View Full Version : Paintball Jerks

02-11-2006, 03:35 AM
I've noticed that paintball attracts a lot of Jerks. Not like other sports. I don't know why some people have to be so mean. At my local field, people get their stuff stolen all the time. And the people are racist and stupid. I personally feel that the demographic which is gravitating towards paintball are the imbecilic, cocksure, lethargic, ADD diagnosed, spoiled, kids of this generation. And fat. Fattys. There is no excuse for a 16 year old to be 270 pounds.

What do you all think. Is it too real for ya'll. :shooting: :eek: :shooting: :eek:

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-11-2006, 03:46 AM
There is no excuse for a 16 year old to be 270 pounds.

oh c'mon, it could be genetics! don't you ever watch southpark? anywho i agree with what you're saying... but we've had this topic come up several times and we all know that every field has their fair share of punky kids that think their the "shiznit"

02-11-2006, 03:49 AM
oh c'mon, it could be genetics! don't you ever watch southpark? anywho i agree with what you're saying... but we've had this topic come up several times and we all know that every field has their fair share of punky kids that think their the "shiznit"

were you not one of them :p

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-11-2006, 03:50 AM
o gosh trevor i was just a wee little lad back then

02-11-2006, 04:59 AM
I'm 'bout 235 an' reckon those 'em fightin' words ;)

But I'm actually 21 and was only about 210 last year when I played collegiete football. But due to a current lack of conditioning, I find myself 25lbs heavier and staying in bunkers until My big but can roll on over to the next one. Wow, I feel fatter now.

I have noticed groups of unpleasent cometition and teamates. They never want to work as a team, wipe, whine, and trash talk. It's generally the agg kids and the like. My feild's kinda a welll mannered one though. Doesn't attract alot of dicks and agg's. It's often not uncommon to see kids and their father or uncles out having a good time with others.

Recon by Fire
02-11-2006, 05:33 AM
I've noticed that paintball attracts a lot of Jerks. Not like other sports. I don't know why some people have to be so mean. .... And fat. Fattys. There is no excuse for a 16 year old to be 270 pounds.

Indeed, there unfortunately is a high number of undesirable personalities in paintball. But I would say there are more good people, we just notice the others more. But now didn't you just add a bit of your own "jerky" here? You just threw anyone overweight in with the bad sports. Kind of mean too? That fat kid may still be an awesome player if not at least one of the nicest players to know at the field. Not every fat kid is fat either because they stuff their face with twinkies and watch TV all day, some have genetics to thank.

Don't mean to jump on you about it, just keep an open mind towards others and differentiate yourself further away from the jerks :)

02-11-2006, 10:44 AM
Yeah, take it easy on fat kids, I am fat and I am in general a nice guy and do not wipe or cheat. I play fair. I am fortunate enough to have never had anything stolen from me at a paintball field. That is probably rare today, but true. Of course the last two times I went to a field stuff got stolen (one was a mid price mask and the other was an intimidator :( ). Anyways, it is true that there are a few bad agg's (pretty punny :rofl: ) in the sport, it is still a great sport to play. And there are jerks, dickheads, and Aholes in all sports, so it is always gonna happen.

02-11-2006, 11:44 AM
i hear this so much. but i never see it, in speedball at least. The only thing notable is a fight i saw a few years ago, and maybe a team i see wiping. Other than that ive seen more sportsmanship and good naturedness in speedball/tourneyball than in woodsball or outside of the sport.

But now didn't you just add a bit of your own "jerky" here? You just threw anyone overweight in with the bad sports. Kind of mean too? That fat kid may still be an awesome player if not at least one of the nicest players to know at the field. Not every fat kid is fat either because they stuff their face with twinkies and watch TV all day, some have genetics to thank.
QFT. Honestly with that statement, you seem worse than the majority of speedballers ive seen.

02-11-2006, 11:51 AM
I've noticed that paintball attracts a lot of Jerks. Not like other sports. I don't know why some people have to be so mean. At my local field, people get their stuff stolen all the time. And the people are racist and stupid. I personally feel that the demographic which is gravitating towards paintball are the imbecilic, cocksure, lethargic, ADD diagnosed, spoiled, kids of this generation. And fat. Fattys. There is no excuse for a 16 year old to be 270 pounds.

What do you all think. Is it too real for ya'll. :shooting: :eek: :shooting: :eek:

Dude, racist people? It is your area of the world. When I was at Camp Lejeune I found alot of racistism. Not everyone mind you, but a big %. Being from the north I wasn't well liked at all. It was for me a real downer being down south. I felt the civil war is still alive and strong in them southern states. I figure it's high time them feelings of hate be dropped. But since it has been what 141 years ago since the war ended, I guess old habits are hard to break.

02-11-2006, 03:09 PM
Anyways, it is true that there are a few bad agg's (pretty punny :rofl: ) in the sport
I feel dumber already, just for having read that. ;)

02-11-2006, 03:15 PM
I feel dumber already, just for having read that. ;)
I didnt think it rated that low :p

02-11-2006, 03:40 PM
my team mate is 15 and 250 pounds. but he's also 6 foot 5, so.....

02-11-2006, 04:10 PM
hey, yeah, easy on the fatty's. Im 6 foot 3 270 lbs, and I dont move quick but my shots do count for what they are worth. As far as all the other stuff, do black people really play paintball? I've honestly never seen a one.

02-11-2006, 04:34 PM
hey, yeah, easy on the fatty's. Im 6 foot 3 270 lbs, and I dont move quick but my shots do count for what they are worth. As far as all the other stuff, do black people really play paintball? I've honestly never seen a one.
yes they sure do. in 04 I played a small tourney at Factory PB in N Chicago and there was an all black team. They were ok. They were the only team we beat :D but we were a brand new team. It was three man and I had just met one of my teamates that day. The other I knew from school, so naturally we stunk because there was little teamwork.

02-11-2006, 04:54 PM
Rich kids -> jerks

Rich kids -> fatties

ergo: fatties -> jerks

C'mon people, its simple.

/just poking

02-11-2006, 05:01 PM
Rich kids -> jerks

Rich kids -> fatties

ergo: fatties -> jerks

C'mon people, its simple.

/just poking
no no, rich kids -> fatties doesnt mean fatties -> rich kids.

02-11-2006, 05:27 PM
Kinda funny.
I know alot of 'rich' kids.
None of them are jerks.
Just Sayin.

02-11-2006, 06:47 PM
Kinda funny.
I know alot of 'rich' kids.
None of them are jerks.
Just Sayin.

I've honestly found the reverse to be true. Depends on ones definition of rich... I don't mean 'parents paid my tuition' I mean trust fund kiddies.

"I live in the Marina and drive a new 5 series, aren't I a baller?"
"Well, what do you do?"

And the fatties comment was just a joke. ;)

02-11-2006, 07:10 PM
I've honestly found the reverse to be true. Depends on ones definition of rich... I don't mean 'parents paid my tuition' I mean trust fund kiddies.

"I live in the Marina and drive a new 5 series, aren't I a baller?"
"Well, what do you do?"

And the fatties comment was just a joke. ;)

Yeah, those are the kids I'm talking about.
For the msot part I've found that the 'older' richies are the better ones to be around.
The younger ones...hooboy....

And yeah, fatties are lame.


02-11-2006, 07:20 PM
Fatty= backman. We can yell louder than you, generally throw more paint ( we got good finger dex from eatin little stuff like jelly beans :D ) & when we get our bounce on we are unstoppable. I have never weighted less than 245 pounds playing paintball & I am only 5'10". NC & SC both are not real user friendly as far as the whole race thing goes ( USMC stationed at LJ, CP & PI) . Butt heads at the field ( say it aint so!!!) !!! Any more at my local fields I can say people are policing them selves alot better.

02-11-2006, 07:21 PM
I can honestly say I've never seen ANY racism during my years playing ball.
Then again, I've only met ONE black guy who played, too.

02-11-2006, 07:25 PM
None in my area. We have a few black players most are newer with only a couple years under their belts & they are all really cool guys. Getting to be great players & better team-mates.

Cow hunter
02-11-2006, 10:19 PM
As far as all the other stuff, do black people really play paintball? I've honestly never seen a one.
they do, always a few at the felds when i go play, and a maority of the refs at the local indoor fields, they're nice enough people

02-11-2006, 11:16 PM
do black people really play paintball? I've honestly never seen a one.

Well I haven't seen all that many myself. There was a guy many years ago that I played with every weekend. Man was he just the nicest guy and a great player. He moved to Georgia I think and a very young kid just a year or so ago I had the opportunity to meet. Also a plesant personality. This pretty young kid was a very determind individual trying to play with the big guns on the air field with some a whats the word, "Jerks". I wish I would see more racially different players around here. Last year I meet an asian. He suggested chinese for lunch. I never had it before. It wasn't half bad. Little things like that make the game just a little something more. Alot can be learned from all the people you might come across.

02-12-2006, 12:47 AM
And fat. Fattys. There is no excuse for a 16 year old to be 270 pounds.

We are also prone to people who degrade others. :mad: People who are that over weight most of the time have self esteem issues. Im sure you calling them fat and fatties doesnt help. Take heed of their problem, dont degrade try to help. At least they are not at home on the couch.

02-12-2006, 12:56 AM
We are also prone to people who degrade others. :mad: People who are that over weight most of the time have self esteem issues. Im sure you calling them fat and fatties doesnt help. Take heed of their problem, dont degrade try to help. At least they are not at home on the couch.

Nope this fat guy is on his computer chair

bound for glory
02-12-2006, 12:45 PM
so what? we should put down "racist" players and its also ok to put down "fat" kids? get a life :rolleyes: what gives anyone the right to say anything negitive about anyone just because we're on line. go tell a skinhead you don't like him and he should stop playing paintball, toughguy. you'll end up with an *** kicking :tard:

02-12-2006, 12:59 PM
^Great, we've got one of those "free speach should apply to everyone" loonies. If you're a skinhead, racist, kkk, nazi, rapist, murderer, etc, I think you've really forfieted your "rights". And anyways, would you feel comfortable playing alongside those people? I wouldn't. In fact, I wouldn't allow one bit of it if I owned the field. Anyone with a swastika or other symbols like that would be banned from ever coming back. Anyone using racist language would be banned from ever coming back. Don't think an owner could do that? Well, check out this pretty nifty thing called the US Constitution. Free speach is not unlimited and neither should it be. Do us all a favor bound for glory, don't ever get into politics. I don't want your screwed up ideas getting into the system.

02-12-2006, 01:04 PM
^Great, we've got one of those "free speach should apply to everyone" loonies. If you're a skinhead, racist, kkk, nazi, rapist, murderer, etc, I think you've really forfieted your "rights". And anyways, would you feel comfortable playing alongside those people? I wouldn't. In fact, I wouldn't allow one bit of it if I owned the field. Anyone with a swastika or other symbols like that would be banned from ever coming back. Anyone using racist language would be banned from ever coming back. Don't think an owner could do that? Well, check out this pretty nifty thing called the US Constitution. Free speach is not unlimited and neither should it be. Do us all a favor bound for glory, don't ever get into politics. I don't want your screwed up ideas getting into the system.

swastikas should be allowed in WWII theme scenario games.

02-12-2006, 01:45 PM
swastikas should be allowed in WWII theme scenario games.

as well as punching anyone wears one in the face...'

oh, not forgetting the required chemical castration

Don't think an owner could do that? Well, check out this pretty nifty thing called the US Constitution. Free speach is not unlimited and neither should it be. Do us all a favor bound for glory, don't ever get into politics. I don't want your screwed up ideas getting into the system.

give it up to a guy who knows his politics. :clap: you have free speech, sure, but its severely restricted when your on someone elses property.

02-12-2006, 03:13 PM
swastikas should be allowed in WWII theme scenario games.
Sigh, if anyone shows up to a WWII themed game like that or anything else, or even dressed as a nazi (and i have seen this at a big game before) then i will bonus ball them. There is no reason to wear that crap.

02-12-2006, 03:38 PM
Sigh, if anyone shows up to a WWII themed game like that or anything else, or even dressed as a nazi (and i have seen this at a big game before) then i will bonus ball them. There is no reason to wear that crap.

Despite the fact that they're obviously dressing for the part, right?

02-12-2006, 03:48 PM
Despite the fact that they're obviously dressing for the part, right?
No no on, i didn't mean for the WWII game i would do that, i meant to put if i ever see someone do that again at a normal game again then i will bonus ball them. Now i have no problem if they're wearing it for a WWII reenactment type thing or themed game, but if they wear a swatstika no matter what i will still do it.

bound for glory
02-12-2006, 03:49 PM
a) not all skinheads are racist, idiot. b) who are you? some kind of nazi your own self, making up who has the right to play? c) go tell a skinhead he has to get off the field because you're offended by his pesence on the same field as you(because you're just perfect :rolleyes: ) and, again, you'll get an *** kicking( and hopfully, a good old fasion boot party). :cheers:

02-12-2006, 03:54 PM
Sigh, if anyone shows up to a WWII themed game like that or anything else, or even dressed as a nazi (and i have seen this at a big game before) then i will bonus ball them. There is no reason to wear that crap.
Yeah, god forbid someone shows up to a WWII theme scenario dressed as one of the major players in that particular theme... :rolleyes: There sometimes IS a reason to "wear that crap". Why don't you go bonus ball one of the hundreds of actors, or even Prince Harry (well, OK, maybe him ;) ) who have worn Nazi uniforms and see how far that gets you... And be sure to send us pics of your beaten *** from jail!

02-12-2006, 03:54 PM
No no on, i didn't mean for the WWII game i would do that, i meant to put if i ever see someone do that again at a normal game again then i will bonus ball them. Now i have no problem if they're wearing it for a WWII reenactment type thing or themed game, but if they wear a swatstika no matter what i will still do it.

If you didn't mean it, why did you write.."
Sigh, if anyone shows up to a WWII themed game like that or anything else, or even dressed as a nazi (and i have seen this at a big game before) then i will bonus ball them. There is no reason to wear that crap."

I don't see any other way to understand that.
"If anyone shows up to a WWII theme game dressed like that, or anything else, then I wilkl bonus all them"

How else was it meant to mean?

02-12-2006, 03:58 PM
No no on, i didn't mean for the WWII game i would do that, i meant to put if i ever see someone do that again at a normal game again then i will bonus ball them. Now i have no problem if they're wearing it for a WWII reenactment type thing or themed game, but if they wear a swatstika no matter what i will still do it.
Well, that kinda goes against what you said earlier... Why would someone wear a Nazi costume in a normal game? You've actually seen this in a game? Just curious... :confused:

Someone kill this thread already... :tard:

Edit: Oops, looks like Automaggot beat me to it... Simultaneous typin' baby!

02-12-2006, 04:00 PM
If you didn't mean it, why did you write.."
Sigh, if anyone shows up to a WWII themed game like that or anything else, or even dressed as a nazi (and i have seen this at a big game before) then i will bonus ball them. There is no reason to wear that crap."

I don't see any other way to understand that.
"If anyone shows up to a WWII theme game dressed like that, or anything else, then I wilkl bonus all them"

How else was it meant to mean?
Because i was thinking of a post i guess i put somewhere else where i said i saw these guys go to a big game dressed as nazis, and it wasn't WWII themed, and it pissed me off. I didn't mean that i would do it at a WWII themed game, but i forgot to make that clear mainly because my brain doesn't function too well on four hours of sleep.
"Sigh, if anyone shows up to a WWII themed game like that or anything else"
That quote was referring to the swatstika, if anyone wears it at a paintbal game, i don't care what their excuse is, i'll bonus ball them. The " or even dressed as a nazi (and i have seen this at a big game before) then i will bonus ball them" was reffering directly to any game other than a WWII themed game, hence why i put that i had seen it at the big game. And "that crap" was referring to the swatstika, or the nazi uniform outside of character i.e. WWII themed game.

EDIT: Yes, are you blind, i put "and i have seen this in the big game before." At the big game at paintball sam's in wisconsin in october of 2004 i'm pretty sure this group of guys showed up to the game dressed as nazis, and it pissed me off. Unluckily i never actually saw them on the field.

02-12-2006, 04:02 PM
Well, that kinda goes against what you said earlier... Why would someone wear a Nazi costume in a normal game? You've actually seen this in a game? Just curious... :confused:
of course! i always wear nazi costumes when i play speedball ;)

02-12-2006, 04:02 PM
Because i was thinking of a post i guess i put somewhere else where i said i saw these guys go to a big game dressed as nazis, and it wasn't WWII themed, and it pissed me off. I didn't mean that i would do it at a WWII themed game, but i forgot to make that clear mainly because my brain doesn't function too well on four hours of sleep.
"Sigh, if anyone shows up to a WWII themed game like that or anything else"
That quote was referring to the swatstika, if anyone wears it at a paintbal game, i don't care what their excuse is, i'll bonus ball them. The " or even dressed as a nazi (and i have seen this at a big game before) then i will bonus ball them" was reffering directly to any game other than a WWII themed game, hence why i put that i had seen it at the big game. And "that crap" was referring to the swatstika, or the nazi uniform outside of character i.e. WWII themed game.

You still don't make a lick of sense, and I'm done replying to you.
There's no good reason to bonus ball anyone.
Play by the rules.

02-12-2006, 04:04 PM
That quote was referring to the swatstika, if anyone wears it at a paintbal game, i don't care what their excuse is, i'll bonus ball them.
Even if their excuse is a WWII scenario? :D

bound for glory
02-12-2006, 04:05 PM
why do you want the topic killed? did you just now figure out you're an idiot? :rofl:

02-12-2006, 04:05 PM
You still don't make a lick of sense, and I'm done replying to you.
There's no good reason to bonus ball anyone.
Play by the rules.
I made sense, and i'm sorry if you can't understand what i said, i made it as clear as i could. And i personally think there is a reason if they wear something that offensive when there's no reason to wear it, like that group of guys i saw who showed up to a normal game with no theme, it was just a day of free walk on where a lot of people who up.

EDIT: Smurf, i've established this, i think it's ok to wear the uniform for a WWII themed game, but there is never any reason at all to wear a swatstika. It's not needed, you can wear the uniform without it and people will still know what you're supposed to be. That symbol is extremely offensive and no one has a valid reason to wear it.

02-12-2006, 04:10 PM
why do you want the topic killed? did you just now figure out you're an idiot? :rofl:
Who's an idiot?
"You talkin' to ME?"

02-12-2006, 04:11 PM
I made sense, and i'm sorry if you can't understand what i said, i made it as clear as i could. And i personally think there is a reason if they wear something that offensive when there's no reason to wear it, like that group of guys i saw who showed up to a normal game with no theme, it was just a day of free walk on where a lot of people who up.

No, you wrote something, and obviously meant somthing else.
Instead of correctings yourself, you defended an obviously flawed statement.
I wasn't the only person who caught it,others did
They don't need an excuse to dress they way that they want.
That's life, deal with it.

Just because you dont' agree with something doesn't make it wrong.

02-12-2006, 04:13 PM
EDIT: Smurf, i've established this, i think it's ok to wear the uniform for a WWII themed game, but there is never any reason at all to wear a swatstika. It's not needed, you can wear the uniform without it and people will still know what you're supposed to be. That symbol is extremely offensive and no one has a valid reason to wear it.
Bull****... The swastika is part of the uniform, period. Do you get offended when you watch "The Sound of Music"?

02-12-2006, 04:17 PM
No, you wrote something, and obviously meant somthing else.
Instead of correctings yourself, you defended an obviously flawed statement.
I wasn't the only person who caught it,others did
They don't need an excuse to dress they way that they want.
That's life, deal with it.

Just because you dont' agree with something doesn't make it wrong.
No, i wasn't trying to defend it, then i realized it made sense to me, but i needed to explain it. I referenced stuff without making it clear and such and didn't think it through because i'm tired as hell, i admit that. And i have no problem if they dress that way for a themed game as it's a role, but if they have a swatstika it's unneeded and it will piss me off and lead to me bonus balling them. And if someone wears a swatstika or nazi uniform outside of a themed game it will piss me off even more. I'm not the only one who feels this way, pretty much everyone i know would do the same and feels the same. And just because you don't agree with my idea doesn't mean it's wrong, and plus i thought you weren't going to respond to me.

EDIT: No, i don't get mad because they are actors, paid to put the swatstika on, and it's a movie, it's different. In a game, they have a gun and are shooting at people while wearing it, and they're just wearing it to wear it. In historical movies about that time period with nazis in it and such them wearing it is ok because it's supposed to add to the movie. Are you telling me that you would wear a swatstika to play paintball even though you know how horrible it is and everything it stands for?

bound for glory
02-12-2006, 04:19 PM
anyone who thinks they can say who can and can't play is an idiot. you guys want to sit on a computer and say things about fat kids and "racists" , well, that sez idiot to me. fat kids should sit at home and get fatter :rolleyes: precived racists should also stay at home because you might have to play next to them :confused: why don't you guys, who just know everything, start your own little field.

bound for glory
02-12-2006, 04:21 PM
#1 in tha hood :rofl: #1 in retard posts :tard: #10 on the field :)

02-12-2006, 04:21 PM
I made sense, and i'm sorry if you can't understand what i said, i made it as clear as i could.
in that case, its a wonder youve made it this far.

EDIT: Smurf, i've established this, i think it's ok to wear the uniform for a WWII themed game, but there is never any reason at all to wear a swatstika. It's not needed, you can wear the uniform without it and people will still know what you're supposed to be. That symbol is extremely offensive and no one has a valid reason to wear it.
it seems to be a pretty damn fine line youre drawing, which im guessing you actually defined as an afterthought to fit what you posted, instead of thinking everything out first. there is no reason to bonus ball someone for wearing a symbol while role playing in a game. period. thats a lot worse than just wearing a symbol for a game. didnt the symbol origionally mean something like "peace" anyway?

why do you want the topic killed? did you just now figure out you're an idiot? :rofl:
the topic was pretty much dead from the start.

02-12-2006, 04:28 PM
in that case, its a wonder youve made it this far.

it seems to be a pretty damn fine line youre drawing, which im guessing you actually defined as an afterthought to fit what you posted, instead of thinking everything out first. there is no reason to bonus ball someone for wearing a symbol while role playing in a game. period. thats a lot worse than just wearing a symbol for a game. didnt the symbol origionally mean something like "peace" anyway?

the topic was pretty much dead from the start.
No, i had that mentality from the start, lack of sleep made me not interpret it clearly. This is just how i feel about the swatstika, and this is how i've always felt about it. And so what if they're role playing, they don't need to wear a symbol that is know to offend people, the uniform alone is recognizable. And the original swatstika was a symbol for the sun and isn't bad, but that one is normally seen with the lines horizontal to the ground, like a cross, instead of on a point like the nazi one. Also, the original swatstika's legs or whatever you want to call then pointed to the left, the nazi one points to the right.

02-12-2006, 04:31 PM
#1 in tha hood :rofl: #1 in retard posts :tard: #10 on the field :)
Wow, we got ourselves a genuine comedian here! Bravo. :rolleyes:

P.S. Your post wasn't retarded at all... :tard:

bound for glory
02-12-2006, 04:36 PM
really! go back and read these posts(well, most). how can ANYONE say who can play? you guys sound like idiots. really. and you say my posts are retarded :rofl: well, what should i really expect from kids who do more posting than playing :rolleyes:

bound for glory
02-12-2006, 04:43 PM
and again, not all skinheads are bad people.

02-12-2006, 04:44 PM
and again, not all skinheads are bad people.
Who says they are? And also, you do know you can edit posts, right? You don't have to post two in a row.

02-12-2006, 04:44 PM
really! go back and read these posts(well, most). how can ANYONE say who can play? you guys sound like idiots. really. and you say my posts are retarded :rofl: well, what should i really expect from kids who do more posting than playing :rolleyes:
I have read the posts, and I agree that nobody should say who can or cannot play. I never said that myself... Maybe you got me confused with someone else?

In case you forgot, you said my posts were retarded.

And I'm not a kid, I'm almost as old as you are.

In the spirit of good will, I've hereby changed the sig under my name. :cheers:

02-12-2006, 04:45 PM
really! go back and read these posts(well, most). how can ANYONE say who can play? you guys sound like idiots. really. and you say my posts are retarded :rofl: well, what should i really expect from kids who do more posting than playing :rolleyes:

Who on this page said someone couldn't play [well] because of their appearance?

02-12-2006, 04:58 PM
^Great, we've got one of those "free speach should apply to everyone" loonies. If you're a skinhead, racist, kkk, nazi, rapist, murderer, etc, I think you've really forfieted your "rights". And anyways, would you feel comfortable playing alongside those people? I wouldn't. In fact, I wouldn't allow one bit of it if I owned the field. Anyone with a swastika or other symbols like that would be banned from ever coming back. Anyone using racist language would be banned from ever coming back. Don't think an owner could do that? Well, check out this pretty nifty thing called the US Constitution. Free speach is not unlimited and neither should it be. Do us all a favor bound for glory, don't ever get into politics. I don't want your screwed up ideas getting into the system.

Do your research before you start attacking bootboys. The majority of skins are not racist, nazis or anything of the sort. There are more than you think on this board...

Thats why there are organizations such as 'S.H.A.R.P.' Skinsheads Against Racial Prejudice.


As for people debating Swastikas in WWII Scenarios...
- You're obviously retarded, right?

Who fought in WWII? Oh yeah, Nazi Germany.

What was their symbol? Oh yeah, the Swastika.

It dosent mean they're nazis, it means they're history buffs. Trying to dress the part, and be historically accurate. Kinda like WWII Recreations.

But hey, While you're at it, go kill all the actors that have played Nazis in the movies...
- Because, OBVIOUSLY, they're racist, right?

02-12-2006, 05:02 PM
Do your research before you start attacking bootboys. The majority of skins are not racist, nazis or anything of the sort. There are more than you think on this board...

Thats why there are organizations such as 'S.H.A.R.P.' Skinsheads Against Racial Prejudice.


As for people debating Swastikas in WWII Scenarios...
- You're obviously retarded, right?

Who fought in WWII? Oh yeah, Nazi Germany.

What was their symbol? Oh yeah, the Swastika.

It dosent mean they're nazis, it means they're history buffs. Trying to dress the part, and be historically accurate. Kinda like WWII Recreations.

But hey, While you're at it, go kill all the actors that have played Nazis in the movies...
- Because, OBVIOUSLY, they're racist, right?
Who ever said that people who wear it now are racist, i just think it's wrong to wear such an offensive symbol that has so much tied to it. I'm not saying they believe in what it stands for, so you're mistaken. And you can be a history buff and dress the part without the swatstika, it's a distinctive uniform, you know what they're supposed to be, it's not needed.

02-12-2006, 05:10 PM
Who ever said that people who wear it now are racist, i just think it's wrong to wear such an offensive symbol that has so much tied to it. I'm not saying they believe in what it stands for, so you're mistaken. And you can be a history buff and dress the part without the swatstika, it's a distinctive uniform, you know what they're supposed to be, it's not needed.
just stop arguing. youve lost. for a history buff or even most ordinary people it would be necessary, and add to the costume and scenario. it does no harm, whatsoever. what i said before is true. you obviously said one thing, and when confronted instead of withdrawing your statement, are making more arguments and statements simply to avoid giving in.

02-12-2006, 05:11 PM
Who ever said that people who wear it now are racist, i just think it's wrong to wear such an offensive symbol that has so much tied to it. I'm not saying they believe in what it stands for, so you're mistaken. And you can be a history buff and dress the part without the swatstika, it's a distinctive uniform, you know what they're supposed to be, it's not needed.

But they have it, and they want it to be there.

Are you offended?

02-12-2006, 05:15 PM
But they have it, and they want it to be there.

Are you offended?


02-12-2006, 05:16 PM
... i just think it's wrong to wear such an offensive symbol that has so much tied to it. ...
..I think you should explain to people why does the symbols offends you so much, are you a Hindu? youre mad because the westerners had basterdized you symbols and such... saying that a symbol offends you and should not be worn is like being a dictator on the field or maybe youre the fashion police? :)

02-12-2006, 05:20 PM
just stop arguing. youve lost. for a history buff or even most ordinary people it would be necessary, and add to the costume and scenario. it does no harm, whatsoever. what i said before is true. you obviously said one thing, and when confronted instead of withdrawing your statement, are making more arguments and statements simply to avoid giving in.
Lost what now? It's opinions, so yeah, no one really loses. And besides, i'm not making more arugements, my arguement has stayed the same, you just don't seem to be able to get it through your head that it is the same arguement, that it's wrong for people to wear a swatstika in a paintball game for any reason(when the nonvalid arguement about movies came up i then gave my viewpoint on those, and you will see it if you look back), and that poeple shouldn't wear the nazi uniform outside of WWII themed games. And behemoth, yes, i find that symbol (nazi swatstika) very offending and i hate it with every fiber of my being. Everything it stands for is horrible, there are many reasons for anyone to be offended by it, wether the nazis affected them personally or not. Also, i don't see why you're all attacking me, warbeak and glickman agree with me and expressed their opinions about it.
Originally Posted by skife
swastikas should be allowed in WWII theme scenario games.

as well as punching anyone wears one in the face...'

oh, not forgetting the required chemical castration

That was posted by glickman, so i'm not the only one thinking this. However, it seems like replying to you guys is wasting time more than anything because you can't see where i'm coming from or the obvious resons of why it's offensive, such as it being a symbol of antisemitism.

02-12-2006, 05:25 PM
Why is it so offensive?

Its part of our history.

Some bad stuff is associated with the swastika, but you cant change that, and someone wearing it isnt going to keep it from going away.

Just deal.

02-12-2006, 05:30 PM
Lost what now? It's opinions, so yeah, no one really loses. And besides, i'm not making more arugements, my arguement has stayed the same, you just don't seem to be able to get it through your head that it is the same arguement, that it's wrong for people to wear a swatstika in a paintball game for any reason(when the nonvalid arguement about movies came up i then gave my viewpoint on those, and you will see it if you look back), and that poeple shouldn't wear the nazi uniform outside of WWII themed games. And behemoth, yes, i find that symbol (nazi swatstika) very offending and i hate it with every fiber of my being. Everything it stands for is horrible, there are many reasons for anyone to be offended by it, wether the nazis affected them personally or not. Also, i don't see why you're all attacking me, warbeak and glickman agree with me and expressed their opinions about it.
Originally Posted by skife
swastikas should be allowed in WWII theme scenario games.

as well as punching anyone wears one in the face...'

oh, not forgetting the required chemical castration

That was posted by glickman, so i'm not the only one thinking this.
its not entirely opinions, its an argument.

and fine, if you care that much about detail, you keep reiterating what youve already said and trying to support a bad statement.

a symbol is meaningless without intent or beliefs behind it. The only reason to not wear a swatstika is because people will think you support the beliefs associated with it, and in a reinactment or scenario, it would be obvious that you dont.

02-12-2006, 05:36 PM
Why is it so offensive?

Its part of our history.

Some bad stuff is associated with the swastika, but you cant change that, and someone wearing it isnt going to keep it from going away.

Just deal.
Part of our history, yes, won't go away, yes, and i know that and i'm not saying it should, it's a reminder of what not to do, but should it be worn in reenactments, no. And so it doesn't have intentions behind it by that person, it is still ofensive because it's still somewhat original, they didn't just take the swatstika and put it on their uinforms, they changed the direction of the legs and put it on a point, so it still stands for all of those things and it's offensive, or do you think a symbol that represents antisemitism isn't offensive?

02-12-2006, 05:38 PM
Part of our history, yes, won't go away, yes, and i know that and i'm not saying it should, it's a reminder of what not to do, but should it be worn in reenactments, no. And so it doesn't have intentions behind it by that person, it is still ofensive because it's still somewhat original, they didn't just take the swatstika and put it on their uinforms, they changed the direction of the legs and put it on a point, so it still stands for all of those things and it's offensive, or do you think a symbol that represents antisemitism isn't offensive?

[05:42 PM] slade: i hate it when people assaign too much meaning to something like that
[05:42 PM] behemoth: that guys a moron
[05:42 PM] slade: yeah
[05:42 PM] behemoth: hating on a symbol isnt going to make hitler say he's sorry.
[05:42 PM] slade: do you realize the irony of his attitude? "OMG SWATSTIKA! IM GONNA KILL PEOPLE!!!"

02-12-2006, 05:47 PM
im 5 foot 10 170
play MLB and now TE

02-12-2006, 05:48 PM
[05:42 PM] slade: i hate it when people assaign too much meaning to something like that
[05:42 PM] behemoth: that guys a moron
[05:42 PM] slade: yeah
[05:42 PM] behemoth: hating on a symbol isnt going to make hitler say he's sorry.
[05:42 PM] slade: do you realize the irony of his attitude? "OMG SWATSTIKA! IM GONNA KILL PEOPLE!!!"


do you realize your attitude?

its called being insensitive to a group of people.

political correctness says you wear a symbol of a group of people for 2 reasons:

either way, when it comes to a swatstika, your an ***

thanks for trying to be your standard american teenage rebel of psychology. its not wonder everyone thinks were dumb***s. thats because we are.

being of small stature i really cant do much physically, but one day when you piss off the wrong guy, expect a 68ci in your nose

common sense, along with sensitivity to other groups shouldve been taught in schools....

Why is it so offensive?

Its part of our history.

Some bad stuff is associated with the swastika, but you cant change that, and someone wearing it isnt going to keep it from going away.

Just deal.

No you cant change it, and obviously your mental capacity wont allow you to see that noone thinks they can change it, no matter how many times we say it. Someone wearing wont keep it from going away, but what it does do is show either support or rebellion as i stated earlier. Either way, your still and *** for wearing it.

maybe we should start reminding kids that there is no such thing as "free speech"

02-12-2006, 05:57 PM
or maybe youre the fashion police? :)
Nah, if he were the fashion police, he'd dig their uniforms...

02-12-2006, 05:59 PM
political correctness says you wear a symbol of a group of people for 2 reasons:
so where the heck is historical reinactment/roleplaying?

im sorry, did you miss half the posts in this thread?

02-12-2006, 06:02 PM
Politically Correct, :rolleyes:

02-12-2006, 06:03 PM
so where the heck is historical reinactment/roleplaying?

im sorry, did you miss half the posts in this thread?

i would give you 100% creditability if thats what you had stated, but thats not what your arguments were about.

all of your defense was "whatever, it happend, get over it"

obviously your intentions were no to defend the roleplaying factor, which i still have a problem with, but i cant exactly argue with

02-12-2006, 06:11 PM
i would give you 100% creditability if thats what you had stated, but thats not what your arguments were about.

all of your defense was "whatever, it happend, get over it"

obviously your intentions were no to defend the roleplaying factor, which i still have a problem with, but i cant exactly argue with
youre talking about behemoth.

we're two people.

bound for glory
02-12-2006, 06:15 PM
i guess the bootboys won :) thanks josh!

02-12-2006, 06:31 PM
im 5 foot 10 170
play MLB and now TE
OOoooo Kayyyyyy.....

And? :tard:

Do you want :clap: or :hail: or something?

Are you posting in the wrong thread again? :confused:

i guess the bootboys won
Did you figure out that I was on your side yet? ;) :D
I'm assuming you mistook me for someone else earlier...

bound for glory
02-12-2006, 06:44 PM
from this retired bootboy, i say peace brother :cheers:

02-12-2006, 06:47 PM
I've come to the conclusion that most of you are idiots.


02-12-2006, 06:56 PM
I've come to the conclusion that most of you are idiots.

*sheds tear*

02-12-2006, 07:00 PM
I've come to the conclusion that most of you are idiots.
Very astute of you.

02-12-2006, 07:26 PM
This is going to be my new mask...
Hope it doesn't offend anyone...
They are evil, after all...

02-12-2006, 09:11 PM
..so snoopay and Glickman Im trying to narrow down what or who are you hating? there seems to be like a deep passionate hate here that you would teach your kids
-the swastika
-the germans
-the third reich
-the arian nation
-the christians
-the muslims
-the US
-the Russians
-the jerks
-the texans
-the 1% of people that are a-holes

if not listed above please specify

02-12-2006, 09:13 PM
..so snoopay and Glickman Im trying to narrow down what or who are you hating? there seems to be like a deep passionate hate here that you would teach your kids
-the swastika
-the germans
-the third reich
-the arian nation
-the christians
-the muslims
-the US
-the Russians
-the jerks
-the texans
-the 1% of people that are a-holes

if not listed above please specify

you mean the 1% of people who arent 'a-holes'....

02-12-2006, 09:49 PM
you mean the 1% of people who arent 'a-holes'....
my mistake, your fault :)

Recon by Fire
02-13-2006, 01:26 AM
Then again, I've only met ONE black guy who played, too.

One of my friends who got me interested in playing and interested in Mags, is black. He has played for a long time. Blacks are definitely a minority of players though. Although one day playing recball a large group from a black college fraternity came out and played. They extremely friendly fit right in with everyone. Some of them never even seen paintball before and tha of course just added to the hilarity of some of the games! The made some real killer BBQ also :)

02-13-2006, 04:22 PM
This is going to be my new mask...
Hope it doesn't offend anyone...
They are evil, after all...
Ok, you're a moron, there's a difference seeing as that is not from reality. And slade or behemoth, i forget who put "OMG, SWATSTIKA, I'M GONNA KILL PEOPLE!" When did i EVER say i wanted to kill them. The only person i could kill if my life wasn't in danger without hesitation is already dead, and that is hitler, and his officers i could kill easily as well. However, i just said i wanted to bonus ball them for wearing it because it's still a very real thing that still affects so many people to this day, those that were in camps, those that were in the war, the children of these people, jews, wearing that symbol shows you don't care about offending the many people that it offends, and for that i think bonus balling is fine. There's a big difference between that and nazis. But you've all shown you're insensitive to those people, oh, and way to go calling me a moron, from my past experiences, name calling is the last refuge of those without a valid arguement, as is sarcasm.

02-13-2006, 04:26 PM
Ok, you're a moron, there's a difference seeing as that is not from reality. And slade or behemoth, i forget who put "OMG, SWATSTIKA, I'M GONNA KILL PEOPLE!" When did i EVER say i wanted to kill them. The only person i could kill if my life wasn't in danger without hesitation is already dead, and that is hitler, and his officers i could kill easily as well. However, i just said i wanted to bonus ball them for wearing it because it's still a very real thing that still affects so many people to this day, those that were in camps, those that were in the war, the children of these people, jews, wearing that symbol shows you don't care about offending the many people that it offends, and for that i think bonus balling is fine. There's a big difference between that and nazis. But you've all shown you're insensitive to those people, oh, and way to go calling me a moron, from my past experiences, name calling is the last refuge of those without a valid arguement, as is sarcasm.

if i ever meet you, remind me to wear a swastika.

02-13-2006, 04:48 PM
if i ever meet you, remind me to wear a swastika.
So long as you don't get mad if i punch you in the face.

EDIT: I just found out you're from cleveland, so your behavior doesn't really surprise me, it's common among people from around there (and i know this from experience).

02-13-2006, 04:49 PM
... The only person i could kill if my life wasn't in danger without hesitation is already dead, and that is hitler, and his officers...

Actually...Thats more than one person... :p
I win... hehehe

02-13-2006, 04:51 PM
Actually...Thats more than one person... :p
I win... hehehe
Note i said without hesitation, his officers were still horrible but they were also under his influence and his false promises, so i would hesitate, not too long, but i would probably still hesitate, but it'd still be easy.

Death of Rats
02-13-2006, 05:20 PM
First of all I really don't understand this attitude of "if I see this I will smash them in the face", honestly why can't you go up to them and simply say that I find the symbol you are wearing to be very offensive.

Kindly ask them if they could take it off. If they don't lets try to pretend that you have been part of the thousands of year of civilization and culture that has been formed throughout our history and not go randomly hitting people in the face. If they don't take it off go and ask one of the game coordinators if they could ask them to remove it because you are offended.

If you are the only one that is offended at a WWII recreation game, which very possibly could be true drop it there and don't be a vindictive child of a person and go bonus balling them(Your comments if you actually practice what you preach are what KILL OUR GREAT GAME. Especially don't hit them leading to more episodes of violence. More than likely the person will take it off from the start if they think they are truly offending someone.

Recognize that a person has a right to free speech. The only truly sad thing is that you are the one trying to limit a persons rights. You can't do this, you can't do that. As long as someone doesn't come up to me and try to make me wear a swastika, cross (sign of untold suffering to thousands until very recently and probably still a sign of that in other cultures), Star of David, McDonalds Logo, WalMart or one of the many other symbols of our generation then I truly don't mind.

02-13-2006, 05:24 PM
I've noticed that paintball attracts a lot of Jerks. Not like other sports. I don't know why some people have to be so mean. At my local field, people get their stuff stolen all the time. And the people are racist and stupid. I personally feel that the demographic which is gravitating towards paintball are the imbecilic, cocksure, lethargic, ADD diagnosed, spoiled, kids of this generation. And fat. Fattys. There is no excuse for a 16 year old to be 270 pounds.

What do you all think. Is it too real for ya'll. :shooting: :eek: :shooting: :eek:

Don't call other people jerks and then go on to make fun of peoples weights. No ones perfect.

02-13-2006, 05:30 PM
You can try to punch me in the face, but i guarantee i'll knock you one.
- Then, i'll put the swazi on you, and everyone would stomp you :)

And, you're bashing an ENTIRE REGION, thats good.

Since, you know, you've met the population of cleveland and everything...

02-13-2006, 06:11 PM
You can try to punch me in the face, but i guarantee i'll knock you one.
- Then, i'll put the swazi on you, and everyone would stomp you :)

And, you're bashing an ENTIRE REGION, thats good.

Since, you know, you've met the population of cleveland and everything...
From my experience most of them act like you, and that's all i'm saying, but you seem to think that saying that they're like you is bashing them, i can't disagree. Oh, Death, i only said i'd punch him because he'd be doing it as an attack on me. And i'm sure you would, because you seem to think that you're better than me in a lot of aspects, fighting being one of them. I'm not saying i'd win because i've never met you and i don't know.

02-13-2006, 06:15 PM
You can try to punch me in the face, but i guarantee i'll knock you one.
- Then, i'll put the swazi on you, and everyone would stomp you :)

And, you're bashing an ENTIRE REGION, thats good.

Since, you know, you've met the population of cleveland and everything...
To be fair, cleveland is kinda... nevermind, we shall just say I am not a fan of cleveland :D

In all seriousness, the Swastika is covered under the first amendment. I can wear it, paint it on my car or on my garage door in public display if I so desire. It is my constitutional right. Just where do you, snoopay, derive your "right" to not be offended? Just currious... because nowhere is this "right" explained--nor hinted at--in the constitution.

Snoopay, if I am not allowed to exercise my rights, why should you be able to exercise yours? Are you special :tard: or better than me, and how have you arrived at this conclusion? Why does your 1st amendment right to voice concern outwiegh my right to demonstrate my views.

NOTE: I am not a neo-Nazi, and I do not wear the Swastika, but I am curious as to exactly what you, snoopay, are claiming/arguing.

02-13-2006, 06:20 PM
I've grown bored with this thread.

Ending comments: Dont cry when you see a SYMBOL, Cleveland has nothing to do with the 'few you've met', and lastly, I would knock the hell out of you :D

I'm done.

02-13-2006, 06:26 PM
Behemoth, you keep thinking that, and like i said before, you seem like a lot of people i've met from there and i've encountered. Anyway, i am not claiming it is my right to be offended, i just think that people should have common sense and not wear something that is so offensive to so many people to play paintball. And besides, it's been established that on someone else's property your freedom of speech is quite limited, and you can be banned for wearing it. i just think people should be more sensitive to those it offends, those in the war, camps, children/grandchildren of these people, jewish people, i just don't see outside of movies where you have a role to play what would compel someone to wear that symbol.

02-13-2006, 06:52 PM
Behemoth, you keep thinking that, and like i said before, you seem like a lot of people i've met from there and i've encountered. Anyway, i am not claiming it is my right to be offended, i just think that people should have common sense and not wear something that is so offensive to so many people to play paintball. And besides, it's been established that on someone else's property your freedom of speech is quite limited, and you can be banned for wearing it. i just think people should be more sensitive to those it offends, those in the war, camps, children/grandchildren of these people, jewish people, i just don't see outside of movies where you have a role to play what would compel someone to wear that symbol.
So you--and in reality I--would not wear a Swastika so that we do not offend others, and that is nice. But that in no way means that displaying a Swastika is actually wrong, just insentive and Aholeish (my new word). The fact is If part of the first amendment falls, it will all fall eventually.

Now let us use your logic, if your vocalization of your concern offends me, then you no longer have the right to do it, so stop...? NO.
That is stupid logic. Either the first amendment exists and is valid with all of the good and bad rhetoric it brings, or it is null and you should stop expressing your feelings. Again as I posted above, I am asking you to clarify your exact position on this issue, please stop dancing around doing so, it may require a lengthy post, but it would be easier if you explained spacifically what part of the first ammendment you dishonor, do not understad, or question. I still do not understand where you derive the idea the the offense taken by people factor into the ability of expression. I am not butting horns with you here, merely asking to to clarrify your position so I can do so later.

As far as your question of motive for expression, that is totally irrelevant. Motive does not matter, the fact remains that these people are actually allowed to display the Swastika.

As far as private property, you have no authority unless it is your property, so you are not able to display a Swastika, nor are you allowed to piss and moan about someone else doing so, unless the owner gives you permission. If the owner allows Swastikas on his property than you have no place to complain. You are however free to leave the property. If you object to how "Bob" runs his field or whatever, then do not go there or pay for his goods/services. A very wise man once said "vote with your dollars." Why not just use this strategy?

02-13-2006, 06:59 PM
So you--and in reality I--would not wear a Swastika so that we do not offend others, and that is nice. But that in no way means that displaying a Swastika is actually wrong, just insentive and Aholeish (my new word). The fact is If part of the first amendment falls, it will all fall eventually.

Now let us use your logic, if your vocalization of your concern offends me, then you no longer have the right to do it, so stop...? NO.
That is stupid logic. Either the first amendment exists and is valid with all of the good and bad rhetoric it brings, or it is null and you should stop expressing your feelings. Again as I posted above, I am asking you to clarify your exact position on this issue, please stop dancing around doing so, it may require a lengthy post, but it would be easier if you explained spacifically what part of the first ammendment you dishonor, do not understad, or question. I still do not understand where you derive the idea the the offense taken by people factor into the ability of expression. I am not butting horns with you here, merely asking to to clarrify your position so I can do so later.

As far as your question of motive for expression, that is totally irrelevant. Motive does not matter, the fact remains that these people are actually allowed to display the Swastika.

As far as private property, you have no authority unless it is your property, so you are not able to display a Swastika, nor are you allowed to piss and moan about someone else doing so, unless the owner gives you permission. If the owner allows Swastikas on his property than you have no place to complain. You are however free to leave the property. If you object to how "Bob" runs his field or whatever, then do not go there or pay for his goods/services. A very wise man once said "vote with your dollars." Why not just use this stratagy?
I'll admit, i stopped after reading what you said about rights. I never said they don't have the right to do it, i just said i don't see why people have to wear somehting so offensive that and that stands for such horrible things, but it's become obvious that this won't get through the thick skulls of most of the people here and they'll keep claiming i think things i don't and such, so i'm just going to stop.

02-13-2006, 07:01 PM
so i'm just going to stop.

Thanks, we owe ya one.

02-13-2006, 07:18 PM
Ok, you're a moron, there's a difference seeing as that is not from reality. And slade or behemoth, i forget who put "OMG, SWATSTIKA, I'M GONNA KILL PEOPLE!" When did i EVER say i wanted to kill them. The only person i could kill if my life wasn't in danger without hesitation is already dead, and that is hitler, and his officers i could kill easily as well. However, i just said i wanted to bonus ball them for wearing it because it's still a very real thing that still affects so many people to this day, those that were in camps, those that were in the war, the children of these people, jews, wearing that symbol shows you don't care about offending the many people that it offends, and for that i think bonus balling is fine. There's a big difference between that and nazis. But you've all shown you're insensitive to those people, oh, and way to go calling me a moron, from my past experiences, name calling is the last refuge of those without a valid arguement, as is sarcasm.
Wait... Read the first and last sentences of your post there. You start out calling me a moron (but you're really just jealous of my sweet mask) and in the end you say "oh, and way to go calling me a moron, from my past experiences, name calling is the last refuge of those without a valid arguement, as is sarcasm"
Pure genious there buddy. No wonder your arguments are so weak. You undermine yourself, and nobody else even has to lift a finger... :rolleyes:

02-13-2006, 07:23 PM
Wait... Read the first and last sentences of your post there. You start out calling me a moron (but you're really just jealous of my sweet mask) and in the end you say "oh, and way to go calling me a moron, from my past experiences, name calling is the last refuge of those without a valid arguement, as is sarcasm"
Pure genious there buddy. No wonder your arguments are so weak. You undermine yourself, and nobody else even has to lift a finger... :rolleyes:
Whoah, good catch snipersmurf, I missed it due to my thick skull :p

02-13-2006, 07:25 PM
i don't see why people have to wear somehting so offensive that and that stands for such horrible things, but it's become obvious that this won't get through the thick skulls of most of the people here and they'll keep claiming i think things i don't and such, so i'm just going to stop.
..no, no we get the message clear as it can be - you want to hold a grudge to a group of people. Im pretty sure (about 99.9%) that you have not been in the concentration camp. So you have been taught by your elders (maybe grandfather, uncle or so) to hate, hate and kill. Is that right? do you need to continue to the hate? it will not end you know it will just get bigger until the next time maybe you will be on the other end and you will be the one comitting the genocide, then would that make you happy?

02-13-2006, 07:30 PM
Whoah, good catch snipersmurf, I missed it due to my thick skull :p
Better than a thin skull I suppose, especially when dealing with snoopay, who seems willing to bash it at the drop of a hat... Ouch!

FEAR THE CRIMSON ROYAL GUARD!!! And, yes, David Hasselhoff...

02-13-2006, 07:41 PM
Better than a thin skull I suppose, especially when dealing with snoopay, who seems willing to bash it at the drop of a hat... Ouch!

FEAR THE CRIMSON ROYAL GUARD!!! And, yes, David Hasselhoff...
With a thin skull fear Hasselhoff and not Norris? Huh? I guess Norris is a softy (http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2687797?refsite=7103&htv=12)

02-13-2006, 07:53 PM
With a thin skull fear Hasselhoff and not Norris? Huh? I guess Norris is a softy (http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2687797?refsite=7103&htv=12)
:rofl: :rofl:
WTF was THAT?!? "I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself"...
Again, at least it wasn't Fall Out Boy.

OK, go ahead and fear them both... You have my permission. :cool:

Oh yeah, fear this guy while you're at it... I do. *shudder*

02-13-2006, 07:54 PM
:rofl: :rofl:
WTF was THAT?!? "I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself"...
Again, at least it wasn't Fall Out Boy.

OK, go ahead and fear them both... You have my permission. :cool:

Oh yeah, fear this guy while you're at it... I do. *shudder*

:rofl: glad you enjoyed that. and cool pic, I have a new desktop image :dance:

02-13-2006, 08:00 PM
Ok, you're a moron, there's a difference seeing as that is not from reality. And slade or behemoth, i forget who put "OMG, SWATSTIKA, I'M GONNA KILL PEOPLE!" When did i EVER say i wanted to kill them. The only person i could kill if my life wasn't in danger without hesitation is already dead, and that is hitler, and his officers i could kill easily as well. However, i just said i wanted to bonus ball them for wearing it because it's still a very real thing that still affects so many people to this day, those that were in camps, those that were in the war, the children of these people, jews, wearing that symbol shows you don't care about offending the many people that it offends, and for that i think bonus balling is fine. There's a big difference between that and nazis. But you've all shown you're insensitive to those people, oh, and way to go calling me a moron, from my past experiences, name calling is the last refuge of those without a valid arguement, as is sarcasm.
theres too much to argue, but you just dont seem to get it. so how about i propose this simple solution:

if the swatstika offends you that much, STAY AWAY FROM A WWII REENACTMENT.

02-14-2006, 08:08 AM
I'm from cleveland. :cool:
This is what we do to nazi supporters and the people that hate nazis too. :shooting:
Growing up in the anti-nazi hood can be damaging to a young child's development.


02-14-2006, 08:21 AM
But you've all shown you're insensitive to those people, oh, and way to go calling me a moron, from my past experiences, name calling is the last refuge of those without a valid arguement, as is sarcasm.

Normally. I'm beginning to think with you it may just be a statement of fact. :D

02-14-2006, 10:22 AM


Target Practice
02-14-2006, 11:15 AM

Film and story at 11.

02-14-2006, 02:38 PM


:confused: I don't get it...we are bunch of farm animals??


02-14-2006, 04:15 PM

02-14-2006, 04:16 PM

You win.



02-14-2006, 05:37 PM
Re: jerks & racists in paintball

There are jerks and racists in every sport. Maybe paintball attracts a few more, and maybe it doesn't. Who you meet on any given day, or at any given location is random. My own (fairly broad) experience is generally positive.

Re: swastikas, free speech and being offensive

Person A has a right to wear the swastika, or the KKK hood, to sing the Horst wessel song, or to print cartoons implying nasty things about Mohammed.

Person B has a right to be offended, and to say so. Only the property owner/event organizer has a right to forbid either expression of opinion (assuming an event on private property).

Neither party has the right to resort to violence.

"The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

/ Slade: excellent find!

02-14-2006, 05:44 PM
I dunno if you thought i would be offended, but i find that really funny.

02-14-2006, 06:08 PM
"The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
yay 8th grade history! :p

/ Slade: excellent find!
/score one for me

I dunno if you thought i would be offended, but i find that really funny.
umm, its supposed to be, its a joke. the arguments pretty much over... although actually i was half expecting to hear something to the effect of "OMG hes not wearing a swatstika, see its not necessary!"

02-14-2006, 06:21 PM
yay 8th grade history! :p

/score one for me

umm, its supposed to be, its a joke. the arguments pretty much over... although actually i was half expecting to hear something to the effect of "OMG hes not wearing a swatstika, see its not necessary!"
No, but as i said the uniform is distinctive so it's not needed in this case (probably why they left it out, not wanting to offend anyone), but yeah, i assumed you wanted a rise out of me, but i just found it hilarious, great find. And i know it's over, i just wanna put it in the past.

02-14-2006, 06:43 PM
No, but as i said the uniform is distinctive so it's not needed in this case (probably why they left it out, not wanting to offend anyone), but yeah, i assumed you wanted a rise out of me, but i just found it hilarious, great find. And i know it's over, i just wanna put it in the past.
lol, youre missing the point... again. it was meant as a joke. nothing else. i wasnt trying to provoke you.

someone kill this thread. now.

02-14-2006, 06:45 PM
lol, youre missing the point... again. it was meant as a joke. nothing else. i wasnt trying to provoke you.

someone kill this thread. now.
No, no, i get it was a joke, but there was still a bit of you wanting a rise out of me, you even said so, and i don't blame you, i'd probably do the same, but regardless, good find. And yeah, kill it.

02-14-2006, 06:56 PM
someone kill this thread. now.
I tried that on the very first page... and got flamed for it...

Instead, lets just continue to spam the thread with useless pics! It will die soon enough. Post Whores, UNITE! :clap:

02-14-2006, 07:00 PM
No, no, i get it was a joke, but there was still a bit of you wanting a rise out of me, you even said so, and i don't blame you, i'd probably do the same, but regardless, good find. And yeah, kill it.
yay, reading comprehension! i said i half expected you to respond that way, i never said i wanted you to or intended that.

02-14-2006, 07:06 PM
Methinks I smell a rat... and it's minty clean!!!


02-14-2006, 07:43 PM

From a philosophical standpoint, Godwin's Law could be said to exclude normative (emotional) considerations from a positivist (rational) discussion. Frequently, a reference to Hitler is used as an evocation of evil. Thus a discussion proceeding on a positivist examination of facts is considered terminated when this objective consideration is transformed into a normative discussion of subjective right and wrong. It is exacerbated by the frequent fallacy "Hitler did A, therefore A is evil" (Reductio ad Hitlerum.) However, as noted, the exceptions to Godwin's Law include the invocation of the Hitler comparison in a positivist manner that does not have a normative dimension.
In general, Godwin's Law does not apply in situations wherein one could reasonably expect Hitler or Nazis to be mentioned, such as a discussion of Germany in World War II. Exceptions, of course, may exist and should be obvious given the preceding discussion.

Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law)

bound for glory
02-15-2006, 04:36 PM
hey sniper :cheers: