View Full Version : I will NEVER do buisness with Assassins paintball again

02-14-2006, 05:34 PM
Poor me. I ordered 4 cases of Powerball paintballs form Assassins paintball to get the free shipping. Their site says orders shipped same day if received by a certain time. I placed my order on a Saturday thinking they would be shipped on Monday and I would have them by the weekend.

The paintballs did not ship until Wednesday. I received them on Monday. When I opened them up I found 4 cases of Proto paintballs. All of the padding in the box was on the top. All of the cases were sitting on the bare bottom of the box.

When I opened them up to inspect, I only found two (2) bags that did not have broken balls in them. That is 2 bags out of 16!! I sent them a message letting them know how displeased I was for the following reasons.

1) the package was shipped late and I did not get them in time for my sons birthday.

2) the paintballs were not what I ordered. The Powerball said it was in stock

3) the packaging was horrible. No padding in the bottom of the box at all

I received a message back telling me they had a bad batch of Powerball that would not break on anything so they sent the Proto. He said the packaging was fine but there is no guarantee on the way UPS handles the package.

I was never notified about the situation of the Powerball and he substituted with out my knowledge. I can see giving different colors but not brands with out notification. I am not unreasonable in my expectations. I do feel that, that many broken balls must say something about the packaging.

I spent about 4 hours opening all of the bags and cleaning the balls off the best I could. I truly hope they work ok. It is hard for me to lose $160 in paintballs. I removed about 50 broken balls from the packages!

I will NEVER buy from them again! If you are in the market for paintballs or anything else I would suggest looking for someone with better customer service. I am very displeased all the way around with my dealing with Assassins paintball.

02-14-2006, 05:38 PM
Man, that sucks, i hope that they work fine and are still quality paintballs.

02-14-2006, 05:39 PM
Hey that kinda sucks. I would ship it back and ask for the orriginal balls you wanted, I would rather have some paint which would not break on anything rather than a bunch o broken balls.
Where I come from the state has a law which we do not have to pay for what we didn't ask for to handle cases like this.

02-14-2006, 05:42 PM
That really sucks man, similar thing happened to me but from Action Village. Luckily then refunded my purchase (gave me a store credit). I would give a call to your local Better Bussiness Bureau and file a complaint. Let them know that your order was subsituted without notification, and your package was recieved in horrible condition. They will set things straight.

Never, no matter who you buy them from, buy paintballs online.

02-14-2006, 05:48 PM
If you used a credit card, call them and check on their fraud prevention policies. They might be willing to do a chargeback, as you did not get what you ordered. A company can not simply sub out whatever they want unless it is clearly stated in their policies.

02-14-2006, 05:51 PM
I am going to contact the BBB. At least Action Village did you right instead of blowing you off. Things happen, I know that but I think this is a little too far. A friend was going to buy a case from me becasue he wanted Powerball not Proto. Now I am stuck with 4 cases of crap and lost 4 hours of my night in an attempt to save them.

02-14-2006, 05:52 PM
If you used a credit card, call them and check on their fraud prevention policies. They might be willing to do a chargeback, as you did not get what you ordered. A company can not simply sub out whatever they want unless it is clearly stated in their policies.

I was going to do that too. Their policy says that I should have been notified by phone or email. I received neither.

02-14-2006, 06:35 PM
i do seem to think that they tried to do you a service, and make you a happy customer, by giving you more expensive paint for the same price, now was it much of a difference? no, but still, you cannot say they did not try. plus, proto, when not broken, is some really nice paint.

02-14-2006, 06:53 PM
I am not trying to say that they sent me crappy paint (besides it being all broken up). It is kind of like buying a chevy and the dealer them giving you a Ford without you knowledge. I bought and paid for Powerball. That is what I wanted for my own reasons. If they would have let me known, I would have cancelled the order and no harm would have come. I could have bought some other paint and had it here by the weekend.

02-14-2006, 07:13 PM
assassinspaintball.com Paintball Warranty Policy

The most cost effective method of shipping paintballs is UPS Ground. Next Day Air, 2nd Day Air, and 3 Day Select will have high shipping cost due to the heavy weight of paintballs. Priority mail will also be expensive and will not deliver more than 1 Case, due to weight restrictions.

We inspect each case before shipping for broken or damaged paint. Once the paintballs leave our door, we have no control over UPS and the treatment of packages.

There are no returns/exchanges on paintballs. All paintball sales are FINAL.

They say nothing about substitutions for color or brand. They cannot ship you the wrong item according to their policy. You have the right to return the item simply because they sent the wrong item. The fact that the balls are broken is actually irrelevent in terms of their policy.

02-14-2006, 07:37 PM
You had a contract with them and they breached, it so your in the right, they owe you $160. You can find the exact law in the uniform commercial code. About this.

02-14-2006, 08:09 PM
you guys are trying to destroy a good company..these guys are a great company, i have deakt with them before..and had no issue..no one is perfect..i would never order paint online...i like to go to the shop..and see the paint for my self..i know people who worked for ups..they dont give a crap..they were out of the paint you wanted so they gave you better paint?? and your complaining? am i mising something here..think of it as if you were the business, ..they tried to please you..and did what they could..

02-14-2006, 08:46 PM
you guys are trying to destroy a good company..these guys are a great company, i have deakt with them before..and had no issue..no one is perfect..i would never order paint online...i like to go to the shop..and see the paint for my self..i know people who worked for ups..they dont give a crap..they were out of the paint you wanted so they gave you better paint?? and your complaining? am i mising something here..think of it as if you were the business, ..they tried to please you..and did what they could..

I am not trying to destroy anything. If they would have advised me of it I would have canceled my order. If I had a store around here that had good prices and selection I would buy local.

I am not making up things. If people read this and decide not to buy from Assassins then fine. If they think they want to then they will. Everyone still has free choice. I am just letting my experience be heard. I however, will chose to never buy from them again.

I will add one more thing. I was not looking for very brittle tournament type paint. My son shoots an A-5. I wanted something a little tougher. I suspect it will probably work fine in my Viking.

02-14-2006, 08:53 PM
Not being able to examine the paint and being at the mercy of UPS/FEDEX/USPS package handlers is not worth saving a few extra bucks IMO.

Pretty much no matter what internet store you go to, getting good unbroken paint through the mail is pretty much hit or miss.

02-14-2006, 08:55 PM
you guys are trying to destroy a good company..these guys are a great company, i have deakt with them before..and had no issue..no one is perfect..i would never order paint online...i like to go to the shop..and see the paint for my self..i know people who worked for ups..they dont give a crap..they were out of the paint you wanted so they gave you better paint?? and your complaining? am i mising something here..think of it as if you were the business, ..they tried to please you..and did what they could..

If a company is truly good, then of course it's ok form them to make a minor screw up. But this isn't minor. This is a lot of money and they acting like jackholes. No one is perfect, but in this case, these guys acted unprofessionaly. If a company acts like that once, it's unlikely that it's just a fluke. I'll never order from these idiots either. If they made a mistake they should have corrected it. Not act like ebay employees.

02-14-2006, 09:03 PM
you guys are trying to destroy a good company..these guys are a great company, i have deakt with them before..and had no issue..no one is perfect..i would never order paint online...i like to go to the shop..and see the paint for my self..i know people who worked for ups..they dont give a crap..they were out of the paint you wanted so they gave you better paint?? and your complaining? am i mising something here..think of it as if you were the business, ..they tried to please you..and did what they could..

Accurate reporting of an experience is a neutral observation, Granted he said he was unhappy, but he seemed to report his experience pretty much as it happened. Draw your own conclusions from his experience.

02-14-2006, 09:06 PM
damn streight man i would go and make them give me some new paintballs...w/e dude sry bout that

02-14-2006, 09:09 PM
Not being able to examine the paint and being at the mercy of UPS/FEDEX/USPS package handlers is not worth saving a few extra bucks IMO.

Pretty much no matter what internet store you go to, getting good unbroken paint through the mail is pretty much hit or miss.

I actually agree with this. Except for specialty items where brand is important to me I buy things locally. It doesnt hurt that my local shop gives me great deals

02-14-2006, 09:24 PM
Same happened to me from Order paintball.com. I ordered a pack and the sent me a smaller, cheaper one. They did not reduce the price for me though.

02-15-2006, 02:06 AM
I actually agree with this. Except for specialty items where brand is important to me I buy things locally. It doesnt hurt that my local shop gives me great deals
If you were a stocking dealer, and received a shipment of poorly packaged and broken balls for YOUR sales and profits, would you say the same thing? Yes, it is the same thing,

He ordered in good faith, Powerball paint (maybe he WANTED the harder shell). What he got was another brand, and damaged goods. Regardless if he was given a higher quality paint, because that paint was ruined by broken balls due to poor shipping procedures on their part.

Their policy may say "We cannot be responsible for UPS handling damage", but shouldn't that apply only AFTER they packaged the product as sure as possible...which they obviously didn't? That's like buying a car, but when you get it, the glass is all broken and the airbags are deployed...."Sorry buddy, no refunds due to shipping damage".

I'd hit them with every nasty-gram possible.

Some of you guys forget: Not everyone lives within a Mom's car drive from a paintball shop.

02-15-2006, 02:37 AM
The facts are this, IF they shipped on time, IF they sent me what I ordered, and IF they would of used due care when packaging the box I would not have posted for all to see. Assassins did none of the above which equates to poor service in my mind.

If I did receive it with a bunch of broken balls and it was wrapped properly I could blame UPS. We all know that most packages are not treated nicely. Especially when they are heavy, like 64 lbs of paintballs in one box. If the way my box was packaged is their standard that they use I can not imagine that I am the only one with this problem.

I am just informing people so they can make a more informed decision when choosing who to buy things from. Some companies have better service than others.

02-15-2006, 07:06 AM
If you were a stocking dealer, and received a shipment of poorly packaged and broken balls for YOUR sales and profits, would you say the same thing? Yes, it is the same thing,

He ordered in good faith, Powerball paint (maybe he WANTED the harder shell). What he got was another brand, and damaged goods. Regardless if he was given a higher quality paint, because that paint was ruined by broken balls due to poor shipping procedures on their part.

Their policy may say "We cannot be responsible for UPS handling damage", but shouldn't that apply only AFTER they packaged the product as sure as possible...which they obviously didn't? That's like buying a car, but when you get it, the glass is all broken and the airbags are deployed...."Sorry buddy, no refunds due to shipping damage".

I'd hit them with every nasty-gram possible.

Some of you guys forget: Not everyone lives within a Mom's car drive from a paintball shop.

Actually I defended his statements earlier in the thread. I am not going to buy paint shipped by UPS. When it comes into the store on pallets theres some wih broken paint in them here and there (I normally end up inspecting pallets of paint, or helping do so) that the store owner sells "as is" at very cheap prices. If I'm buying paint its going to be local, and I am going to have the right to inspect it first :).

That being said, I think he has stated his experience reasonably and given information for others to make an informed decision on. It is unlikely that the ball he ordered would have broken as easily during shipment, and he should have received what he ordered. Paint breaking in UPS shipment cannot be controlled. Though, better packaging most certainly should have been employed. I think he's entitled to a refund. Not due to the broken paintballs (see the policy above), arguably due to the poor shipping, arguably due to the failure to ship on time as stated in policy (a clear breech of contract), but unquestionably due to the unauthorized substitution.

02-15-2006, 06:35 PM
i am foryunate enough to live within short drives to several paintball shops..but not everyone is as fortunate..so i guess some people HAVE to order ups.

Baby Huey
02-15-2006, 09:08 PM
Sorry about your situation. Instead of debating everything I have a solution for the future. www.firstcallpaintball.com I have been ordering 4 cases at a time (free shipping) for 1 1/2 years (over 100,000 paintballs) and I have not had a single problem. Not a broken ball. I always have it on the third business day after I order via ups. Good luck and God Bless.

02-15-2006, 09:44 PM
I would first write them a nice email, requesting that they replace your product due to its brand. Let them know that if Powerball is out of stock, then you would not like a replacement at this time. Do not try to argue about policy with them, because then they will use that as an excuse for everything (just as most companies do). More than anything else tell them how disapointed you were to see the wrong brand, especially before your son's party.

If that does not help, ask to speak to their Sales Rep and let them know your troubles with the Customer Service people. Tell him/her that you will no longer use them as a source for paintball supplies if this issue if not resolved. That should do it.

If not, BBB is the way to go. I am 16, and I think I have gotten them involved in things 2 or 4 times and have always gotten my way with whoever gave me trouble. At that point you can also request compensation for the time that you spent dealing with this, ie a 10% discount, free shipping (they are gonna charge you to send the new ones for sure) or a credit for your next purchase.