View Full Version : Investing Help

12-14-2001, 12:12 AM
Hey guys,

I've been interested in investing my money into stocks for quite some time, but I have no clue where to start. Is there a investing guru among us that can help with the terms and such that comes with being a noob? I've got about $2000 to play with and E*Trade is looking pretty tempting.


12-14-2001, 08:35 AM
company called uhhh Cliffco.

make it cash please


i also take paypal

12-14-2001, 12:02 PM
Try Motleyfool.com

They are very good and easy to understand. The first thing you probably want to do is determine is what you are investing for.
ie. long term vs. short term
or a new car vs. a house
college money for yourself or a child one day
etc etc etc.

Investing for short term to make the "quick buck" is difficult.
long term investing will ride out the waves.

Also, before investing in a company do some research on it. Have they been profitable? are they a market leader? Do they have a specialty niche that will last and be profitable once competitors arrive? Stuff like that.

These are just my thoughts, take them as you want.

Good Luck!!!!!

12-14-2001, 12:06 PM
Go to a major trading company. Dean Whitter, Prudential, Solomon, Smith, Barney, ect. My suggestion would be to go with a Roth IRA. In five years you can withdrawl on your principle and all the earnings are tax free, as long as you leave them alone till after retirement.

12-14-2001, 12:08 PM
really if you can tell us what you are planning on doing with this that would be the best place to start.

12-17-2001, 11:01 AM
First you should probably open a brokerage account with a well established discount broker such as etrade, Datek or Ameritrade. You will pay a lot of extra fees and such at brokers like Dean Witter that are not worth the money unless you plan to use their advice rather than being self directed in your investments.

Second, $2,000 is a nice start but it will not allow you to buy enough different stocks to diversify a portfolio. For this reason I'd avoid buying individual stocks and I'd suggest you begin by selecting a solid no-load mutual fund and put your first $2,000 into it. This will give you the benefit of effectively holding many stocks for far less money than it would take to buy each one of them.

Yahoo finance has a very good stock and mutual fund screener that will allow you to do some research on what kind of fund may interest you. Once you get the stock or fund symbol you can pull up specifics.

Some funds worth checking out:


Keep in mind that everyone has their own approach so you will have to find what works and makes sense to you.

Good luck!

12-18-2001, 07:02 PM
Hey check out a stock ticker symbol: nwre Its starting to go up but check it out..... i have some its making me money, do some research on it you will c why it looks good

12-19-2001, 07:33 AM
Thanks guys, I think I'll go mutual fund!

Adam Brzycki

12-19-2001, 03:24 PM
ive been daytrading for a couple months...and DONT Do IT!!!! im only down 10%...but i was up 45% after 3 weeks, and its been a bumpy ride since then