View Full Version : Help me ID this unusual micromag!

02-10-2006, 09:16 AM
i got my grubbby hands on this piece of art:

Now i vant to know what's up with it, i know its a micromag and stock/dac barrel and so forth.
the thing is i've never seen one annoed like this with 3 matching diffrent brand barrels and a matching p-stock.
Does anyone have information on where it comes from, who made the anno(Super-custom?) does'nt look much like eclipse so im clueless!

Help me out, and get a free cookie!


02-10-2006, 09:47 AM
Great find! I love micro mags. PTP used to do some nice ano themselves, but they would have only done the stock barrel. I don't know much about ano companies so I can't help you, just wish you lots of fun with it!

02-10-2006, 09:53 AM
That thing? Oh its junk, the splash anno makes the entire package worth less so its only worth about $50, but since I feel bad for you I will give you $75 for it. :D

Worth a try aint it? That thing is sweet, i love the splash on that green anno. Chances are somone sent that complete marker off to have a custom anno done to it, it would be hard to say who actually did the anno though.

02-10-2006, 10:25 AM
The Dac barrel I assume you mean the bottom one, unless it has DAC and a Bore ID engraved on it is a Dac copy. The stock is an MPM P-Stock (they weren't engraved just a sticker). The Anti Tamper ring might well be an MPM item too, these were engraved with MPM, if not engraved then it could be anyones, Smart Parts being the most likely. Definately a custom anno though.

02-10-2006, 04:59 PM
the dac is the top one acctually (looks like a rekka) but it says Dac .695 on the sleeve...

damn, i hoped you some of you guys would know ;)

Cow hunter
02-10-2006, 05:15 PM
someone on AO, cant exactly remember who told me that the guy at phantom could do that sort of anno...

02-10-2006, 05:16 PM
Well, I think it's a later model micro. If you look at the back of the body where it meets the valve, some micros had a flat back like yours, and some had an angled ridge that rode over the top of the valve about 2/3 of the way down. I believe PTP made the flat backed ones in their later runs. I don't think it's any "different/more custom" than other micros, with the exception of a nice looking splash job with matching parts. Looks good! :)

02-10-2006, 06:38 PM
Well, I think it's a later model micro. If you look at the back of the body where it meets the valve, some micros had a flat back like yours, and some had an angled ridge that rode over the top of the valve about 2/3 of the way down. I believe PTP made the flat backed ones in their later runs. I don't think it's any "different/more custom" than other micros, with the exception of a nice looking splash job with matching parts. Looks good! :)

but take into affect that it is in sweden, that could make it a whole lot more rare?

02-10-2006, 08:16 PM
The Dac barrel I assume you mean the bottom one, unless it has DAC and a Bore ID engraved on it is a Dac copy. The stock is an MPM P-Stock (they weren't engraved just a sticker). The Anti Tamper ring might well be an MPM item too, these were engraved with MPM, if not engraved then it could be anyones, Smart Parts being the most likely. Definately a custom anno though.
The uh. Bottom barrel is the stock barrel.

02-10-2006, 08:42 PM
The uh. Bottom barrel is the stock barrel.
Perhaps so but Dac only made two versions of barrels as in one level on the outside and some with the Tulip end. The top barrel I didn't even comment on as it looked like a Rekka barrel but then I have seen other barrels that looked similar. Since the guy is in Sweden he will have possibly have stuff that was meant for the european market only. The more likely senario if the top barrel is indeed marked as DAC is that it is a prototype. I have a Shocker barrel made by J&J a ceramic one but the length is not one that was meant for general sale so oddball barrels do get out.

02-10-2006, 08:43 PM
Perhaps so but Dac only made two versions of barrels as in one level on the outside and some with the Tulip end. The top barrel I didn't even comment on as it looked like a Rekka barrel but then I have seen other barrels that looked similar. Since the guy is in Sweden he will have possibly have stuff that was meant for the european market only. The more likely senario if the top barrel is indeed marked as DAC is that it is a prototype. I have a Shocker barrel made by J&J a ceramic one but the length is not one that was meant for general sale so oddball barrels do get out.

You talk alot, Mark.

02-10-2006, 09:00 PM
At least if you read it carefully enough, you can see I am covering the bases, not allowing for cheap shots like just now ;)

02-10-2006, 09:03 PM
At least if you read it carefully enough, you can see I am covering the bases, not allowing for cheap shots like just now ;)
lawl u r 2 smrt 4 me mrk lol!!@z

Sweet mag though.
Didn't Oh Pawlak use a stock like that?