View Full Version : Dick's accident and the media

02-13-2006, 06:34 PM
Why is the media trying so hard to create a scandal out of this hunting accident?

I just watched 20 straight minutes of news and the reporters are doing nothing but trying to spin the amount of time it took for this to become public. It took them all of 3 seconds to say it was an accident and that the Senator who was shot would be fine. Why not leave it at that?

02-13-2006, 06:45 PM
Why is the media trying so hard to create a scandal out of this hunting accident?

I just watched 20 straight minutes of news and the reporters are doing nothing but trying to spin the amount of time it took for this to become public. It took them all of 3 seconds to say it was an accident and that the Senator who was shot would be fine. Why not leave it at that?

Because that's all they're good at.

The last real reporter this country had was Edward R. Murrow.

The rest are nothing but a bunch of hacks.

02-13-2006, 08:23 PM
Quit whining, you know darn well he shot him on purpose and its a conspiracy.

02-13-2006, 08:32 PM
The democrats finally got something that they could whine about, so they are taking it to the extreme. It is rediculous because it could happen to anybody. People get shot by accident every day I'm sure, and just because the VP did it it is like a global event.

Republicans :headbang:

02-13-2006, 08:51 PM
Ooooo the democrats are attacking! Batten the hatches and fix bayonets and what not! Im sorry, but accidentally shooting someone automatically makes you an idiot. Idiots should not lead countries.

02-13-2006, 09:24 PM
ya except its not like he walked up to him and shot him, the other guy was about 30 ft away and walked into dicks shooting lane. both are equally at fault.

02-13-2006, 09:40 PM
Im missing how that means hes not an idiot.

02-13-2006, 09:42 PM
cause this was not his fault, if you ever gone hunting like that, you would know. But this is turning into a political battle which is not allowed so im just gonna drop it.

02-13-2006, 09:54 PM
I have gone hunting like that. Shooting someone in that situation automatically makes you an idiot. Especially with an ironsighted shotgun, it is more than easy enough to see if youre pointing your gun at someone. And my accusation of idiocy in this instance has nothing to do with politics.

Recon by Fire
02-13-2006, 10:07 PM
One less attorney in the world? :cool: Nobody told the VP what the bag limit was, lay off...

02-13-2006, 10:24 PM
ya except it wasnt an iron sight gun, it was a shotgun and he was shooting at a bird in the air. The pellets just hit the man downfield.

02-13-2006, 10:43 PM
Err... I dont know any people that go bird hunting with a scope on a shotgun. They all use the open sights on. But thats not really my point. Anyone who shoots someone 30 yards away when theyre wearing a blaze orange vest in a lightly vegetated area is unaware of their surroundings and should not be allowed to shoot a weapon, reproduce, or govern.

02-13-2006, 11:31 PM
I have gone hunting like that. Shooting someone in that situation automatically makes you an idiot. Especially with an ironsighted shotgun, it is more than easy enough to see if youre pointing your gun at someone. And my accusation of idiocy in this instance has nothing to do with politics.
Skeet and trap require the shooter to swing the shotgun and shoot. so its not like "hey theres a guy and im going to shoot in his direction". The bird probably flew farther then he expected
and I dont have any facts to back this up but im guessing that this is fairly common

02-14-2006, 12:02 AM
Yes it is fairly common, but then so are idiots. It should have gone down something like this:

Edit: Thinking that one through, I now realize that he is an old man and probably doesnt have the reflexes of a thundercougarfalconbird like I do, and probably couldnt have reacted fast enough. In that case, he still shouldnt be operating firearms.

02-14-2006, 12:51 AM
I heard that the guy who got shot had his back to the sun... don't know if it's true.

Who cares anyways!

02-14-2006, 01:33 AM
ya it happens quit frequently actually but you only hear about this since it was dick. and since i wasnt there, and most of the media wasnt either, its hard to tell what happened exactly. It could easily happen to anyone, dick was looking at the bird in his area and shot unknowing that someone had walked into his hunting area. And the other guy might not of been wearing blaze orange in the first place. Its not required for bird hunting, some vests have it but some dont.

02-14-2006, 01:45 AM
I could care less about the political side of this arguement. BUT... if anyone here has taken a hunter safety course (required in the state of Utah, where I am from), the main rule is, know what you are shooting at and what is behind/in front of it. If someone is in your shooting lane, don't shoot. If you don't know what is beyond your target, don't shoot. In the end the person pulling the trigger should always know what is beyond there target before pulling it. Idiotic move by our VP and he deserves to be ripped apart for it, even if they other guy is ok. (BTW I've been hunting deer, elk, rabbits, and pheasants for 10 yrs)

Gitaroo Man
02-14-2006, 02:50 AM
Because the media does it with everything if you haven't noticed.

02-14-2006, 03:06 AM
I’m surprised the man can shoot a gun. I figure he would have a heart attack from the bang. :rofl:

Hmmm, this sounds familiar. Aim for one thing but hit something else… duck is to Osama, as senator is to Iraq?

:shooting:--30yds-- :wow:

(these little faces can be funny in the right order)

I could give a crap about politics, and the media being stupid… I honestly don’t care. I just think its funny that the vice-president, a person some of you elected to make good decisions, accidentally shoots someone. :tard:

02-14-2006, 08:49 AM
I have posted elsewhere that I do not hold Cheney, the man who was hit, or the rest of the party blameless in this. There is enough fault to go around.

That being said, you do swing, for those that have ever hunted quail the birds are friggin fast, and dart here and there in the sky. If one is not extremely careful it is possible to loose track of what is beyond your target Not loosing track is an important part of shooting ie know your target and beyond - so don't think of that as a cop out.

As to the delay in involving the media. The man was properly cared for, the media eventually was told. The accident was reported to the proper people (the media not being one of them). Politicians do odd things when something like this happens. Hmm, kinda like Ted Kennedy waiting 24hrs to report a car accident that involved a fatality... but not so criminal...

02-14-2006, 07:15 PM
One less attorney in the world? :cool: Nobody told the VP what the bag limit was, lay off...

Aha, nice one!

/have to admit this should be a non-story
//Cheney for Supreme Chancell--er, uh... Emperor!

02-15-2006, 07:22 PM
They main reason there is a BIG story coming from this is not the act itself, but because the white house withheld information for an extended period of time.

Recon by Fire
02-15-2006, 10:22 PM
Yes, what did they know and when did they know it! Shotgungate! Attica! Freeee---dddooomm!

02-15-2006, 10:26 PM
They main reason there is a BIG story coming from this is not the act itself, but because the white house withheld information for an extended period of time.

From whom? Who did he hold information from? His staff provided medical attention, they notified the local sherrif and the convservation officers (whatever they are down there), both conducted an investigation which everyone cooperated with. The people in the media who are having a hissy fit because they were not notified... Noone had a legal obligation to notify them, sorry there not as important as they think they are.

02-15-2006, 11:51 PM
No, I think it is such a big story because our VP negligently shot somebody.

02-16-2006, 12:22 AM
It's a big story for one reason. Dick Cheney is secretive and he does not engage the media hardly at all. The media has been upset with him for years that he doesn't do enough interviews, press conferences (none in the last 3 years), and the such. He often doesn't comment to reporters after explosive things happen involving him (swearing out a Senator on the floor of the Senate). The media just doesn't like Dick Cheney and the way he treats them. And now they're getting back at him.

It has less to do with partisan politics and more to with the fact that someone the media can't stand did something stupid and they'll show no mercy in going for the throat of a guy that did something dumb, by accident, that he honestly regrets.

The big cries fromt he media will be about a "cover up", which is MSM code for "Why weren't we important enough to be told first?"

Ignore all the democrat/republican theories. The story will be blown out of proportion by personal animus between the VP and MSM.

02-16-2006, 10:04 AM
No, I think it is such a big story because our VP negligently shot somebody.

And this directly affects you how, exactly?

02-16-2006, 10:35 AM
No, I think it is such a big story because our VP negligently shot somebody.

So... he's now been charged and convicted of negligence? Not that I think he was blameless, but there is a long step between an accident and negligence.

I still maintain he was under no obligation to tell the media. He rendered (or his staff did) the best medical care available there, sought immediate better medical care, notified the proper authorities, and stayed with the guy most of the time. What was he supposed to do differently? The media is far too self important anyways.

02-16-2006, 06:22 PM
Remember the News Attention Hillary Received when the ran a cop over? (http://www.papillonsartpalace.com/hillaryR.htm)

The reason I bring this up isn't partisan, but rather to further my point that the Dick Cheney story is only receiving the attention it is because the MSM really doesn't like him personally. When a Senator that the MSM is partial too basically ran a cop over it wasn't news. But when Dick Cheney has a hunting accident it's the biggest scandal ever.

02-16-2006, 06:33 PM
Remember the News Attention Hillary Received when the ran a cop over? (http://www.papillonsartpalace.com/hillaryR.htm)

The reason I bring this up isn't partisan, but rather to further my point that the Dick Cheney story is only receiving the attention it is because the MSM really doesn't like him personally. When a Senator that the MSM is partial too basically ran a cop over it wasn't news. But when Dick Cheney has a hunting accident it's the biggest scandal ever.

For 50 points and a case of Rice-A-Roni....

How long did the Clinton administration take before commenting of the "suicide" of Vince Foster?

Recon by Fire
02-17-2006, 12:05 AM
The poor troubled guy could not handle it anymore and committed suicide by firing two shots into the back of his head. Such a tragedy :tard: :eek: :wow: :p

02-17-2006, 12:30 AM
Bu-bu-bu-but Clinton!

/albinonewt is right
//without being an idiot
///should stick to E&D

02-17-2006, 03:18 AM
For 50 points and a case of Rice-A-Roni....

How long did the Clinton administration take before commenting of the "suicide" of Vince Foster?

Are you implying that Dick Cheney shot Vince Foster too?

02-17-2006, 03:29 AM
Its another conspiracy!

Recon by Fire
02-17-2006, 03:39 AM
It was certainly not done by any killer hillbillies from Arkansas :ninja: :rofl:

02-17-2006, 10:46 AM
Are you implying that Dick Cheney shot Vince Foster too?

At this point I'm sure that thought had crossed at least Helen Thomas' and David Gregory's minds.

Don't you guys know ANYTHING?

Dick Cheney shot his hunting partner to send a message to Scooter Libby to not implicate him in anything.*

His hunting partner is actually DEAD, and a body double has been brought in to replace him.*

Haliburton funded the entire operation out of the illegal oil we've stolen and smuggled out of Iraq in empty WMD containers.*

(*actual stories taken from Democratic Underground)

02-17-2006, 11:05 AM
My theory is that since President Bush expanded Medicare and Medicaid Dick Cheney feels he's entitiled to gun down and old person from time to time.

Probably that was part of the deal they struck with the AARP when the administration got their endorsement.

02-17-2006, 03:17 PM
My theory is that since President Bush expanded Medicare and Medicaid Dick Cheney feels he's entitiled to gun down and old person from time to time.

Probably that was part of the deal they struck with the AARP when the administration got their endorsement.

Cheney was told that Whittington was actually John Kerry in disguise, and that Kerry was there to get proof that the entire hunting trip was funded by Halliburton.

02-17-2006, 03:34 PM
I have posted elsewhere that I do not hold Cheney, the man who was hit, or the rest of the party blameless in this. There is enough fault to go around.

Damn straight.

As to the delay in involving the media. The man was properly cared for, the media eventually was told. The accident was reported to the proper people (the media not being one of them).

And THAT is the stupidity of the media. Of all the coverage, it seemed like none was about what happened, or the concequences to the vice-presidency.

The media (and that left and right media folks), was concerned about themselves first and only themselves. They start screaming scandal as soon as the story breaks.

Similar to the Wayne Gretzky crap we have to put up with in the media here. Or in Montreal, the Jose Theodore drug "scandal".

The damned media screams scandal and how much it's being talked about, when they're the only ones talking about it.

So, are they reporting the news or inciting the public? If they were reporting, NEVER would you hear the word scandal or *gate from a reporter. Only if a third party named it that or determined scandal.