of dives for me, (PM me if it doesnt break)

02-06-2006, 06:49 PM
search around pbn in the loader section. Simon (manike) made a post showing the differences between the 2, with cad models, 3d imaging etc, and a video to show storage capacity.

Cow hunter
02-06-2006, 07:03 PM
alrighty, i just used a vlocity, no question get that! it was not only fast, force fed like the halo, but much much lighter, and with the eyes on it off its supposed to do 35, it looks like it had a HUGE space inside..... had no problem keeping up with friends DC m5 viking on top speed mode (26bps estimated) the only negatives of the v-locity, it looks bulky, and the lid isnt exaclty the kind you want to slam on, i mean it creaks badly when you try and OPEN it... so as mentioned before its more fragile, taller, and its a viewloader product, so make what you will...... personally i would prefer it over the halo

02-06-2006, 07:16 PM
manike found the vlocity will only hold like, 10 more reballs than the halo b, so in reality thats like 5 more paintballs, depending on size of paint.

02-06-2006, 07:39 PM
There are so ugly though, but reloaders are quite heavy and I play woods and speedball off on.

02-06-2006, 07:49 PM
IMO being able to do 35bps isn't worth the thing being fragile. Most people can't do over 13bps consistantly on semi, and most people who ramp only use about 15bps. A Halo will handle both of those just fine and the shells won't crack when you breath on them.

02-06-2006, 08:22 PM
I have one, I defiently would recommend it I also own a reloader B. It's a LOT lighter and I have the aftermarket lithium battery's in the halo too and it doens;t compare at all. TO alll those who complain about the angle of the loading I actually like it better to me it seems a lot more comfortable. It's not that much larger either than a Halo I have the stock feedneck and it's not bad at all. I took a fair amount of hopper hits(it;s hard hiding behind a defalting bunker lol) and the shells seem perfectly alright, I haven;t actually hit it on the gorund yet though so I guees I can;t vouch for the durability of the shells. I also can;t xomment about the battery life cause I've only played a couple of days with it. It does however make an annoying humming noise while it's on, so if your a woodsballer this could be a hindrance, haven;t played woods with it yet so I can;t determine if it's really bad or not.

As to battery life I've heard from a several people that VL is working on a code to flash to the boards for better battery life.

02-06-2006, 08:24 PM
i never played with one during a game, but i screwed around with one at the shop, the quality defently does not feel up to par with the halo, though it was fast.