View Full Version : Paint Dates

12-13-2001, 09:28 PM
I just got a case of proball through the mail, now i'm not complaining but I can tell its not "new" paint. Who thinks companies that produce paintballs should be required to print the date the paintballs were made and packaged? Is anything we can do to make them do that?

12-13-2001, 09:29 PM
thats a damn good idea
kinda of a "born on date"


12-13-2001, 09:30 PM
yea like milk

12-13-2001, 09:34 PM
well...... i was kinda thinkin along the lines of beer

you know budweiser, born on dating

forget it

i think its a good idea, but i am sure there are many reasons why it isnt done, i just dunno em

12-13-2001, 09:42 PM
it might be a good advertising tatic

12-13-2001, 09:45 PM
its kinda one of those things that would be great, but once again, shops arent gonna be able to sell some of the stuff they do now

i mean are you gonna want to buy paint thats got an older date?
its cool, but it could be bad too

12-13-2001, 09:49 PM
i remember one company doing that but it doesnt work to well cause stores dont want old paint to sit. how it is now they can sell the paint and you have no idea but you have to buy it cause you need paint. if they had a date then they would have to have a sale on paint when ever a new shipment came in or it started getting old and they would lose profit. also there are other things that effect paint and you couldnt account for them mostly how it is shipped i hear players often complian that diablo come from a warmer climate and it gets crappy cause it sits in heated storage then gets shipped up to a cold area. so they say that in the winter the diablo gets bad. i dont know if its true but its soemthing to think about. good idea but unless one brave company does it and sees tremendous sales no one will do it.

12-14-2001, 10:22 AM
I like the idea of the "Best if used by date". It makes total sense.

Oh yeah- Hey cliff- could your sig be ANY longer?

12-14-2001, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Hey cliff- could your sig be ANY longer?


12-14-2001, 10:28 AM
After 11 years of play, I can say I have never bought paint online...lol...why buy something that fragile online? and most companies dont return it either...


too risky, pay the extra few bucks and get stuff from your local shop, or even Dick's, you can inspect it right there.

I have bought paint from Dick's, a little pricey, but at least the marballizer i got was perfect. :)

just my $.02

oh, besides the fact that Proball doesnt exist any longer, they got bought out a while back and are made in the north by ZAP, and Nelson in the south

12-14-2001, 11:37 AM
Dated paint is an excellent idea. But the only oroblem I see is that the stores selling the paint would often get stuck with old paint, and then be forced to sell it cheaper. Who would buy 3 month old Marbs for full price, unless you didn't KNOW it was 3 months old?

It would help the players, but hurt the paintball stores.

12-14-2001, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Oh yeah- Hey cliff- could your sig be ANY longer?
Dude, settle down it isn't that long.
That is an awesome idea with the whole born on date.

12-14-2001, 03:37 PM
32 Degrees Competition paint did that. That was some of the crappiest stuff though.