View Full Version : CouterStrike, FireArms, or Day of Defeat

12-14-2001, 10:43 AM
Since AO paintball teams are popping up everywhere, I figure we should have an AO clan for all those half-life mods. Just add [A.O.] to the front or back of your name. So who's in? I'm currently running around various FireArms servers as minimag.

12-14-2001, 01:44 PM
I'm already in a clan for counterstrike, it's [TNA], I usually play on the lan though.

12-14-2001, 11:16 PM
tfc is the only game

12-15-2001, 12:33 AM
Why don't we just run an [AO] clan over all half life mods?

12-15-2001, 09:40 AM
Cs all the way....

12-15-2001, 10:02 AM
PDI=- ( insert name of the day here )

PDI is were I work, so others from the company will recognize me online if they ever see me

12-15-2001, 11:10 PM
i used to play cs till it stopped working.

12-16-2001, 12:43 AM
CS is cool, but its way too freakin easy to cheat.

Cheaters are unbearable, so I don't play as much as I used to. But I'll add AO next time I play anyway.

12-16-2001, 03:18 AM
I hate cheaters, that's why I rarely play on the internet. I'm at school, and we have a lot of servers right on the lan, where cheating isn't a problem at all. Most of the servers use punkbuster (http://www.punkbuster.com) I'm not sure how good it really works because people don't cheat on the lan servers, but it seems like a good idea.

Shifty Capone
12-16-2001, 10:01 AM
firearms is my all around favorite, but there development team sucks mucho! they have taken like a year to get half-way thru the new firearms........jebus they better get done soon, does cs have any new weapons?

12-16-2001, 03:43 PM
Man, I hate those CS hackers... That's why I kick their arses. Not all hackers can get instant kills so you can take em out fast if you're good...

12-16-2001, 03:49 PM
Punkbuster is hacked the Hook version I have can't be touched with puk buster... from what I've seen OGC has a new hack too that not even TSC can detect. If you play on my servers you will get banned if I suspect a cheat... no evidence is sometimes evidence enough I know for a fact that any OGC cheats out there do not through up cvar violations I have a little outdates vers that was awsome, for it's time

12-17-2001, 03:03 AM
CS needs the following things to stop being crap:

-Quake style Bunnyhopping
-a Railgun
-A grappling hook and/or jetpack
-No CS players :D

Damnit people, get Science and Industry (http://www.planethalflife.com/si) which is just plain better.

Or you could play Quake3 like real men :D

12-17-2001, 07:09 AM
I work on Firearms ... or I did, so I know all the guys.
And I know some people who made Dod.

and I can't stand Cs, *barfs*

2.6 is coming Shifty Capone, I beta test, so I know it will be worth it.