View Full Version : w00t vacation rules

02-14-2006, 10:48 PM
Heck yes. Vacations rule.

Every year for the past 11 years my family has gone on a winter vacation. We have a tourist/summer buisness so it is the only time we can get out of the place. Plus living on an island sucks in the winter time. Only thing to do is paintball. It gets too cold to surf.

All of our vacations have been out west. We stay in or around SLC UT for 4-6 weeks :wow: And let me say it has been awesome this year. First 3 weeks we got snow almost everyday. Can anybody say POWDER. Now this past week has not been too good. No fresh snow. But some in the forcast for the next few days. Saddly we leave to go home on Sat. What luck. We leave when the snow comes back. :cry: It will be nice to see my friends and do some ballin though.

Don't vacations rule. Anybody else get to do this. I enjoy it.

Darn, had a cool link but it doesn't exist anymore. Huh.

02-15-2006, 02:14 AM
Just out of curiosity (your profile says you're 14), what do you do about school? Home-schooled?

02-15-2006, 09:27 PM
Actually I'm not Home schooled. I am doing my work here and now. I have an internet course and I go to a small school so I can just have my teachers give me my work. :p

EDIT: woot #600

Recon by Fire
02-15-2006, 10:26 PM
Vacation!? :mad:

I haven't even had a day off since October.