View Full Version : ANS Bumper Bolt???

02-10-2006, 06:11 PM
I found a gun I am very interested in purchasing. One of the upgrades is the ANS Bumper Bolt. The owner says it works alot like the Lvl, 10.

Any info? When did it come out? How similar is it to a Lvl. 10? How fast does it move? etc.

02-10-2006, 07:07 PM
Its similar to the Lvl 10 like Ronn Stern is similar to Howard Stern.

02-10-2006, 07:26 PM
It's a cup faced venturi style bolt with a foamie in it. It worked fine in an old micromag I had, but it's no level 10. It's a simple bolt replacement, not a whole new bolt system like the level 10 is. It seemed to be easier on the paint when firing, but it would still shred the ball with the best of them if it wasn't entirely in the breech yet.

02-10-2006, 07:28 PM
It's a cup faced venturi style bolt with a foamie in it. It worked fine in an old micromag I had, but it's no level 10. It's a simple bolt replacement, not a whole new bolt system like the level 10 is. It seemed to be easier on the paint when firing, but it would still shred the ball with the best of them if it wasn't entirely in the breech yet.


It's just another bolt with holes in it.
Anything ANS does not belong in your mag.

02-11-2006, 09:54 AM
No to what? I think I said it was basically a bolt with holes in it. I did prefer it over the stock bolt, as I seemed to get fewer explosions down the barrel in cooler weather. I never said it would help with chopping though. If it comes with the gun he's looking at it can't hurt.